Who is a better writer in your opinion?
Robert Kirkman or Nick Breckon ? In my opinion ,it's Kirkman. He was pretty great until that last issue
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Robert Kirkman or Nick Breckon ? In my opinion ,it's Kirkman. He was pretty great until that last issue
Both suck but Breckon is better. Vanaman #1 btw
I actually like how the last issue ended, I like Negan and am glad he is alive and still a character, maybe he will chamnge his ways and get out one day and save someones life, maybe Maggies kid?
I think you are underestimating Kirkman a bit there. Breckon is not really bad either. But he has a lot of inconsistency in his writing.
The writer for episode 2 made Clem extremely sassy, and almost out of character. Granted we don't know how much she could have changed in 16 months but...
Certain things Clementine says like "I had a treehouse once, I hated it.." I feel were creative decisions he shouldn't have taken with a character we know pretty well. Sure Clementine has changed NOW, but who she was before.. and I will quote her steam icon bio..: "Clementine is a quiet and imaginative girl with two attentive, loving parents. She’s incredibly resourceful, choosing to spend time building elaborate fantasies in her tree-house instead of watching cartoons or playing with dolls. She doesn’t get scared but will clam up if nervous. Reserved and shy, her actions speak louder than her words."
Good to know im not the only one still bothered by the treehouse thing.
Plus I did not like Rebeccas sudden change of heart towards Clem in episode 2, Based on how she ( Becca ) was in episode 1, i really thought she would still be a bitch to Clem but she all of a sudden started being nice to her!
I really did think that she would continue to be a bitch to Clem until episode 3 where it looks like Clem is helping her give birth .. i thought THAT scenario would be what makes her like Clem
Well, I think we all knew deep inside Omid won't really make it through episode 1. Then again, we didn't expect him to die in the first 5-10 minutes either. We also found out he is a one minute man.... So yeah, that's doesn't give Breckon any bragging rights.
If I'm not mistaken, he's writing the season finale,right?
I was shocked when she said that she hated it, it seemed really out of character for her to say that.
Same, I shouted "WUT?". I noticed a lot of let's players on youtube had a similar response to it as well, it's not just us!
I think that she said that just to be cool in front of Luke but that's probably just my theory :P Anyway,I wouldn't be surprised if she hates her treehouse now : she was TRAPPED there during the first three days of the apocalypse,possibly without water or food. And remember what she said in the first episode : "I don't want to sleep in the treehouse tonight". So I think that the line is pretty legit.
True, they changed her so suddenly, it doesn't make any sense. "I hated it." means she was talking in past tense, when before she talked about creating fantasies and enjoying her time up in it. It almost feels like Breckon didn't do his research...
Yeah, it doesn't make any sense and Clem wouldn't have said anything like that, it's just really out of character. I yelled, "Da hell?!" when she said that.
I don't like Breckon's writing. Lots of inconsistencies, errors, changing Clem too much, making Carlos look like an idiot etc. I'm glad he's not writing Ep. 3.
Honestly, I think it at least makes some sense. Her last memories of her treehouse were of being holed up in it for days. I'd imagine that wouldn't leave a good last impression.
I wonder why Telltale didn't get the writers from Season 1 to write Season 2? I am not saying that Breckon is a bad writer, if one can look pass the errors and inconsistencies, Episode 1&2 has some strong and clever moments. I hopes that Breckon will improve by the time of the season finale.
EDIT: I find out why Season 1 writers didn't write for Season 2. They both left Telltale to start their own company.
I don't like either as writers...
Eh, I'd take Breckon over Kirkman any day. Kirkman's writing is just blatantly messy on all accounts.
When did she say that? I can't recall any instances of Clem speaking fondly of her treehouse to Lee or anybody, just that she was stuck up there for a while, and that she saw him while she was in there. Either I forgot, or there's a dialogue choice I haven't seen yet. That bio somebody mentioned up there is the first time I've ever heard of Clem "creating fantasies" up in that treehouse.
And even if she did, like someone else said, considering that her last memories of it are being trapped up there for days, it probably doesn't bring back good memories.
Yeah, same here.
Yeah, I was about to say that. It was probably about her having to spend days in that treehouse which caused her the bad memories of it and was why she said it. But also this is just me hoping it wasn't a cause of bad writing. Usually you get to learn a character first before you write a whole show about this character, ha ha.
