Grief in The Walking Dead *SPOILERS*



  • Yes ofcourse. Comparing fictional deaths to real ones. That's normal.

    Flog61 posted: »

    There's no need to be rude. He was just asking for others opinions about a fairly open topic.

    edited April 2014

    I don't think we should interfere with his personal life man, he'll tell if he wants to.

    I don't mean to be a prying asshat, but what did he do?

    edited April 2014

    Read the first line of the OP genius, I bolded it for people like you who speak before they read.

    You're a special kind of stupid aren't you?

  • Well, my brother had a disease he was born with and he wouldn't live past 18. It sucked so bad knowing that his days were limited. I didn't want to believe it, but it happened. I think real death is worse because if you want to see lee again, all you have to do is replay the game.

  • Firstly, you didn't say it wasn't normal, you said it was stupid.

    Secondly, why is comparing fictional deaths to real ones weird?

    Yes ofcourse. Comparing fictional deaths to real ones. That's normal.

  • edited April 2014

    EDIT: Removed my comment as it made no sense after you edited yours.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Read the first line of the OP genius, I bolded it for people like you who speak before they read.

    edited April 2014

    How am I rude? I knew this would hurt people so I wrote that I'm sorry if it does, and people who lost their loved ones commented here without being offended (I hope). I've never experienced that feeling and I was curious, and I said no one has to tell about it unless he wants to.

    I need a better explanation of why am I wrong

    Flog61 posted: »

    EDIT: Removed my comment as it made no sense after you edited yours.

    edited April 2014

    Sorry for thy loss (I'm trying to change the sentence so it won't be dull XD)

    Tyranitar posted: »

    Well, my brother had a disease he was born with and he wouldn't live past 18. It sucked so bad knowing that his days were limited. I didn't

  • edited your post.

    You originally called the guy a 'dumbass', which I think was rude.

    Also, it's a bit of a dick move to edit your comment and try to make me seem stupid by calling a completely fine comment rude.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    How am I rude? I knew this would hurt people so I wrote that I'm sorry if it does, and people who lost their loved ones commented here witho

    edited April 2014

    Yeah, because I realized I wanted to end it there, and that was the truth, I was only being truthful.

    You think 'dumbass' is rude? You must be very polite huh? You should see what some people write.

    I can change it back if you want, I just didn't want to offend him like he did me.

    Flog61 posted: » edited your post. You originally called the guy a 'dumbass', which I think was rude. Also, it's a bit of a dick move to edit your comment and try to make me seem stupid by calling a completely fine comment rude.

  • Firstly, yes I did. Because it's true.
    Secondly, because comparing deaths of characters in games you play to relatives is, you said it, weird.
    And not just weird, very very stupid.

    Flog61 posted: »

    Firstly, you didn't say it wasn't normal, you said it was stupid. Secondly, why is comparing fictional deaths to real ones weird?

  • Dont worry about it and tnx ^^ glad i could help ^^

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Thanks, I'm deeply sorry for your loss.

  • edited April 2014

    Well, I wouldn't call my friends and loved ones 'dumbass' unless I was being sarcastic.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Yeah, because I realized I wanted to end it there, and that was the truth, I was only being truthful. You think 'dumbass' is rude? You mu

    edited April 2014

    What? I don't call my loved ones 'dumbass'. The hell are you talking about?

    Flog61 posted: »

    Well, I wouldn't call my friends and loved ones 'dumbass' unless I was being sarcastic.

  • I'm not offended. I just think it's very very very stupid comparing. Even if you haven't lost anyone yet.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    How am I rude? I knew this would hurt people so I wrote that I'm sorry if it does, and people who lost their loved ones commented here witho

  • Spoiler

    I'm not offended. I just think it's very very very stupid comparing. Even if you haven't lost anyone yet.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    How am I rude? I knew this would hurt people so I wrote that I'm sorry if it does, and people who lost their loved ones commented here witho

  • edited April 2014

    Are you the police of forums? What the fuck are you doing?

    Flog61 posted: » edited your post. You originally called the guy a 'dumbass', which I think was rude. Also, it's a bit of a dick move to edit your comment and try to make me seem stupid by calling a completely fine comment rude.

  • edited April 2014

    I'm replying to your post, as is the nature of a forum.

    If I think you are being mean or trying to make me look bad unfairly, then of course I'm going to speak up about it.

    Are you the police of forums? What the fuck are you doing?

  • "You originally called the guy a 'dumbass', which I think was rude."

    "There's no need to be rude."

    And I'm talking to the OP, and the OP was talking to me. No one talked to you.

    Flog61 posted: »

    I'm replying to your post, as is the nature of a forum. If I think you are being mean or trying to make me look bad unfairly, then of course I'm going to speak up about it.

  • edited April 2014

    And yet, it seems most people agreed with me when I told you not to be rude, as seen by your 11 dislikes compared to my 6 likes.

    I am perfectly allowed to ask you to speak calmly if I think you aren't. That doesn't make me the forum police, that just makes me a person with an opinion and the freedom to express it.

    "You originally called the guy a 'dumbass', which I think was rude." "There's no need to be rude." And I'm talking to the OP, and the OP was talking to me. No one talked to you.

    edited April 2014

    Why? I'm just trying to discuss things here, there's no need to be offensive and call it 'stupid', didn't you notice that everyone else didn't get pissed off? I need you to explain because you're repeating the same thing over and over again.

