My thoughts on Nick*SPOILERS*

I posted this in another topic, but figured I'd make it it's own, since it only partially fit there.
Nick is my favorite character this season, and I've been thinking a lot about him. I want to share my thoughts on his nearly shooting Clem, as well as his equally-reckless behavior in Episode 2. This is not meant to explain why people accepted his apology or not, but seemed relevant.
I don't think Nick consciously chose to shoot at Clem and Matthew. He blames himself for what happened to his mother, who got bit when a bite victim they were looking after suddenly reanimated and attacked her. If he'd just reacted fast enough, she'd still be alive. I'm sure that's what he is always telling himself. His friends outside of the group are also dead. The group is therefore all he has. With Clementine, he is suddenly reliving what happened with his mom. When she stirs, he immediately sees her as a walker about to pounce on one of his loved ones. This time, he reacts fast enough, but it's too fast. Same thing with Matthew. Nick raised his weapon first, not the other way around. But that's not what he saw. He saw his best friend and Clem alone with an armed man and immediately believed they were in danger. In his eyes, that weapon was raised, and if he didn't act fast, they were dead.
Nick's not Kenny. He is not callous, just...traumatized. His reckless behavior isn't even conscious like Kenny's. He doesn't want to fail ever again, and he especially doesn't want one of his failures to result in someone he cares about dying.
Hello big bro,i see what you're saying and,but for some reason Nick still isn't my fav member,idk why i think i just need to talk to him more.
Well, what were your choices concerning him?
I chose to go with him down in the lake,i told hil to tell the truth and showed him the picture(THANK GOD,cuz i was so close to not showing him the picture i just YOLO'd it)so he' still alive.
Well said! I also regard Nick as my favorite character of Season 2.
He just feel so relateable to me.
It's actually if Clem tells Walter "Nick's a good guy" that Nick lives. :P
I kinda feel bad when people hate on him for almost shooting Clem. Especially since he does it accidentally. In fact, Rebecca is the one who causes it if Clem stays silent!
I promised Pete I would watch over him. I also gave him the watch and showed him the photo. Nick is also my favorite but he is gonna die
I really hope that the story routes have improved more in this season and that determinant characters (if saved) don't just die in the next episode. I really don't want Nick to die so soon... i see a lot of potential in him and it would be a waste to kill him off so early when in Episode 1 and 2 we had a lot involved with him (episode 1 being that we learned about his past from Uncle Pete) more so than other characters. It would also suck for the people who promised Pete/Luke that they would watch out for him.
I know TTG can't make every determinant character live on since someone obviously has to die each episode, but oh's nice to hope ._.
Well nick is trigger-happy
The whole point of my post, in many ways, is that he's not.