Which 6 characters DON'T you want to survive the season?
In a similar vein to @ReignOfClementine 's thread (here), I thought it'd be interesting to see who we most want to die this season.
For me it'd be:
- Christa (let her be with Omid, you damn cruel world).
- Carver (then again it'd be interesting to have him show up ages down the line like Ken did)
- Nick (A hero's death, though, to make up for how he's fucked up).
- Any of the Cancer Survivors if they show up
- Bonnie (She can die for betraying Carver, or just get killed, I'm not bothered)
- Rebecca. Though she *will *probably die.
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This is more a list of characters I don't think will survive other than characters I don't want to survive
Nick (already determined to be dead
Alvin (read the above statement)
[insert name from camp carver]
[insert name from camp carver]
One of the 400 days characters (Not Russel though)
Vernon if he shows up
Judging on how you said Luke twice, I take it that you don't like him very much?
Yeah, now I feel like I should've made this thread 'don't think' rather than 'don't want'. 'Don't want to survive' kinda makes everyone seem a bit jerky, while 'don't think will survive' makes people just seem a bit pessimistic.
I don't think i want anyone to die..
Troy (i'm sure he may end up being a good guy but for now he is on this list till i learn more about him)
Becca (i know, i'm a dick)
Sarita (preferably not though for the sake of Kenny's sanity)
Luke? Why?
Well during episode one i was thinking
1 rebecca
2 rebecca
3 rebecca
4 rebecca
5 rebecca
And 6....... Hmmmm i wonder who
Um... is it Luke?
This title. xD Which 6 characters do not you want to survive the season??? xDD Well at least everyone understood what you were talking about.
Nope...... -_-
Nooooo not luke
Not really. I wouldn't want to kill him, but I find him annoying.
Is it his attachment for Clem that you find annoying? I'm just curious.
1- Alvin (I know he's gonna die soon anyway)
2- Nick ( same as Alvin)
3- Carver
4- Carlos
6- Kenny (that would be very tragic and sad)
Yeah. He gets butthurt when you sit with Kenny. The guy has only known the girl for 6 or 7 days!
You forgot Nate.
I knew something was missing.
He wasn't being hostile or denigrating with Clem's choice to sit with Kenny, he was just feeling a bit disconsolate.
He may have briefly been upset, but it shows that he cares about Clementine and how she grew on him. He was the one who accepted her into the group.
No not big al.
Carver. Pretty obvious why I want him gone.
Troy. He doesn't talk, and that is creepy and suspicious.
Bonnie (She might have a change of heart in Episode 3, but until then I'm not trusting her)
Carlos. I have nothing against him, but I don't see him living to the end, sadly.
Luke. I don't dislike him, but Telltale already used their "Nice guy" card on Pete, and nice guys in the ZA are few and far between, so I don't really trust him.
Ralph. (If he is still alive, he was one of the dudes robbing Christa and Clem)
Doesn't he have Nick though?
Yeah, but can't Luke care about two people at the same time?
The only character I don't want to survive is that bloody old git Kenny. He had the nerve at the end of season one to not come with me just because I threaten to throw Duck outside and sided with Larry. He's just a selfish character that only looks out for himself, and the second you say anything he doesn't agree with, he hates you.
Why Kenny so much?
He should've died in Season1.
I hope they kill Kenny
and that's about it, I actually really like the characters this season.
1- Rebecca
2- Any cancer survivor if they are still alive...
3- Carlos
4- Kenny
5- Sarita
6- A new Duck's zombie/looklike character... ok no XD
6- All determinant characters...
Rebecca's baby (I **really ** don't want to take care of a baby in this game... I already promised Pete that I'd watch over Nick.)
Lilly/Nate (whoever shows up first)
Tough one.