code word : Harm's way
I'm excited though. when I saw that I was a backup, i screamed and told my sister lol You made my day jon ily ok
also just in case I sent a forward up email containing 26x8. You should know what that is
It's been a crappy day. Not Long Road Ahead crappy, but crappy nevertheless for me. Congratulations to the winners, bear that hat with honor. @JonGon, thank you for doing this, you're awesome.
True, but then you're alive to experience that, so there's meaning in that, at least. Why not make your own hat? If JonGon can do it, so can you, then you don't have to worry about losing again.
I didn't win? Oh well. I still respect what you did. You must have had a very hard time choosing. Sometimes you gotta make a choice, even if it means people you know hate you for it.
I didn't win? Oh well. I still respect what you did. You must have had a very hard time choosing. Sometimes you gotta make a choice, even if it means people you know hate you for it.
Ah, on it.
alright you are confirmed.
Alright. Done.
I'm so sorry ;(
Awwwww. Stop with these sad Clem faces, they're too much.
Congrats to the winners. Better luck next time to us losers, if there will be a next time
I'm from Brazil and I'll say it to you: stay the hell away from here. You are lucky to live in the US, I wish I were you.
Fudge, this is so frustrating, I cannot win anything.
Aww, poop.
It's been a crappy day. Not Long Road Ahead crappy, but crappy nevertheless for me. Congratulations to the winners, bear that hat with honor. @JonGon, thank you for doing this, you're awesome.
You know, if you opened a store on Etsy and sold these things you'd probably make a lot of money.
Hey, no prob.
Glad that we have someone kind enough and talented enough to do this kind of thing for us. Thanks again Jon.
Oh well it was worth a try. Time to make one online
I really won one..? AWESOME!
As Always
I didn't win
Damn. Welp, I just want to say that you have a big talent and I hope I'll win one if there will be another one.
Will there be another giveaway?
I'm disappointed now...
To all the people that want a hat, send me an email and we can work something out.
I can wait if you'll do another giveaway, but it's your choice
All I do is lose. I'm a pro loser.
I can wait as well for another giveaway as well, I don't want to hassle you to do anything you don't have to.
Eddie-Maiden and Davidsanden are the only ones left that need confirmation.
Have you figured out a price yet?
I didn't win? Oh well. I still respect what you did. You must have had a very hard time choosing. Sometimes you gotta make a choice, even if it means people you know hate you for it.
Congratulations to the winners! :-)
I changed my mind and I don't really want one so you can give it away to anyone you want
Nah, man. He put it in a random generator.
PLEASE ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
For me it's ok . just ask Jon
Yeah, the guy running this.
....I never win anything anyway but congrats to the winers