Which Youtuber did you enjoy watching playing The Walking Dead?
For me is UberHaxorNova with all the stupid decisions and commentary he makes.
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I liked pewdiepie's version
Lekker Spelen, it's dutch but they are hilarious.. and of course Pewdiepie
im gana get disliked for this but im gana say pewdiepie. he says some funny things and his reaction to the end of ep. 5 was kind of like mines. he totally broke down lol.
I think Cryaotic did a pretty good job.
I enjoyed watching Cryaotic's playthrough of it c: (and most other things he plays)
I liked watching S1 playtrough of farfromsubtle.
I'm not really liking they S2 playtrough...
I Liked RageGamingVideo's.
I made one of my own as well, that went down well.
"LordSevein" He got just as emotionally attached to Clementine as I got And he makes witty comments every once in a while
I think Cryaotic's was the best, because he took the game seriously and truly got attached. And actually took care of Clem, made logical decisions, and acted as if Lee was him. And his reactions are real, not fake.
He really got into the game.
awesome walkthrough, awesome reactions, awesome everything, it's what got me hooked to this amazing game. i'll never forget this
I loved Cry's. His reactions were genuine and he has that sort of voice that you can listen to you know? (as in not the ear grating type of voice most Let's Players have)
Don't get mad at me,but i think Whiteboy7thst was a REALLY good one.I only saw his S201 vid but some parts of it was fuckin hilariuos.I did'nt wanna see it because i thought it was JUST gonna be humor and no seriousness,but for a huge majority it was serious,just had REALLY funny parts.
Yeah, I noticed that too, that's why I find his playthrough one of the best.
I agree c: I feel like he's more down to earth in his playthroughs than most youtubers xD
Anyone except Toby
Yeah i also think he is the only player that actually LIKES Duck xD
i like watch "girl playing walking dead season 2". I'm a guy, so i'm curious, how play the ladies (commentary and facecam!!!).
I know right? xD I remember watching pewdie's back when he played it, and as soon as Duck first appeared he was like "Omg kill it!"
Cry! He really gets into the game and all his reactions are genuine. I especially liked his reaction to the reunion with Kenny, I got all teary-eyed again! We make a lot of same choices so I hardly see new dialogs, but I still enjoy his LP a lot!
Girlfromaus is one of the few commentators I've enjoyed watching, if only because she's really sincere and has some good insights into characters on occasion. She gets pretty involved in the game, though, sometimes too much, but still, fun to watch.
Hassanalhajry, he does no commentary videos which I prefer if I'm watching a playthrough of a game.
If I had to choose a let's play with commentary I would choose Thegirlfromaus because she pretty much picked all the choices I did.
Cryaotic, it was a great playthrough.
I do too xD I usually end up playing it and then watching my fav youtuber play it just to see their reactions
"Duck you fuck!" i lol'd
Lifesimmer. Anyone else with her personality/ voice and I would normally never watch it. But for some reason I did, and she's super funny. She also does Wolf Among Us playthoughs.
me too xD
This talk of Let's Plays is making me want Ep3 even more (though i was already dying for it in general)
Cryotic. I think he is a bit to "goody two shoes" sometimes, but I like how some of the "good" decisions he make usually bite him in the ass.
Probably gonna get dislikes just because they point out flaws of the game but Farfromsubtle.
No. The way he speaks, how every episode starts, his creepy mask - Cryaotic doesn't take game seriously. I don't believe he was crying. However, I must admit I enjoy watching his TWAU and TWD s2 gameplays now. Better than Pewds.
Rather play it myself then watch others don't have the patience for cheesy jokes listening to them for hours rather just listen and play the game but did enjoy seeing the reactions to the ending or some big moments was so cool and so many feels seeing how the ending affected others
I like to watch various YouTubers play the game so that I can watch their reactions. DSPgaming, Cryaotic, pewdiepie & synnistry.