Will you watch the trailer?
When the trailer is released, will you watch it or avoid it because you dont want any spoilers?
Personally i am gonna avoid it. (So if you don't see me between the time the trailer was released and the episode is released, then you know why
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Dude I live and die for this shit. Ofc I'm gonna watch ;D
I'll think about it but I'll probably watch it. I never missed any trailer from Telltale so I don't see any reason to stop now.
I'm gonna watch it once, I think. I don't want to OD like I did last time and figure out the entire plot of the episode.
I'll say I won't and then proceed to watch it the moment it's out.
I've been waiting for forever for just a screenshot or something, so yeah i'll watch the trailer right as it comes out, thankyou.
I'll do exactly the same
Yes, of course! It's the one thing almost everyone here has been waiting for, before they actually release the episode.
I might try not to, to keep the episode a mystery until I play it myself, as we have no idea what carver's camp will be like, and to me - thats the big surprise, and the trailer could possibly ruin that.
I will try to not watch it. But then I'm gonna see it because I just like to spoil myself and... because I've waited MONTHS for this.
Im gonna see the trailer prob. twice
im gana say im not gana watch it. and then just stare at the words "season 2 episode 3 trailer for the walking dead" and then after about 1 minuet of telling myself "DONT CLICK PLAY! DONT CLICK PLAY!"
then im gana click play and observe the shit out of it.
I'm gonna watch it all to heck.
I'm definitely going to watch it as soon as it's released.
I'll try to resist watching. And I will no doubt fail resisting....
Im not going to, I like the shock of it happening instead of knowing most things.
On the trailer of episode 5, it shows kennys sacrifice... well you see Kenny say:"Get the hell out of here"
Kenny: "She needs you lee"
Lee: "Kenny!"
Kenny: "This is not a discussion!"
Personally to me, this is a spoiler, so im going to avoid S2 E3 trailer
You can't die! If you do then you will come back as one of THEM!
I think I'm going to watch it. I can't help it, the wait is killing me
The only thing that will prevent me from watching the trailer is Chuck Norris, and I'm not going down without a fight.
Trailers don't ruin anything for me. They just wet my appetite.
Definitely. I'm too excited not to!
I did not come to TWD just to sit around and be pretty, of course I'm watching it.
I don't watch the teaser trailers. They're released only like a week before the game alot of the time. Whats the point in watching them?
Oh noooooo....... I'll try to fight it off, but I don't know if I can.
I thought trailers don't give spoilers, at least they're not supposed to. What makes you think this trailer will have any?
The spoilers in trailers usually aren't really spoilers.
A spoiler for Episode 2, for example, would be that Kenny comes back. In the trailer for Episode 2, we don't see Kenny.
I guess if you want to go into the episode completely sober I can kind of get that, but they're not really spoilers.
I will watch the shit out of it, and I will enjoy every second. I haven't waited two months for nothing.
Sounds like a plan.
Only if Kenny has a beard
To get you excited.
I'm going to watch it, I mean I need to see something about the episode before it makes me go insane!
Nope. I'm gonna do what I did for the previous episode. Avoid watching it (while resisting the temptations to), and play through the new episode blind.
Im gonna watch it so many time that ill dream with walkers eating me! I cant w8 if trailer or a t least a picture doesn't come out tomorrow im gonna lose it D':
I'll probably watch it. Plus whenever I do watch the trailer before hand, I try not to read too much into it so I don't end up spoiling myself in the long run. That way I'm still able to be surprised for the most important parts. o:
How much do the trailers expose?
Not much in my opinion. Sometimes they even try to make the trailers seem like something else is going on, and ends up not being that way in the game. So you shouldn't have much to worry about in ways of spoiling yourself. c:
Watching the trailer never really spoils anything for me, but reading the forums after seeing the trailers always spoils things for me. Soooo I have no idea what I'll do. I'll probably try to avoid watching it, but end up watching it anyway.
I will watch only because it would be hard to avoid trailer spoilers on here and i can't resist the temptation.
They sometimes leave out major characters in the trailer that could spoil it for people
Carver in the E2 trailer

Carver in game