A choice I'd like to see in Episode 3...*SPOILERS*

Everyone but Clem, Kenny, and Nick are being held somewhere by Carver. Kenny and Nick can't get along and decide to infiltrate separately, leaving Clem to decide which one to go with. I think this makes for an interesting choice because of how similar these two are, but also how different. Who would you choose in this kind of scenario?
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Damn, that actually would be pretty neat. I'd probably choose to go with Kenny. But it all depends, though. I might still choose Nick.
I have a very good feeling that Nick is going to do something to redeem himself in the eyes of the group, so I'd probably give him a chance and go with him.
Unless Kenny does something crazy leading up to that decision, I think most people would probably choose Kenny.
Ooo this could be hard since I trust Kenny but have to look after Nick...
Why Kenny? I'd actually choose Nick.
Kenny would prioritize Sarita in that situation, to the point of sacrificing everyone else. Also, he does this kind of thing consciously. Nick, on the other hand, is mostly a danger to himself and others because he is too quick to shoot. But unlike Kenny, I believe he does this subconsciously, out of guilt for not reacting fast enough to save his mother and fear or losing anyone else. If you can get him to wait a second, I think you could influence his actions. But if Kenny is in a situation where hurting others directly or indirectly would save Sarita, I don't think you could talk him out of it, especially after what happened to Katjaa and Duck.
Good one, man. My first choice would be Kenny, but I do like Nick also. I think it would depend on the situation though.
I could see that being an issue with Kenny, but only because he doesn't know the Cabin group at all really. I think he would still try his hardest to keep Clem safe at least.
Overall I think he would still be more useful than Nick, just based on what we have seen from Nick so far.
Good point. Well now you made me rethink my choice, lol. Ehhh, I don't know. Like I said, it depends on what kind of situation we're in and how the events leading up to it caused it. That choice might actually show up in the episode...or something pretty similar to it.
Clem, yeah, but I'd have to disagree about everyone else. Even in the first season, before his family died, Kenny prioritized them to a dangerous extent. Look at what happened to Larry. Even if he came to like the cabin group more, which I honestly don't see happening, I still think he'd let them all die to save Sarita. That, to me, makes him far less reliable.
Honestly, I can't see myself choosing Kenny over ANYONE in the cabin group, even Sarah. I think he might even leave Clem to die if it came down to a direct choice between her and Sarita. Wonder if that will happen...And I'm saying this as a Kenny fan, though I've admittedly come to like Nick more.
In what ways did he prioritize his family to a dangerous extent in S1?
That would be pretty damn inconsiderate of him
The meat locker is the best example. Katjaa and Duck were being held hostage by some dangerous people, but not in any real danger themselves, due to the family needing Katjaa's vet skills and Duck as a bargaining chip. Kenny killing Larry after he had that heart attack was solely because of his family-if Larry reanimated and killed him, there'd be no one to save them. There were far more sensible approaches, such as standing by with the salt lick just in case, but he chose to not even give Larry a chance. He didn't care about Lilly or Larry, just about saving his family.
Season Two emphasizes that he hasn't changed, since he goes through the same lengths for Sarita.
It's how Kenny's mind works. He was fine with letting Alvin die, even though he knows the pain of losing a spouse better than anyone.
Another thing that makes this choice interesting is loyalty. Players are likely to have a certain loyalty to Kenny from knowing him for so long beforehand. Nick can also save your life, or you can promise Pete to take care of him.
Why can't they ever just put their mullets together to devise a good plan?
Just get a boat!
Kenny and Nick agreeing on something? Never happen. Especially since neither one would be thinking rationally with nearly everyone they love in danger.
Well, to let a kid die? I don't know. Especially if he knew her longer than Sarita. And the thought of how hard Lee and Christa tried to keep her alive.
I'd go with Nick to take care of him as Pete would say. Kenny can take care of himself, and i don't want another ''Matthew''.
''I wouldn't trust him to tie his own shoes''. - Luke
Depends. Even if you were almost entirely on his side throughout Season One, he will initially refuse to go with you to save Clem, just because you didn't help him kill Larry. Also, he blames himself for Katjaa and Duck dying, so that effects how he sees and treats Sarita. Also, I'm pretty sure he has actually known Sarita for longer than Clementine.
With Kenny, I'm more worried about him hurting the others than taking care of himself.
