Episode 4 also 1 hour and 20 minutes long?

I looked at the achievements of some of the devs or play testers and found this
I wont post any links in order to not invade their privacy.
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I looked at the achievements of some of the devs or play testers and found this
I wont post any links in order to not invade their privacy.
If it's good I'm fine with a average length episode. A hour and a half Is now the average length they are going for now
Edit. Also the game can be in early alpha right now and parts of the game can be added and removed in the future.
like choices actually matter lol
If there are as many choices in comparison to the last episode, then I'll be a happy dragon indeed!
it would be more entertaining if it wasn't 75 minutes long.
You got me, still entertaining though.
Okay listen buddy. I understand your upset with the length of the episodes so far...But I'll take Quality over Quantity any day.
this is terrible
No it isn't. Especially when the game is still being play tested :P
You posted twice and have your own thread about the episode lengths. We know what your opinion is, why did you feel the need to post again?
Can u see the achivements for the walking dead episode 4 and 5???
I highly doubt it all the achievements for Wolf were already on steam when the first episode launched. While telltale are slowly uploading the achievements for Season 2.
They've been up since the release of episode 1 for The Wolf of Among Us.
Possibly even a few days before release. But yeah, definitely since the game was released. They're handling The Walking Dead's achievements differently.
Interesting... Well, we know that 90 minutes is their goal now, so yeah, I'd expect In Sheep's Clothing to be that long. Things are probably going to be added (or removed), but I don't think it will make a lot of difference in the end.
@Clem_is_awesome What is your stance on the average length for TWAU?
http://www.telltalegames.com/community/discussion/63090/why-telltale-making-their-games-shorter/p3 http://othertwdforum.freeforums.net
Telltale 90 minute one sitting entertainment goal the staff says ^
Just wondering as well even though third TWAU episode was brilliant did anyone else feel let down by the lack of hub areas and investigation puzzles so predictable click 3 things cut scene etc couldn't help but feel let down even though was quality episode
Yeah... well, I ask @Clem_is_awesome for opinion, because A Crooked Mile left me... confused. Either I'm getting too used to the new Telltale formula or I don't know what, because I found Episode 3 to be generally fulfilling; it's length did not bother me that much.
Know that's why responded to the thread and not your comment but you brought up interesting point so with my comment just went along the same lines and just shared link to show that;s actually what they aim for and the short length is purposely made and aimed for.
Personally don't mind the short length brilliant episode but just feel uncomfortable with lack of puzzles and hub areas in a point and click game I always enjoy bit of a challenge when playing when any challenge at all is gone feel just takes away from my experience.
The telltale stance on gameplay is tedious busywork and Puzzles are unnecessary because gamer's will get stuck find simply offensive gameplay is what makes this median the best in my opinion and unique and enhances the story.
As for being scared gamers will get stuck on puzzles is this nice way of calling the fanbase stupid or something it's a myth
It was good for me in TWAU because i was mostly bored for the first 40 or so minutes. For TWD i don't like it at all because we already know what they can do as we saw in Season 1.
I think this new "we aim for 90 minutes" is just an excuse to save face for now. They can easily do 2 hours per episode (look at twd season 1) if they didn't work on 4 games at once.
In regards to the numbers in the OP:
We wire up Steam achievement unlocks relatively early on in an episode's development when scenes aren't quite done. Note also that we internally have the ability to "fast-forward" through gameplay for testing and bug-fixing purposes. We absolutely put a lot of thought and consideration into allowing options for both speed-runners who want to crit-path through the main storyline and options for completionists who want to stop and smell the roses. The idea being that the episode's length is in part determined by play style.
So , 75 minutes for speed runners and 90 minutes for completionists then?
Feel the same if the actually gameplay is linear with forced options without challenge how can you extend length when majority is cut-scenes and dialogue
Yeah, I guess it's the bias of having experienced the first season and comparing it with the new one, versus a new concept that I feel more or less works with this approach.
"Railroads and slowpokes", an user put most eloquently elsewhere.
1:27 to 3:45. Is my math wrong or is that over two hours?
That's with the added time of reloading to get the "Master Librarian" achievement.
So the speed runners should stop complaining since they're determining the length of their experience.
None of telltale games since the conclusion of TWD season 1 has played for much more than an hour and change. It's obvious now it's the direction they're going in, especially with them producing up to four games at once.
It sucks having to wait 2-3 months at a time for an hour of gameplay, but the games are still only 5 dollars each. If prices increase or they get bought out by one of the AAA publishers, then you know it's really time to dump this dev.
Okay, so it's like episode 3 where the replay added to the game length. I'm fine with that.
Episode 3 has been out for 3 weeks, I doubt Episode 4 has all the scenes completed.
Once upon the time there was a wolf who ruled the land but soon he mended his evil ways and all were happy. So this is it? I got this from achievments.
Three people disagree... Quality is way better then Quanity
I didn't notice that the achievements created a sentence till you mentioned it. That's actually pretty cool.
It was a bloody disgrace. An HOUR, the shortest of all episodes in TWAU and TWD. What are we paying for?