Grief in The Walking Dead *SPOILERS*

First of all, let me make this clear: In no circumstance can real grief be compared to grief about characters in a game, and I'm deeply sorry if this offends anyone.
Now, with that out of the way, let me cut to the chase: I have never grieved about anyone, the only death in my life was that my grandma died when I was 5, so I don't remember it much.
This question is pointed at who did lose someone.
Is "grieving" about a dead character in TWD (Lee, Omid, Glenn etc.) has any similarities to grieving about someone real (family, friend etc.)?
You absolutely don't need to open old wounds if you don't want to, but to those who are willing to share, you are welcome.
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I think it's a different feeling. Seeing someone die in fiction is not as bad as seeing someone dying in real life.
I only lost a grandpa a couple years ago, and went to a cousin's funeral. Just seeing the other people grieving about someone they lost makes you wannna cry.
Lee was a special guy though, it's really hard to explain. It's just a different type of sadness.
No, they aren't similar. At least not for me. Sure losing your favorite character sucks but it doesn't compare to losing someone you love.
That's what I expected I guess.
Well, not really but at the same time yes, it depends on how sensible you are or maybe if the character has similarities to someone you lost well it can hurt, not as much as the real person who you lost but it reminds you what you felt, for example when i saw Lee dying i remembered my dad rest in peace, also when Lilly says: i didnt even get to say goodbye, man i know Lilly did something wrong but those words reminded me how selfish i was when i last saw my dad, so yeah a character dead can be really sad depending or your past experience.
No. I'd say the mind handles fictional grief and real grief in a very different way. Fictional grief gets you at the time and might stay in the back of your head for a while, but real grief tends to leave a gaping hole for however long it takes for you to move on, which might be never for some people - and unlike fictional characters, you know you're never going to see them again, in anything.
I'm using my brother who I lost to leukemia for reference here. I wasn't even very close to him and what I felt there is in a whole other league than anything fictional media can do. Not to say there was no legitimate sadness at things like Lee's death, it just can't really be compared. It's a different feeling entirely.
Either way, I'm sorry for your loss.
Thanks, I'm deeply sorry for your loss.
I'm sorry for your loss.
It's two different types of sadness, it's hard to explain.
Technically you could develop a family-like obsessive attachment to a video game character. In that case, their death would probably hit you hard, like the death of a real person close to you. But overall people should understand it's a video game and know very well that in this game, nearly everyone will probably die, so I don't see any reason for any grieving over than just a little bit of the sads.
Damn @GOUSTTTT, that's cold. He was your brother after all. No matter what, you sholudn't talk like that. God, you make me feel sad.
I've never grieved about a game- or video-character and not about a real human. Got enough problems on my own, so I'm not really concerned with others. Maybe I lack basic empathy, but who cares.
... My big brother died in 2008 in a car crash, a few days before New Years Eve. It was painful for me and my family.
No, not really. I lost my mom back in December, and it was more like I was in shock, like numb, and however sad, I didn't cry, but I was DEFINITELY sad, and I guess it was a sad I'd never felt before, and it lasted for a month, and even though it's a little better, it's horrible, and will never leave. With deaths in TWD (particularly Lee's, because that one's the only one that has made me cry every time) it was more sadness that made me shed tars, but I got over it quickly, like in a few minutes. So, like everyone else said, it's different.
Sorry to hear that... Did you see even small similarities to that when you saw someone fictional die?
I'm sorry for your loss...
I think it's best to leave Goust to what he believes is right. I'm sure he has his reasons for talking about his brother like that.
Yes I have. My mother died when I was two so I've never got to know her so I have to remember her by is my old teddy bear (I still have it) she gave to me when I was a baby and the stories I hear of her. I learned the truth about it when I was 6. My uncle when I was a toddler when I was learning how to walk. And when I was 14 my grandmother (my only grandparent I had left and known) died, which had the biggest effect on me. The first week I felt emotionless then I began to grieve. For years on I had no emotions except rage. Since last year though, I think with all the trauma I finally snapped a bit and now I'm a little crazy. Plus I start to feel again ever since Episode 2 of TWD S2 and when my sister said something; I grieved for my mother for a little while after that because before I didn't even bother thinking she was alive or dead, it felt painless before until the realization.
Gosh, hearing these stories makes me glad to have a family who is still completely alive. I know it won't stay like this forever, but I'll enjoy it while it lasts, I guess.
Sorry for all of your losses.
That's your personal life man. I don't want to disturb your personal life. Either way, sorry for your loss. Take care @GOUSTTTT.
Damn, sounds like your life has been rough... Hope it's better these days.
You're a great person Awesome
Wow here are very sad storys. I only lost my dog(se2ep1[telltale u son of a bitch]) when I was little. He was a good boy
He had a good life and it was for me as a kid a lesson what it means to take responsibility. He had a good life and he'd become really old. RIP Gonzo!
Yeah I agree I can't imagine losing your mom, dad or sister/brother.
I am really lucky except that my grandfather (on dads side) died when I was four so I'm really lucky.
I'm sorry for everyone else who have lost someone
No problem. As your community family, we'll always have your back no matter what. You can count on us
Well, in Naruto Shippuden, Itachi who was Sasuke's big brother died so... Yeah.
It's common respect to me, but thank you.
Hope you'll see better days, sorry for your loss man...
Yeah, It's kinda strange hearing it all in one day, from people you thought you (relatively) knew.
Sorry about your dog man, I bet it's just as hard if not harder than losing a close friend. I've always wanted a dog but my dad's allergic to fur.. god dammit.
I feel like it depends on how the character is ... I mean. If the writers are doing a good job and you start to really like a character ... I don't know it's hard to explain.
Of course it's not the same pain but sometimes it can be hurtful. And i think it also depends on how sensitive you are.
In the moment it's somewhat similar, but not so much in the long term. In general, real grief is way harder to get past especially if you aren't the kind of person to "cry it out". It feels like losing a limb. You probably won't be crying over it in a couple of years, but every so often you will hear/smell/see something that will bring back phantom pains, a reminder of what you loss. There's no way to 'make it all better', so you learn how to live without it and keep moving forward.
Thanks, Sorry about yours too.
It's ok, I don't remember anything from her so I guess I just don't think about it.
Yes it has. I mean look how happy I am now!
Yes I actually did lose it a little, but it eases the pain. My smile and laughter blocks it all.
You're a special kind of stupid aren't you?
I don't mean to be a prying asshat, but what did he do?
If your favourite character dies then you can just replay and experience them all over again.
With real women and men, we don't get that luxury.
There's no need to be rude. He was just asking for others opinions about a fairly open topic.
I was sadder when my cousin's pet hamster died than when Lee did, my cousin has a sorta shitty life, dad abandoned him, mother was addicted to drugs for a while, ETC. It devastated him, and it was very hard to watch, because it was a real living thing, not a few textures and pages of code.