Will our choices really matter this season?*SPOILERS*

With the first season, a lot of us were frustrated by the fact that our choices really had no effect on the story. Determinant characters were always guaranteed to die even if we saved them. I know that we were promised "branching paths" this time around, but what does that really mean? Is it just going to be like the whole Nick/Pete choice, where who we pick effects where we end up at the beginning of the next episode, but everything ultimately remains the same-Nick leaves, Pete dies, and we return to the cabin. Will we actually be able to save characters and have them really stick around?
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I don't know really. In my opinion our choices matters in some point. They detemine how players respond to situation and how does he/she feel about what he/she did. It's not about diffrent endings because imagine this - 5 or 6 endings and then Telltale could have more work and we could wait longer then now. I think that what matters is how our choices affect on players. Did you feel guilty about leaving someone behind? Or about stealing some food from other group of survivors? Or do you feel happy about the fact that the character survive? Either way choices affect on players in some way and that's what I like in The Walking Dead from Telltale Games.
I'm talking about mattering solely in the sense that they actually truly change the story, not just how other characters react to you. I'm honestly going to be pretty upset if nothing changes, and the same characters will always die, and we'll always end up in the same place.
yes our choices matter guys. It's our choices that shape the story. What ever choices we make determines how the next chapter will be written. All our choices go back to the TTG's computer and office.
Again, not what I meant.
No, there are no branching storylines in TWD. The story is tailored by how you play.
They could but then we couldn't have next seasons of this game or even if we probably could wait much much longer for release (episodes too) because Telltale could have a task to create a story for diffrent outcomes. At least that's what I think. You don't have to agree with me.
You're asking them to make two episodes in one.
Which means they either make it skimpy and without quality or do something that costs them money.
In the end, very if any games have decisions huge decisions that completely change how the game ends.
Even a game like Mass Effect with all it's varying branches tosses you to the same 3-4 endings.
We're not at point where games are evolved enough to allow what you're looking for unless this aspect is the main goal of a game persay.
Like a game developed where every choice created a different playthrough of sorts, locking content out only for decisions.
But a Determinant Character might not die this time around. You don't know.
Well i misunderstood your post then sorry. I was just answering your question.
That's not what they promised us.
I'd rather not have direct sequel seasons if it meant we could get a game where our choices actually matter.
I'm asking them to give us what they promised. It's a good story, but it is not as fun as it could be for me. I'm not the only one who ended up enjoying the game, but also being bothered by the fact that none of our choices really mattered. It's not what we were expecting.
I doubt it.
Choices matters or not - it depends on our point of view. How we see that. For me they matters because they affects players and changing our experience in a game. That was the goal for Telltale and they achiev this but like I said - it depends on our point of view.
But, it says that right at the beginning of an episode. What did they say exactly?
Even with Season One, we were told our choices mattered. After people realized that wasn't really true, they questioned whether Season Two would be the same. Telltale said there'd be more branching paths.
I don't know where they said we'd get branching paths, but to me our choices do matter. The message I got was that it alters the way we perceive the story, but not not the story itself. Kinda like this quote everyone here uses: "It's about the journey, not the destination."
It depends on how you look at it if you see whether or not choices mattered
Like I said, a lot people were unsatisfied with that and pointed it out.
Well, that's their problem. Not Telltale's :P
From what we've seen of the season, choices are seeming to matter less. Let's compare E1 and E2's choices from both seasons:
-In S1, you can save Duck or agree with Kenny or Lilly in the pharmacy, and the respective party will at least comment on it when you bring Ben to the motor lodge in E2. Consequently in S2, you can choose to call out Rebecca about the baby and be sour towards Carlos in E1, to absolutely no consequences in E2.
-In S1, you could build relationships with characters such as Carley/Doug, Lilly, Kenny, and Larry during E1, to which they will point out and comment during E2. In S2, Sarah is the only character that (depending on your relationship with her in E1), will feel more distant or friendly towards you, enabling you to teach her how to use a gun.
-Ah, the Carley/Doug choice. It's virtually the same in S2 with Nick and Pete.
-So, during the first two episodes of S2, you can only build a relationship (strictly dependent on your choices) with Nick/Pete, who are determinant characters, as well as Sarah. Every other character seemingly has no reaction to the dialogue choices/decisions you made in E1 of season two. This contrasts with S1, where you had a multitude of characters that you built relationships with dependent on your choices in E1. So yeah, from what we can see in S2 so far, choices don't really have that much of an effect. At least, not to a degree of S1's choices.
Telltale said from the beginning our choices would matter, and this season, they chose that response to people's concerns, so I'd say it definitely is Telltale's problem too.
About the Carlos stuff if he doesn't trust you he'll admit it wgen he leaves you with Sarah then when it comes to overall choices wellconsidering nearly all of the cabin group can die in episode 2 I'd say that season 2 is probably a little less predictable (except for kenny)
Well, they matter to a lot of other people, at least. I'm pretty sure their aim was to let us play the game our own way with our own experiences. I guess it depends on the person if they mattered or not. Personally, I thought they did a terrific job on that.
I don't think it'll affect the ending but I heard that saying "Shit" in the barn when Clem says "it smells like..." Will affect what she says in season two, eh I just wanted to point that out