Even though I didn't win [EDIT: Not anymore!], I have to say, it's pretty awesome that you did this. You could have easily just sold these to the highest bidder and made a decent sum of cash, based on how badly people on here seem to want these things. Instead you're just giving them out at random for free and asking nothing in return. That's very generous of you. I hope good things come your way.
"Now let's remember, these are are brothers and sisters. They all have a vital role to play in this community" let's not act like sore losers cmon now. are attitudes could affect future giveaways lol. I would've loved a hat, i'm sure we all would be seriously lets be happy for the winnOrs ))))))))):'()))))))))
Right here: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Clementines-Hat-Printed-Baseball-Sun-Trucker-Cap-Letter-D-5-Colours-/121304042010?pt=UK_Hats&var=&hash=item1c3e48ca1a
My code word is "soon" as in I hope episode three is released soon 'cause this wait is seriously killing me.
& I said it in the e-mail already, but thanks a ton for this Clem hat giveaway. You made me & nine others pretty damn happy today. Pretty sure you'll make even more people in the future happy with your other giveaways. You're awesome, JonGon.
My code word is "soon" as in I hope episode three is released soon 'cause this wait is seriously killing me.
& I said it in the e-ma… moreil already, but thanks a ton for this Clem hat giveaway. You made me & nine others pretty damn happy today. Pretty sure you'll make even more people in the future happy with your other giveaways. You're awesome, JonGon.
True, but then you're alive to experience that, so there's meaning in that, at least. Why not make your own hat? If JonGon can do it, so can you, then you don't have to worry about losing again.
Even though I didn't win [EDIT: Not anymore!], I have to say, it's pretty awesome that you did this. You could have easily just sold these to the highest bidder and made a decent sum of cash, based on how badly people on here seem to want these things. Instead you're just giving them out at random for free and asking nothing in return. That's very generous of you. I hope good things come your way.
Ok I got you! and again Congratz.
Don't worry, everyone you hate will eventually die, too.
Shoot me an email Lee I need to tell you something too.
Aw, shucks
But anyway, thanks for the giveaway and gratz to the winners! 
Why say it out loud?lol now everybody can use that code and be you. XD
Life is meaningless, everything I enjoy turns to ashes.
I have already seperated the email to another section once confirmed.
Goddamnit, the world must hate me. If I ever do win something for once in my life, I bet it'll be something that sucks... like vegetables.
objection music plays

So annoyed that I didn't win. Anyway, thanks for the giveaway Jon. Hopefully i'll win next time
Was it because I was a new member?
I'm sorry but yes. I couldn't take the risk of people making accounts just to double their chances.
But... This was my first account.
But on a serious note, congrats to everybody.
"Now let's remember, these are are brothers and sisters. They all have a vital role to play in this community" let's not act like sore losers cmon now. are attitudes could affect future giveaways lol. I would've loved a hat, i'm sure we all would be seriously lets be happy for the winnOrs
It's hard for me to know that, but stick around and maybe I might do another giveaway.
Got it*
Lol sorry. I just really wanted a hat. And gain your trust*
pats back dem international shipping costs DOE
May as well continue the search for hats on sale online...
Send me an email and we can work something out.
Right here: http://www.ebay.com/itm/Clementines-Hat-Printed-Baseball-Sun-Trucker-Cap-Letter-D-5-Colours-/121304042010?pt=UK_Hats&var=&hash=item1c3e48ca1a
This is better: http://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/177107879/clementine-hat?utm_source=google&utm_medium=product_listing_promoted_en_gb&utm_campaign=geekery_mid
God, so true.
My code word is "soon" as in I hope episode three is released soon 'cause this wait is seriously killing me.
& I said it in the e-mail already, but thanks a ton for this Clem hat giveaway. You made me & nine others pretty damn happy today. Pretty sure you'll make even more people in the future happy with your other giveaways. You're awesome, JonGon.
Sent. Let me know if you got it.
Thank you!
you are now confirmed!
True, but then you're alive to experience that, so there's meaning in that, at least. Why not make your own hat? If JonGon can do it, so can you, then you don't have to worry about losing again.
YEAH!! I WON!!.....sorry guys.
My code is 386, i decided to put my adress there too.
Don't worry guys, keep your hopes up. There's always next time!
I won. I sent you an email Jon.
Send me an email with a code word, I need to tell you something too.
In reply to Ellias
Haha me too, but I know, that I wont win. I never ever won something in my life. xD
i kiss u now
I cant believe this. I won something. The first time in my entire life!
EDIT: Thank you JonGon! I love you,,, I really love you!
That's exactly how I'm feeling.
Thanks buddy!
Wait, doesn't the private messaging thing work?
Edit: Nevermind, it's kinda' GORKED.
Congrats, man!