Kenny question! important and spoilers for future Episodes

MrLeeMrLee Banned
edited April 2014 in The Walking Dead

Sorry for grammar
I don't want to sound like a asshole but in season 1 if you not side with Kenny some times he will not help you right? in season 2 will he do that again against Clem? I know he realy likes her but can't that not happen again downvote my all you want but this can still happen and I want to know what you think.



  • MrLee is back with a Kenny avatar and a related discussion :O

    Well, he might. I'm not sure. He will either side with her, because she's a little girl, or he won't side with her, because she's a little girl.

  • MrLeeMrLee Banned
    edited April 2014

    OMG here we go again!

    Well... The Annotated Dead

  • edited April 2014

    In my opinion? I think that it depends on our decisions as Clementine but Kenny seems to see her as his family now (including Sarita) so i think he'll probably try to be protective of her as Lee was in season 1. It's just my opinion. (sorry for ma grammar too if it isn't good). Still it could depends on what you'll do as Clementine.

  • MrLeeMrLee Banned

    He this is about Kenny in season 2 because if you choice to look for him he say something different than that picture above us. This is important because if you not side with Kenny the next episode with Kenny can truly be important

    Bubadoo posted: »

    MrLee is back with a Kenny avatar and a related discussion :O Well, he might. I'm not sure. He will either side with her, because she's a little girl, or he won't side with her, because she's a little girl.

  • I really hope he doesn't hold grudges like he did in season 1 with Lee. I really like Kenny and care about him, but my god do you want to punch him sometimes. I was so happy to see he was alive and i really hope it stays that way and there is no Kenny vs Luke thing (like with Kenny and Lily).

  • MrLeeMrLee Banned
    edited April 2014

    You are right our choices as Clem are very important and your grammar is oke and I'm not even English!

    Tewudin posted: »

    In my opinion? I think that it depends on our decisions as Clementine but Kenny seems to see her as his family now (including Sarita) so i t

  • MrLeeMrLee Banned

    Well there can something like that happen again but I don't want Luke and Clementine alone in a room with a knife when, they didn't eat anything, were having a fight about Clem and the group and when Kenny is depressive.

    xValkyx posted: »

    I really hope he doesn't hold grudges like he did in season 1 with Lee. I really like Kenny and care about him, but my god do you want to pu

  • I went to find him so what scene do I get? Yes I forgot.

  • We won't actually know for sure until the episode comes out..

    CodPatrol posted: »

    I went to find him so what scene do I get? Yes I forgot.

  • My Lee was very loyal to Kenny, so I feel it is only natural to play the same way with Clem.

    On topic, I know Kenny can be a real asshole if you disregard his family's safety but since he is actually starting to consider Clementine family, I don't think he would leave her to die.

    Not to mention in my playthrough he actually considered Lee and Clem family in Episode 4. (You and Clementine are the only family I got left. I'm with ya, to the end.)

  • MrLeeMrLee Banned

    Oke... My Lee and Kenny were like... Well I took care of his son and he didn't help me in Ep 4 to save Clem... But he said he will wait for my when he had the boat. As Clem I will make some mistakes right but if he kills Luke for example. This 11 years old girl says to him. What's your ass.

    Dragonleaf posted: »

    My Lee was very loyal to Kenny, so I feel it is only natural to play the same way with Clem. On topic, I know Kenny can be a real asshole

  • Spoiler

    As Clementine I escaped in episode 2 to look for him but not because I'm loyal to Kenny but I thought it was the right thing to do. They could have killed everyone except Rebecca so I tried to help this way. Everyone of course knows how it ended.

    MrLee posted: »

    Oke... My Lee and Kenny were like... Well I took care of his son and he didn't help me in Ep 4 to save Clem... But he said he will wait for

  • To get him to come help if if you just took care of his family and not really him you have to say "Clementine is my family" and he will see how you were there for his family, and so he will help you with yours.

    I am expecting Kenny to lose it a bit but unless Sarita or Clem are in danger, I don't think he would kill a guy for no real reason.

    MrLee posted: »

    Oke... My Lee and Kenny were like... Well I took care of his son and he didn't help me in Ep 4 to save Clem... But he said he will wait for

  • edited April 2014

    You don't need to 'disregard his family's safety' for him to hate you; you're looking at his character through rose tinted glasses.

    Example of him being an asshole regardless of family situation: telling the whole group you left the girl to die to make you seem bloodthirsty.

    Him punching you in the face for recommending that you prevent his son from turning.

    Him trying to leave behind Lilly at the motor inn before she had done anything wrong.

    Dragonleaf posted: »

    My Lee was very loyal to Kenny, so I feel it is only natural to play the same way with Clem. On topic, I know Kenny can be a real asshole

  • I'm going to be very disappointed if he holds petty grudges against a kid.

  • edited April 2014

    He even put the blame on himself too, you know. He didn't just say "Lee left an innocent girl to die out there" He said "WE got lucky and let a girl get eaten out there."

    I was able to talk him down to make him stop the train, but I think anyone would have the same reaction as him. I mean, it was his flesh and blood, and we all know Kenny puts family first, so I think he actually handled it well.

