Christa Hate?

edited April 2014 in The Walking Dead

The fact that people (cough Greg Miller cough) hate Christa is really beyond me, honestly. What's there to hate about her? She's not as outwardly nice and funny as Omid? So what? How's that worthy of hate? She and Omid are willing to risk their lives to help a bitten man find a little girl, neither of which they've known for very long. After she loses Omid and her baby, she stays dedicated to her promise and continues to protect Clementine despite being bitter and resentful. And she took care of Clementine for 16 months--in addition to however long they were both with Omid.

Christa is one of the strongest characters in the game, and I can kind of get why people would be frustrated with how cold she is to Clem after Omid died, but personally I admire her resilience and dedication a lot. She's a real fighter, and I hope we find her again alive.



  • I think people dislike her because she is bitter and she is hard on Clem. I think being hard on Clem has helped her survive for this long, so I can't see why we can hate her for teaching Clem to survive. She is completely about survival.

  • Greg miller hates everyone apart from Clem Luke and Kenny. And he hated Kenny for most of season 1.

  • I don't get why people hate her. She's by far one of the best characters. (You said it all, I don't even need to explain anything.)

  • I don't really like her. She isn't a very nice person ans she would kill the rest of the world just to save Omid.

  • edited April 2014

    Wouldn't you do that for your wife/girlfriend?

    Wait, don't answer that, it may cost you a relationship ;^b

    (didn't dislike you BTW)

    I don't really like her. She isn't a very nice person ans she would kill the rest of the world just to save Omid.

  • edited April 2014

    I can't pay Christa for what she did to Clementine, (keeping her alive 2 years) except saying ''Thank you.'' to her. But, I don't know. Maybe if they can hold their pants just a little longer, everything would be the different don't you think?

  • edited April 2014

    Meh, who cares what Greg Miller thinks...a third of the fanbase don't even like him

    I agree with what you said about Christa though. I don't usually like characters that have her kind of personality but i really respect her and i hope she does turn out to be alive. It also makes me wish that we didn't have that big of a time skip (though i know it was needed) and we actually got to see more of Christa and Clem interacting. A lot of people tend to forget that Christa looked after for that long.

  • Christa is a strong woman, I hope to see her again this season. Let's be honest, she had to be tough on Clem, it's a ZA. Being nice and sweet can get you easily killed. I think after what Happened to Omid, that's when Christa realized that Clem had to toughen up. It was more "tough love" than actually being mean to her.

  • And everyone hates Greg Miller! :D

    Greg miller hates everyone apart from Clem Luke and Kenny. And he hated Kenny for most of season 1.

  • edited April 2014

    I admire her for her resilience as well. If I was in her position I would be almost ready to give up. Losing your only child and its father whom you loved so much is a horrible thing. I'm surprised she didn't commit suicide. She's a strong woman.

  • Christa's cooler than the cool side of my pillow :)

  • Our pillow

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Christa's cooler than the cool side of my pillow

  • Would you say she's...

    Alt text

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Christa's cooler than the cool side of my pillow

  • Nooo.

    Our pillow

  • MrLeeMrLee Banned

    My God that's the best thing I heard today!

    And everyone hates Greg Miller!

  • Not as cold as Vanilla Ice xD

    Would you say she's...

  • Vanilla Ice

    Would you say she's...

  • Just accept it, better me than Shaundi

    TWDFan86 posted: »


  • Actuallyyy........

    Just accept it, better me than Shaundi

  • Son of a bitch woulda got with Shaundi no matter what I did, but I ain't doin' that, not without a fight.

    TWDFan86 posted: »


  • Good luck with that!

    Son of a bitch woulda got with Shaundi no matter what I did, but I ain't doin' that, not without a fight.

  • we will be together

    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Good luck with that!

  • edited April 2014

    That's the best thing you heard today? You might enjoy this then!

    A tribute to Greg Miller:

    Alt text

    Alt text

    MrLee posted: »

    My God that's the best thing I heard today!

  • I don't really care if you dislike my comment. I can say whatever I want and a dislike button won't change that.

    Wouldn't you do that for your wife/girlfriend? Wait, don't answer that, it may cost you a relationship ;^b (didn't dislike you BTW)

  • She kept Clem alive for four times as long as Lee did, single-handedly.

    That's all I'm going to say.