    I'm not offended. I just think it's very very very stupid comparing. Even if you haven't lost anyone yet.

    edited April 2014

    Really? Dislikes for this? I don't know what's more rude than that.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Sorry for thy loss (I'm trying to change the sentence so it won't be dull XD)

  • edited April 2014

    Imo its not even close, a personal relationship cant compare to some made up character in a video game. If you really are more upset about lee or clem potentially dying than your own family member or close friend theirs something wrong.

  • I'm not, I never mourned someone so I asked you guys.

    X3Holy3 posted: »

    Imo its not even close, a personal relationship cant compare to some made up character in a video game. If you really are more upset about lee or clem potentially dying than your own family member or close friend theirs something wrong.

  • edited April 2014

    You are seriously comparing dislikes? Dude, I'm talking to OP, not you, and not them. People can dislike however they like, nothing changes. I dont care about your or their opinion, just OPs.

    Yes you are allowed to say whatever you want. I'm not questioning that. But since, once again, I'm not talking to you but OP, calls his question stupid (because that's what I think), you just pops in and tells me not to be rude?

    Imagine walking down the street, you overhear two people talking, and one of them calls the other one stupid. Do you jump in telling him not to be rude? Because that's what you did in this thread, and that's why I'm asking if you are the forumpolice.

    Flog61 posted: »

    And yet, it seems most people agreed with me when I told you not to be rude, as seen by your 11 dislikes compared to my 6 likes. I am per

  • edited April 2014

    I'm not offended and I'm not pissed of. I am confused. Because I can not understand that you actually thought of, sat down and started this thread.

    I don't understand why I have to explain such a simple thing. Fictional death vs real death. Does it really need an explanation? -.- Remember this thread when you loose someone you love. Then you'll feel very stupid.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Why? I'm just trying to discuss things here, there's no need to be offensive and call it 'stupid', didn't you notice that everyone else didn't get pissed off? I need you to explain because you're repeating the same thing over and over again.

  • You're fucking rude you know? You don't know what I've heard, seen and been through. I didn't actually compare them, I just asked those who lost someone if losing someone like Lee in the game made the feelings resurface.

    Grow up and give some respect to people you don't know shit about.

    I'm not offended and I'm not pissed of. I am confused. Because I can not understand that you actually thought of, sat down and started this

  • Losing someone in reality is worse than losing someone in a fantasy, but for the walking dead It's the same type of sadness because it's a game where I actually FEEL an emotional connection to the characters....

  • I think it's stupid because I think it's not comparable. Thats it, that's my whole point. It's not my fault it took 10 posts for you to understand.

    Nope, you did not ask if their feelings resurfaced.You asked "Is "grieving" about a dead character in TWD (Lee, Omid, Glenn etc.) has any similarities to grieving about someone real (family, friend etc.)?"

    Not the same, and very very stupid.

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    You're fucking rude you know? You don't know what I've heard, seen and been through. I didn't actually compare them, I just asked those who

    edited April 2014

    That's right, I did ask that. Why do you think everyone else replied and shared their stories? Because that's how things work, we discuss, compare and talk, and you have absolutely no right to call this stupid while you yourself are being very stupid.

    I think it's stupid because I think it's not comparable. Thats it, that's my whole point. It's not my fault it took 10 posts for you to unde

  • It's different of course, losing a grandfather or so is really more saddening since he was really someone you saw, lived for years. Even though games make me cry at the end with a loss of character i don't really feel the same. You cry for a bit then it passes but when you lose someone its harder since they are gone forever.

  • They shared their stories yes, they shared theirs opinion.

    I shared my opinion, but since it's a negative one you just can't deal with it can you?

    I think it's stupid, that's it. Why is it so hard for you accepting that I don't share your opinion?

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    That's right, I did ask that. Why do you think everyone else replied and shared their stories? Because that's how things work, we discuss, c

  • I lost a friend not to long ago, when I got through the game, I ended up thinking about him more often. Man, rest in peace, Kevonte.

    edited April 2014

    I can't deal with you arguing with everyone about your opinion, just get out of the thread if you think it's stupid.

    You don't realize me, I accept your opinion, I heard you, but there's a difference from the freedom of speech to just a plain insult.

    I think that it's weird that people who'd lost their mothers, brothers and grandmothers don't find this thread stupid, and it actually made them start opening up to us about their personal stories.

    My point is: You said your "opinion", so if you find this thread "very very stupid" just get out of here.

    They shared their stories yes, they shared theirs opinion. I shared my opinion, but since it's a negative one you just can't deal with it

  • I don't know if many people feel this because I'm a very emotional person, but I almost cried when Lee was fighting through the hoard. Normal people are like: AWH THIS IS SO AWESOME IM LIKE A FLIPPING TANK, but I was about to cry about it's emotional worth. This makes this the most epic moment in gaming, because all the feels man. Lee doesn't care about anything else anymore except for Clementine's safety, and it got me deep. He's risking everything he has-- which is himself for her. That's what makes this game truly amazing.

  • Yes, I love how selfless the character is. I hope it inspires people.

    Sxphyre posted: »

    I don't know if many people feel this because I'm a very emotional person, but I almost cried when Lee was fighting through the hoard. Norma

  • I'm trying to but you keep answering me!!!

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    I can't deal with you arguing with everyone about your opinion, just get out of the thread if you think it's stupid. You don't realize me

  • I'm done. I'm not educating anyone here, if anyone has a problem with the thread, just leave it. I'm done arguing with people, it's not like me.

  • edited April 2014

    It's definitely not the same type of sadness. Losing someone you loved or your best friend can't be compared to losing some fictional character from video game. Still it's very sad when character which we liked from the beginning ends up like this. Anyway for me it's not the same.

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