    Kenny was probably fed up with Lilly's "Let's stay put" attitude and although it was a low blow, I'm assuming Kenny's mindset was "If she is so eager to stay, let her stay!"

    Flog61 posted: »

    You don't need to 'disregard his family's safety' for him to hate you; you're looking at his character through rose tinted glasses. Examp

  • MrLeeMrLee Banned


    CodPatrol posted: »

    I went to find him so what scene do I get? Yes I forgot.

  • Not without a fight, hell yeah. I forgot though only because I have played it four times and it's confusing as fuck.

    MrLee posted: »


  • That's what he told me.

    MrLee posted: »


    edited April 2014

    He found someone to gape Lee's hole.

    Well... The Annotated Dead

  • edited April 2014

    ....but if you're acknowledging the fact that he tried to kill Lilly by leaving her behind because he was 'fed up', then you're saying that he doesn't just hate people because they disregard his family's safety', and so his character is clearly more flawed than a perfect 'I stand by my family at all times and will only get angry if you threaten them' character.

    Yes, you can say he thought Lilly wanting to stay put was putting his family at risk, but driving off without her was putting Lilly at a far greater risk than she could possibly be putting his family in.

    Dragonleaf posted: »

    He even put the blame on himself too, you know. He didn't just say "Lee left an innocent girl to die out there" He said "WE got lucky and le

  • edited April 2014

    Don't get me wrong, I don't think Kenny is a perfect character. In fact, I don't know if I would've liked him as much if he wasn't a flawed character, I feel like I can relate to characters like those, just like how Nick is just about my favorite of the Cabin Group (Honorable mention: Pete) I feel like I can make a more emotion connection to flawed characters.

    Although it seems like you're looking at Kenny's worst a lot rather than his best, some of his best include:

    Giving Lee a ride even if you left his son to the walkers

    Risking his life to save Lee's life even if you hated him the whole episode

    Being able to freely talk about his family with Lee after they died 3 days ago

    Wanting to put his and Lee's troubled past behind them and share a drink

    Risks his life to save Christa (Which he did) or risking his life to try to save a kid that he hated and wanted dead an hour ago

    Those are the ones that I can name off the top of my head that happen in almost all playthroughs, a lot of his upsides are determinate which I can kind of understand, why have someone's back in the apocalypse who doesn't have yours?

    I felt like I owed Kenny since he saved my life in EP1, so I sided with him in the meat locker "incident" He repaid the loyalty and saved me from Danny, and it went on from there.

    I like that in games like these people can see characters like Kenny or Nick as complete assholes or misunderstood people who only want the best for the group.

    I still know I'm biased in thinking this way because I am a Kenny fan, but I try to think otherwise and see different point of views.

    Flog61 posted: »

    ....but if you're acknowledging the fact that he tried to kill Lilly by leaving her behind because he was 'fed up', then you're saying that

  • yup lol

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    He found someone to gape Lee's hole.

  • edited April 2014

    " Sorry for grammar I don't want to sound like a asshole but in season 1 if you not side with Kenny some times he will not help you right? in season 2 will he do that again against Clem? I know he realy likes her but can't that not happen again downvote my all you want but this can still happen and I want to know what you think. "

    Kenny is obviously mad at Clementine for just giving up like this. It's a zombie apocolypse and Kenny will try to act like Clementine's new caretaker. We already know that, because Kenny called her Duck in episode2. Kenny is just trying to tell her, that it was stupid to just give up like this. Parents get mad at their children to and blame them for the stupid things that they have done. That doesn't necessarily mean that Kenny will just let Clementie die, the next time she's in danger. He might have done that with Lee, but he could never do it with Clementine, a person Kenny considers as part of his family! (Damnit, the man even tryed to save Ben's life, a person Kenny hated! And he nearly died when he was doing that. What makes you possible believe that Kenny isn't gonna try to save Clementine?)

  • TheDuckTheDuck Banned
    edited April 2014

    Kenny giving Lee a ride when he didn't try to save Duck seems more like a result of Katjaa pointing out that he has a little girl with him.

    He may save your life in that one instance, but he also leaves you to die if you don't help him kill Larry, no matter how nice you were to him and his family.

    Wasn't Kenny the one responsible for the walkie-talkie getting knocked into the hole in the first place, which resulted in Christa jumping down to get it?

    I love Kenny, but I hate the fact that he can disagree with you all he wants, but whenever you disagree with him, he hates on you for it. And if you don't help him kill Larry, then no matter how nice you were or are to him and his family, he never forgets it. He leaves you to die and will even be unwilling to help Clem after she gets taken and Lee is revealed to have been bitten. He'll even have the gall to say there were plenty of times you weren't there for him.

    Dragonleaf posted: »

    Don't get me wrong, I don't think Kenny is a perfect character. In fact, I don't know if I would've liked him as much if he wasn't a flawed

  • I completely understand your arguments, and you've listed the reasons why I feel neutral about him (the good outweigh the bad, but don't tip the scales towards good).

