European Friends!!!
This has nothing to do with TWD but I have figured out that most people on this forum come from Europe. I am from The United States so I am wondering what are good times to talk with you guys? I am not good with timezones so help me out. Thank you
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right now would be ideal.
I never sleep
You are talking to us right now, brah. Plus, what is it that makes us so special for you to want to be online at the same time with us? Just curious.
More users from Europe I think
What's sleep?
Well in Ger it's late afternoon now. More like Evening already.
'MURICA For The Win! I'm kidding, without everyone in the entire world who exists, where would we be? on a smaller forum.
It's 5:33 PM right now in Germany.
What about us?
Umm, okay, then, i guess.
Dislike trolls are very active now.
I used to be in Germany, that place was amazing.
I live in Sweden and right now it's 6:07 pm
I got 11:17 AM on my phone
I don't know.I never experienced it
I'm looking on Google and it says something about a bed?
Define bed
Hello my overseas buddy!
Je trouve que la plupart des europeans sont du nord? Des suédois ou des hollandais... Il y a presque pas de francophones...*
Seems like mostly northern Europeans, Swedish or Dutch. Very little French speakers...
Almost 5am in Korea... Damn insomnia...
한국어 하는 사람이 없죠???
Do you know this: Ja sam iz Hrvatske. Ovo je vrlo lijepa zemlja.
08:50PM in the UK...
Denmark here. I operate on no time zone what so ever. I'm on whenever I feel like it. :S
How do you know? Google Translate or just smart?
10:00 PM in Poland now
Not romance, not teutonic, and I knew I saw the word 'Hvratske' somewhere, so that must be the country.' - I looked up Hrvatske, my other guess was going to be Finnish for Helsinki, but apparently that's 'Helsinki.' (I've heard people compare the situation in Ukraine to Yugoslavia,so I've been looking up information on former Yugoslavian countries, I think that's how I came across the word 'Hvratske.')
I don't think google translate works if you don't know what language it is, does it?
Guess this language. Try without google translator:
Ahoj všichni! Tento jazyk je čeština.
Definately slavic... 'česka' is Czech, I believe so there's my first guess... Anyway, I'm going to guess I southern slavic... I'm not sure which though.
I'll play too. Although it's super easy if you've been looking at my posts (or even the news)... Which language is this?
나는 국적적으로 한국 사람이 아니지만 거의 4년 동안 한국에 살았으니까 정제성은 한국과 불가불한 것죠...
Bonus points if you know what my name means, and especially if you know where it comes from (if you've been following my posts [which I doubt ㅠ_ㅠ]) you can also tell from my generation.
Hey. I'm from Czech Republic and I live in Prague. : P
Hello German neighbors! : D
Otherwise also with us is now 23:09 in the evening
Jsem ráda, že tu nejsem jediný čech 
Ha! : D I'm glad I'm not the only Czech: D
That's Korean, guessing from the symbols.
I know it's not czech... I feel like it's close... Slovenian or something like that... I don't think it's Slovak either. Even saying "čech" it sounds close to "česka" but not quite... Correct me of I'm wrong but I really doubt it's eastern Slavic, most of which is written in cyrillic... I know it's a cheat, but you home country writes in Latin (or latin with accents) letters?
Another trick question, how close are you to Slajov Zizek?
Edit: Should have read closer - "glad I'm not only czech." - that woud've explained everything.
from 사랑 and holic? As in loveaholic? I don't know where it comes from though...
Už jsem si myslel, že tu jsem jediný čech na fóru. Jsem rád, že jsem se mýlil.
I'm from Ireland.
And ironically, I'm posting this hungover. I'm great at representing.
Slajov Zizek? Do Jana Žižku?
Hmmm ... Do Českých Budějovic to Prague is not too far away. But I've never been there, so I do not know. : D
But wait: D Ty doubt that we Czechs? : D
Because otherwise I do not know how to interpret it yours: I know it is not Czech: D