Yeah, the line made more or less sense to me because of the last memories she had of being up there, but it still felt weird.
You stay up in a treehouse for 3 days straight, scared out of your mind as you hear people die and scream around you, and the stench of blood and death reach you. You spend 3 days there waiting and hoping your parents come back, with every hour and day seeming more and more horrible. Three days, clutching onto that hammer. Not to mention if she never came out of that treehouse, if the two of them never met, maybe Lee wouldn't have ended up dead. She could have thought that.
So no. It's not a stretch to say she hated her treehouse after that. After 27-ish months in the Apocalyse, with us only seeing 3, it's about time people get over Clementine being seen as naive. You haven't seen this girl for about a year. She's not the same. Stop expecting her to be. She resembles what she once was, but isn't a carbon copy.
Do we know who is? Also I would like to see Gary Whitta write an episode again I really enjoyed Episode 4. Now for my thoughts on who is better,I think Kirkman definitely because as many others have said Breckon just changed all of the cabin geoup to have a sudden change of heart to Clem,also the Carlos thing was pretty dumb too as Euss has said.However one thing that I didn't mind as much was Omid dying,yeah it was a pretty stupid death because he could have jumped Michelle and grabbed the gun but I wasn't expecting him to dies so early,so it shocked me.
So, a few bad memories tainted all her fondness in the treehouse? And damn, my mistake, that was her bio, but it says creating fantasies, most likely implying she enjoyed her time up in the treehouse. It doesn't add up, if the last moments in her treehouse were what changed her mind, I have a feeling that part of the conversation would have been different.
I like Kirkman because he's not afraid to kill anyone off. That's how I would do it if I were a writer.
Actually, that's just proving how much more I would love that treehouse. It protected her until Lee arrived, keeping her out of the dangers that lurked below. I'm sorry, but that just proves how much more any normal person would like that treehouse, it kept her safe. And dayum, did I shank a nerve on accident, I'm sorry for voicing my opinion. I'm sorry, but it still doesn't seem logical. You spend a good amount of your time, every day, in a treehouse, where you make elaborate fantasies and enjoy yourself, and these last moments of your time in it dictate how you feel about the subject for the rest of your life? And besides, it would have been cool for the writers to make different answers determining on your teachings as Lee. And besides, she came out of the treehouse. What are you suggesting? That the treehouse held her hostage from Lee?
Lots of errors, and plot holes.
I just read something and thought I would mention it here for anyone interested I know it's kind of off topic but did you know Kirkman said NBC turned down TWD because they didn't want it to have zombies?
He wrote A House Divided too you know. Got to give him credit for that.
Not to mention the new clem has a reputation for being cold in order to block off her emotions.
Pierre Shorette. He wrote one of Telltale's best episodes, TWAU E1.
Which had a lot of the aforementioned inconsistencies in writing, making the group of (presumably, although I've got a theory) capable survivors look like idiots, forcing an outlook upon Clem in almost every dialogue option that many find jarring and "I got lucky, real lucky". Although yes, he did also write the good parts of the episode.
A few lines indicating why would've made it better. It seems that the "I hated it" part was added for teh lulz, to further banter between Clem and Luke.
lawl, they're banging their heads next to J.K. Rowling's ex-husband.
To visually illustrate the point many are making:
Credit to @sos4prez
I think another dialogue choice after telling Luke that she had a treehouse would have made things better.
A) I hated it (zombies, stuff, death, thaangs)
C) Yeah, I used to... (it was my shelter, I played in it, yadda, yadda)
D) ... (Looks up at ladder, unsure. Receives encouragement from Luke)
yeah but it was kinda hinted at that she wasn't always like that considering he made pete always say something like she's in a bad mood and stuff like that
Sweet! I can't wait then,let's just hope he is as good at writing TWD as he is at TWAU.
Maybe Kenny did get lucky. Don't know what other way he could explain that, but yes, the writing for most minor things were really questionable.
Clem can shut down a wind turbine. Her dad was an engineer, she knows what she's doing :b
Oh, I take that back, we do know how Kenny escaped...
Where is that Kenny-matrix gif?
It would've made it better if she explained why, or maybe she's just trying to seem tough.