I guess since bigby is badly injured, he'll need to make more cautious decisions and i HOPE our previous choices (beat people or not) will be in the show.
I guess since bigby is badly injured, he'll need to make more cautious decisions and i HOPE our previous choices (beat people or not) will be in the show.
i am sure by the end of episode 5 wolf among us will be massive hit series even crossing walking dead franchise .. so its obvious that there will be season 2:-)
because it will be hard to fit another season in that timeline and there is only a certain amount of new characters the telltale can use because most of them apear in the comics so they dont have alot of freedom to mess around with new characters because if they show up in the comics they cant die but if they dont they pretty much have to die / dissapear
because it will be hard to fit another season in that timeline and there is only a certain amount of new characters the telltale can use bec… moreause most of them apear in the comics so they dont have alot of freedom to mess around with new characters because if they show up in the comics they cant die but if they dont they pretty much have to die / dissapear
I dunno, and I know title screens aren't much to go by but Episode 5's title screen makes it seem like we are going to have the chance to kill the murderer. Brutally.
The Kill Killer Arrest Killer or Leave Killer scenario, I would arrest them.
If I have the option to spare someone, 99% of the time, I will take it. I think the only time I haven't spared someone in these games was..… more..season one of TWD, Danny and Andy, I think I killed Danny. Fucked up person to begin with and he was taunting me, fuck him. But I can't remember if I actually killed him in my original playthrough, I might not have lol. Still, the killer would probably have to be AT LEAST that bad of person for me to even want to kill them. I didn't even want to kill Dum or rip Gren's arm off. So I'd probably spare the killer.
They could do another case, the comics take place twenty or so years after the game, this first season spans a week or so; I think they have room to make more of TWAU . The characters do not seem to be a real problem, unless you assume that Telltale can't come up with any more of their own.
because it will be hard to fit another season in that timeline and there is only a certain amount of new characters the telltale can use bec… moreause most of them apear in the comics so they dont have alot of freedom to mess around with new characters because if they show up in the comics they cant die but if they dont they pretty much have to die / dissapear
They could do another case, the comics take place twenty or so years after the game, this first season spans a week or so; I think they hav… moree room to make more of TWAU . The characters do not seem to be a real problem, unless you assume that Telltale can't come up with any more of their own.
according to urban legend if someone chant bloody mary's name in front of mirror 5 times at night she would appear behind them and slaughter them with out mercy....
i would normally have chosen to save him, however they came out Bigby shooting him at least 20 times with shotguns. They intended to kill Bigby so with that i decided to kill dee or dum because of that reason and causing trouble by shooting holly and gren at lily's wedding
i would normally have chosen to save him, however they came out Bigby shooting him at least 20 times with shotguns. They intended to kill Bi… moregby so with that i decided to kill dee or dum because of that reason and causing trouble by shooting holly and gren at lily's wedding
Depending on how things go, the wise choice would be to rise above the killer and not kill but I barely kept myself from killing Dee or Dum … more(impossible to remember which one is who sorry). I mainly spared him to show Snow Bigby is not a monster and he is changed. Still If the killer is Bloody Mary I'd probably wipe the floor with her no matter what.
Yes my friends and I did it when we were kids, in the real world nothing happens. In the fiction of the Fables world-in her words-she feeds her victims lungs to the 'family dog'. I guess she is shit out of luck if the family does not have a pet.
I guess since bigby is badly injured, he'll need to make more cautious decisions and i HOPE our previous choices (beat people or not) will be in the show.
yeah it'll be like if you attack woody .. your shoulder injury will be worse
That and the fact he's been shot in the chest several times and he took a silver bullet too.
and his left arm is broken too ... :-( .... can't wait to play nxt episode
or badger. no one has thought of that
very unlikely because TWAU is a prequel thus it will be hard to fit in another season in there
why not ?? season 2 will also be a prequel to comics
because it will be hard to fit another season in that timeline and there is only a certain amount of new characters the telltale can use because most of them apear in the comics so they dont have alot of freedom to mess around with new characters because if they show up in the comics they cant die but if they dont they pretty much have to die / dissapear
or blue beard
yeah but we want another run of this great game ..:-(
will there be any affects of silver bullet even after the removal of bullet from his body
and the killer should be a giant beast too
Kill him/her.
on the point ... thumbs up
true....and looking at that axe...I'm guessing Woody would like to ask her for it back....unless that axe is a payment to the
crooked man
The Woodsmans debt, yes
That looks like quite an open area. Maybe he will go full wolf!
yea he was unable to repay him so he gave his axe
yea can't wait to play nxt eppisode
he will try to rip the killer appart unless he is the killer ( which is quite dumb )
If its Bloody Mary im killing her.. If its Headless Horseman def killing
But if its bluebeard and he doesn't do that much harm he will be arrested
Maybe your too nice...
maybe ....
headless horsemen ... yeah he may be the killer
She may not be 'the murderer' but she still is 'a murderer', a kiddie murderer to be more exact. I think Mary should be tossed down the witching well.
Well his character in "The Wind in the Willows" has been called a sociopath by many scholars of literature...
They could do another case, the comics take place twenty or so years after the game, this first season spans a week or so; I think they have room to make more of TWAU
. The characters do not seem to be a real problem, unless you assume that Telltale can't come up with any more of their own.
What kid?
Do you know what her urban legend entails?
if they do s2 for this game the plot needs to be more intense and immersive gameplay than s1
yeah she killed many kids and elders
according to urban legend if someone chant bloody mary's name in front of mirror 5 times at night she would appear behind them and slaughter them with out mercy....
yeah i know that ... but did u try to do that ??( calling her name in mirror...)
Im going to laugh so hard if its Colin
i would normally have chosen to save him, however they came out Bigby shooting him at least 20 times with shotguns. They intended to kill Bigby so with that i decided to kill dee or dum because of that reason and causing trouble by shooting holly and gren at lily's wedding
yeah but what about the killer .. will you kill him too
yeah he will be the killer in worst scenario
Yes my friends and I did it when we were kids, in the real world nothing happens. In the fiction of the Fables world-in her words-she feeds her victims lungs to the 'family dog'. I guess she is shit out of luck if the family does not have a pet.