My gut reaction would be to pick Kenny, but I promised uncle Pete I'd look after Nick.... that makes for quite a dilemma.
Oh pff, I knew that (about Kenny knowing Sarita longer), stupid me. But now that you mention all of this, I might start leaning closer to Nick. But I'm still considering both equally.
Now I want this topic to sway everyone into choosing Nick, just in case it happens.XD
Sorry brother,but i choose Kenny.
He killed (finished off) Larry in the meat locker in order to save everyone in the meat locker. It wasn't just about saving Katjaa and Duck. What he did was good for the entire group.
Why would he even take a chance with Larry? It was not worth getting anyone killed over. Kenny gave Larry approximately two minutes before smashing his head in. That's about as much time as he could have possibly safely given him.. and even then it was pushing it. There were no other sensible choices, as any other choice would put the group in potential grave danger.
I would choose Nick. I've kind of made it my thing to always back him up and look after him (not just because of Pete)
also, to be honest i don't think i really trust Kenny this season... i don't know how to explain it but i feel like the slightest thing you do could possibly make him snap. I feel like he is a ticking bomb ready to go off in a sense.
I don't think anyone really has any reason to have any sort of confidence in Nick at this point.
Why not just go with Luke? He would know the compound better since he escaped from it.
I'm going with Nick. I'm pretty sure Kenny can take care of himself better than Nick, who I remember, "can't aim for shit". Also, I find Nick more pleasant to be with than Kenny, don't know why exactly. Kenny might do something stupid without someone by his side, but then again, so might Nick. Oh, and if they are being held in Carver's camp, Nick surely knows the place better...? I guess that'd count as a bonus.
The group was an afterthought-he clearly wasn't thinking about them at all. Lilly didn't want her father killed, Clem didn't want to see, and depending on your choices, even Lee was against the idea. But Kenny wanted to get to his family at all costs, and that meant surviving.
Because Larry was a member of their group and Lilly's father? HE got killed over it, and technically, so did Carley/Doug. I'm talking about giving him time while Lee tried to revive him. The only time he "spared" was the time he spent trying to talk Lee into helping him. Larry is a big guy, but his size also means that he wouldn't be able to move very fast even if he did reanimate.
But by the same token, do any of us have any real reason to have confidence in Kenny? We may have known him longer, but as a result, we also know his own faults. It's not only how he recklessly puts others in danger for the few specific people he cares about, but how he deals with people who disagree with him. Lee can take his side and care for his family throughout Season One, but if you fail to side with him in murdering another human being, he will never forgive you and even nearly let you die in the following episode.
What if, uh.... Nick's dead?.. Whoops...
It's choices like these that make me glad for not being obliged to Pete to protect Nick at all cost. I have however decided that I have helped Nick plenty of times now, (Taking his apology, protecting him over Pete, saving him from Walter.) and that if he screws up, I'm not going to stand by him anymore.
So... To be more on topic, I would choose Kenny, simply because I'm not the biggest Nick fan right now. IF Nick does something incredible for the group he can still get in my good book, though! : )
This is a fictional building, not any place we can say for sure Luke has ever been in. And the whole point of the choice is only being able to decide between Nick and Kenny. Though, Luke would possibly be the alternate choice if Nick died in your playthrough. Personally, I'd prefer Carlos as an alternate. He also provides an interesting contrast to Kenny, in that he also has one person he cares about more than anyone else, and there's the added issue of him being injured and unlikely to properly be able to defend himself, along with his doctor skills.
I don't think Luke makes for an interesting choice. Even though we spend so much time with him, I don't really feel any connection to him-I don't really feel like I know him all. When faced with a choice of who to go with, my mind would race to consider the pros and cons of each one, but I can't really come up with much for Luke.
I think you're more likely to be able to stop Nick from doing something stupid than Kenny, given their personalities. We know how well Kenny listens to others, especially when their opinions conflict with his own.
And the setting is meant to be a building within Carver's camp that Nick likely doesn't really know.
Then another character would be substituted, or maybe you'd have a choice of going it alone.
But why Nick over Kenny? I get your issues with Nick, but why don't you have the same issues with Kenny?
I've always kind of felt that way. But yeah. Having lost Katjaa and Duck and everyone else from Season One, his desire to keep Sarita safe is bordering on crazy. He won't even let her lift a box.