New Tweet From Job Struffer/Predicted tone for episode 203/New Playing Dead Episode-Omid VA
Okay here is the new tweet from Job.
.@Green6132 YOU are awesome! Thanks for your patience! I'll say it'll be worth the wait. Played a near final and still in shock. Just..damn.
— Job J Stauffer (@jobjstauffer) April 26, 2014
.@Green6132 YOU are awesome! Thanks for your patience! I'll say it'll be worth the wait. Played a near final and still in shock. Just..damn.
— Job J Stauffer (@jobjstauffer) April 26, 2014
So his Tweet is foreshadowing that the tone of episode 203 will be very dark and shocking. Something terrible is going to happen in 203, so get ready to grab your tissues and cry...
Here's the link to the new playing dead episode with Omids VA. They didn't post it on youtube yet, so I think it'll be for this Saturday's episode. Greg had it on his Tweeter page...
I replied to that on twitter. My comment was pretty random though, but he replied to it.
Fuaaaaark... I just really want to play it, Its eating me up all this teasing.
so your green?
Same here lol. Hope Clem don't really get beat down damn.
Cliffhanger? Someone from the group dies? All these teasers/hints from Job are making me more curious.
Not hard to predict that, all the episodes have been shocking so far.
He also said this
I don't know if it's a small tease like the previous "ice cream vs pizza" tweets but it seems interesting.
No my name is Scytheslay just like on here well @Scytheslay.
If she does, she better get some sweet vengeance.
Wrapped in warm puffy rainbows? Im thinking tied up... Choked by Carver or something along those lines.
I'm guessing they kill Carver this episode then ep4 is all happiness but then shit hits the fan again in ep5 then black screen "See you in Season 3"
And worse, you'll need to wait 5 YEARS INSTEAD!
Probably not a season 3 because a friend of mine sent me information about how they going to shut down ps3 servers in 2016 forever. Everyone will have to get ps4. Ps5 will be out 2018. Yea I know it sucks.
Lol I mentioned the Super Laser vision.
Gave what you got- I think she does get revenge
oh okay
What if the laser vision thing has something to do with
What if the WRAPPED IN PUFFY RAINBOWS has something to do with her new clothes in this achievement
or maybe she goes to sleep and has a rainbow blanket?
I'm sorry my lovely Rosemary but that has to be one of the stupidest things i've heard today.
I randomly mentioned laser vision so I doubt they are connected. but your other guess is good
I guess our dear Sarah will have laser vision too.

Well my friend told me, so not my fault lol
Super Laser Vision tweet with tied up in rainbows: Something to deal with rope tied around Clem. Please don't be a torture scene. That'll be horrible!
Garden of GIGGLES: Obviously the greenhouse from the preview that had Carver hitting Kenny.
ooh shit.
If your friend told you to jump off a bridge, would you?
Oh man... When people say it was shocking and dark, its gonna be REALLLLLY shocking and dark.
Omid's VA was asked about what roles he's previously played in TTG's stuff, and he said something along the lines of:
This could hint he's playing a new character, similar to how Brian Sommer played Pete after playing Danny St. John, and how Andrew Chaikin plays Carlos after playing Roman.
Gavin also hinted towards Owen vocing another character
Kenny might die. I don't want him to, but that's really the only way I could see us in tears. Unless it has something to do with Rebecca and the baby.
No I wouldn't. I'd rather kiss my Aunty Greenleaf's feet than jump off a bridge hehehe
Remember Season 1 Epsiode 2? After Lee figured out the St John's Dairy was really a cannibal farm? That was when the Trauma Congo Line started. Hell, all of Episode 3 of season one was a trauma congo line, with Doug/Carley, Katja and Duck.
My guess is that they're going to mess with us the same way, and Clem, so that we get that eerie Clem from the Episode 4 game select screen,
I think the eye represents Clem's eye as she see someone who's going to attack her with a crowbar, maybe she got caught by someone and got beaten down?
ima just leave this here.