  • I wouldn't say I hate her, but she did make Clem think Omid's death was all her fault and i'm super pissed at her for that. They're more to blame then Clem, they just HAD to bang, didn't they. And don't blame the owner of the gun, blame the one who pulled the damn trigger!
  • I respect Christa. She's pretty much proven herself to be one of the most efficient survivors we've come across so far.

    She's never been exactly 'likable' but I think she's a good character.
  • Thank you. Behind Nick, Christa is my number 1 in Season 2.
  • edited May 2014
    Christa has been through a lot, and when your survival is on the line you probably wouldn't have the energy to act like things were better than they were. Lee tried to make Clem safe, but he also tried to keep her sheltered in a sense. There are some things that people don't need to see, no matter what age. But I think that Lee not being up front with Clem's parents ended up making the situation a thousand times worse than if he had told her straight up. Clem is a smart kid, she would have been upset but I truly believe that she would have accepted the reality that her parents weren't alive anymore had he told her before the train ride. Christa was similar to a point, but at the beginning of S2 I think she has lost all energy to make the situation not seem as dire as it is. She cares for Clem, as she's continued to protect her all this time between S1-S2, but she's realistic with her and treats her like a survivor (which Clem is by this point).
  • I like her. She's tough, and she keeps going and was willing to die for Clem in both Seasons. Both when going to find her with Lee, and when being robbed by Victor. She had a gun to her head and refused to give up Clem's location to them, despite blaming her for what happened to Omid. Plus, she took care of Clem and kept her alive for a good two years, give or take. She may not be all that fun to be around, but there's no one I'd rather trust with Clem's life, aside from Lee.
  • I dont hate her actually she is one of my favorite characters , as you said she risked her life for Clementine and kept protecting her even after Omid,s and her baby lost
  • Christa is well made character but neutral to me, just.. i don't like her but I don't dislike her either. Now do you guys know something about this time skip that I don't? Because for all I know Christa could "broke" after Omid's death and they only survived because someone else found and took care of them, I know this is unlikely but could be true.
  • I told her they were dead every chance I could. He can be brutally honest on the subject of her parents.
    PearlJones posted: »

    Christa has been through a lot, and when your survival is on the line you probably wouldn't have the energy to act like things were better t

  • We've really only had one scene with Christa to show how she's changed in season 2. I was a fan of her by the end of season one and hope she returns, but I'd like to see more of where her and Clementine's relationship is at.
  • I really would like to find out what happened to her, but I'm also kind of scared to. I mean, I'm desperately curious, but I'm afraid the news is bad. I really like Christa, and I certainly don't want her to have helped and protected Clem all that time only to die at the hands of some low-ass bandits, you know what I mean?
  • Sorry, it's been a long time since I've played through S1. Memory can be a really fickle thing. Based on my game: I think that if Lee, and the entire group to back him up, had sat Clem down and gone over the reality of the situation before the walkie-talkie interaction began then she would have (hopefully) been more receptive to her parents being gone.
    Harpadarpa posted: »

    I told her they were dead every chance I could. He can be brutally honest on the subject of her parents.

  • I think he felt he just wanted to be direct with her. Like one on one with a student. It works better than anything else.
    PearlJones posted: »

    Sorry, it's been a long time since I've played through S1. Memory can be a really fickle thing. Based on my game: I think that if Lee, and t

  • Well Greg's a fucking asshole,so hating christa doesn't surprise me.I think Christa is one of the best characters in TWD.Even if she is bitter in s2,it's because she lost Omid
  • Christa is a very pragmatic person, and probably has been that way for years. Omid admitted that their survival was due to Christa. Regardless of her personal feelings from the tragedies she experienced, Christa remained determined to teach Clementine how to survive on her own. (e.g., Clementine had to suture a wound at least once in the past, which proved to be helpful after meeting Sam).

    Christa is probably consumed with guilt, too. After Lee and Clementine retrieved the blowtorch, she chastised Lee for entering the building with no exits. Months later, a similar situation presented itself. Even though they took precautions by scouting the pit stop from a distance, waiting, Christa and company neglected that advice. I believe that she remained hard on Clementine to prevent carelessness and to increase her awareness of her surroundings.

    Almost all of the characters in the series have a degree of depth. It would be nice if there was more character development for Christa, either through flashbacks or conversations in the present.
  • I don't hate her but I don't really like her either. There's no reason I can think of. Some people you just don't like. That being said, I still found myself wanting to save her and hoping she is ok when we were separated.
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