    The trouble with the Kenny vs Lilly argument is that Lilly was intended to get redemption in the comics, and that's why she had to leave the story. However, that never worked out, and now Lilly fans are just left hanging.

    At least Kenny fans knew that, if he died in episode 5, he would get redemption for his crimes! Lilly fans have no such luck, and that's the reason I felt she was more deserving of a return than Kenny.

    Dragonleaf posted: »

    Don't get me wrong, I don't think Kenny is a perfect character. In fact, I don't know if I would've liked him as much if he wasn't a flawed

  • Kenny accidentally caused Lee to drop the radio, yes, but Christa made the choice to jump down on her own with no plan or away out. Kenny even wanted to leave it behind, so if anyone is responsible for Christa being stuck down there, it's Christa. Plus, as soon as Kenny saw she was in danger he jumped down to save her despite that situation *looking like *a one way trip. He never had to risk his life (and nearly lose it) to save someone he hated, but he did.

    Apologies if it seems I'm being argumentative, but in my eyes the Christa scene is one of Kenny's few, completely unambiguous heroic scenes.

    TheDuck posted: »

    Kenny giving Lee a ride when he didn't try to save Duck seems more like a result of Katjaa pointing out that he has a little girl with him.

  • TheDuckTheDuck Banned
    edited April 2014

    Christa knew the radio was their only link to Clem, so leaving it behind would have been pretty stupid. Her jumping down without a sure way to get back up was not the smartest idea, but there was more of a chance we'd be able to pull her up as opposed to one of the men. Who is to say at least part of the reason Kenny saves her is because he feels responsible for her situation?

    I'm not saying it's not a heroic thing to do, though.

    Rock114 posted: »

    Kenny accidentally caused Lee to drop the radio, yes, but Christa made the choice to jump down on her own with no plan or away out. Kenny ev

  • I always thought it was Luke Kenny was calling "Duck". I've seen a lot of playthroughs, and it always seems like he's glancing in Luke's direction when he says it.

    " Sorry for grammar I don't want to sound like a asshole but in season 1 if you not side with Kenny some times he will not help you right? i

  • edited April 2014

    Nope, he was looking in Clementine's direction when he said: " Pass me that can Duck! "

    Luke then askes Clementine who Duck is and you can tell him that Duck was Kenny's son. (Or you can tell him to leave Kenny alone, that's what i did)

    TheDuck posted: »

    I always thought it was Luke Kenny was calling "Duck". I've seen a lot of playthroughs, and it always seems like he's glancing in Luke's direction when he says it.

  • I have no doubt he at least feels responsible, but I put most of the blame on Christa because she jumps in without thinking it through. She was jumping into a dark room that she knew was probably filled with walkers and didn't even bother to make sure she could get out. Now that is dumb. Especially as Kenny wanted to talk it through at first ("Let's think this through.") She nearly got herself and her baby killed through her own stupidity and recklessness.

    I, personally, think it would have been best for Lee to go down. He was bitten, and even if his arm was cut off, there was at best a 50.50 chance of that working. He was already dead, and I know I would have gone down there myself if it were an option.

    TheDuck posted: »

    Christa knew the radio was their only link to Clem, so leaving it behind would have been pretty stupid. Her jumping down without a sure way

  • Pun intended......?

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    He found someone to gape Lee's hole.

  • Yeah, I said to leave him alone too. It might've been over two years, but those wounds never heal.

    Nope, he was looking in Clementine's direction when he said: " Pass me that can Duck! " Luke then askes Clementine who Duck is and you can tell him that Duck was Kenny's son. (Or you can tell him to leave Kenny alone, that's what i did)

  • I don't think it ever occurred to her that there were walkers inside, which makes her actions seem slightly less reckless. And if Lee went down there, how would they get him back up?

    Rock114 posted: »

    I have no doubt he at least feels responsible, but I put most of the blame on Christa because she jumps in without thinking it through. She

  • I still think he's looking at Luke. Someone should get a screenshot.

    Dragonleaf posted: »

    Yeah, I said to leave him alone too. It might've been over two years, but those wounds never heal.

  • edited April 2014

    Skip to 1:13:05

    He was in fact looking at Clem when he called her Duck.

    TheDuck posted: »

    I still think he's looking at Luke. Someone should get a screenshot.

  • Tha actually makes it seem MORE reckless I mean it's pretty much a hallway where you can't see all of it from the top reckless pretty much means that you're doing something without caution

    TheDuck posted: »

    I don't think it ever occurred to her that there were walkers inside, which makes her actions seem slightly less reckless. And if Lee went down there, how would they get him back up?

  • That's just it, if they COULDN'T get Lee up, it wouldn't matter all that much in the long run. He was already bitten and dying, so it would have been better for him to risk his life than it would have been for anyone else.

    TheDuck posted: »

    I don't think it ever occurred to her that there were walkers inside, which makes her actions seem slightly less reckless. And if Lee went down there, how would they get him back up?

  • If there's a building, then it goes to reason that there must be a way out of said building.

    Tha actually makes it seem MORE reckless I mean it's pretty much a hallway where you can't see all of it from the top reckless pretty much means that you're doing something without caution

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