Which Youtuber did you enjoy watching playing The Walking Dead?



  • I liked TheQuxxn. She usually did the Sims 3. Don't look for her season 2 - she died in July.

  • Yogscast2/Yogscast Hannah, she's pretty straight forward and make great commentary as well.

  • At least you admit most of his fans are retards. Take my like!

    Pewdiepie, and dont hate me for this, yes i know most of his fans are retards. But Pewds is a good guy, donating for charity and stuff and thangs

  • edited April 2014

    Yeah. I miss Quxxn so bad right now. She never got to experience 400 days or season 2, or the sims 4. RIP above cloud nine beautiful Quxxn. I still miss you with whatever's left of my broken heart, even now.

    I liked TheQuxxn. She usually did the Sims 3. Don't look for her season 2 - she died in July.

  • I probably will get hated on for this too, but I also enjoyed PewDiePie's playthrough. A lot of people seemed to completely disagree with half of his choices but me, hell, I agreed with every single one. The one I didn't agree with was the salt lick in the meat locker situation, and neither did he! I think he legitimately cared about Clementine and all of his decisions reflect that.

    Compared to Cryaotic and TobyGames, I think his choices were way more emotionally involved. I generally do not agree with the YouTubers choice if they a. steal from the stranger's car b. kill the St. John Brothers c. leave Lee to turn. Pewds did none of those things, and for me, that resembled my Lee.

    That being said, I enjoy watching the other possible choices the others go through, but for me Pewds was the playthrough that resembles mine. I do enjoy the Age Of The Gamer's Evil Clem for season 2 though :)

  • I don't care how many dislikes I get, but Pewdiepie is awesome! I enjoyed his version too...

    ChocoHallic posted: »

    I liked pewdiepie's version

  • Alt text

    At least you admit most of his fans are retards. Take my like!

  • Umm I replied to the first comment. I don't know why it replied down here.

    I don't care how many dislikes I get, but Pewdiepie is awesome! I enjoyed his version too...

  • I don't like amazing spider-man the games or movies

    He's currently doing amazing spider-man 2 playthrough . The games pretty good so far

  • Im a fan of Pewdiepie but im not gonna thumb you down, its your opinion :)

    Echopapa posted: »

    YOGSCAST Hannah, sometimes. Mostly GassyMexican though... I only watch after I've played through my own game of course Could never watch Pewdiepie... yes, thumbs me down pewdie-fans. He's just not my cup of tea.

  • I vote spottingames he pick the right decision

  • Yes! Someone with a matured sense of humour! Pewdiepie is just hilariously unfunny. Screaming at a monitor for the cheap laughs of kids and teenagers isn't humour or wit. But that's the majority of people using YouTube, hence why he is so popular.

    TheRadBrad because he doesn't talk over important dialogue and is a much more mature let's player who doesn't needlessly scream at the monitor and exaggerate at everything. cough cough pewdiepie cough cough. Bring on the hate, pewdiepie fangirls

  • Thank you kind sir. You're a gentleman and a scholar.

    Im a fan of Pewdiepie but im not gonna thumb you down, its your opinion

  • The solar gamer.

  • I liked pewdiepie, he was funny, but made some decitions i didnt agree with.

  • Cryaotic, Uberhaxornova, SSoHPKC and Yogscast Hannah (she's the only yogscast member I watch). They all usually make good decisions and Cryaotic's father-like or brother-like attachment to Clem is so adorable.

  • I think he got more attached to it on episode 4 and 5 and especially all of the season 2 episodes from what i've noticed so far.

    Omid's cat posted: »

    No. The way he speaks, how every episode starts, his creepy mask - Cryaotic doesn't take game seriously. I don't believe he was crying. However, I must admit I enjoy watching his TWAU and TWD s2 gameplays now. Better than Pewds.

  • I felt like leaving Lee was just the better thing to do for Clem. It's obvious he cares for Clem's well being and it would torment her if she had to live with the physical death on her hands. Also, it's not like Lee would be trapped in that body, like he said "It won't be me."

    I probably will get hated on for this too, but I also enjoyed PewDiePie's playthrough. A lot of people seemed to completely disagree with ha

  • oh god pewdiepies was depressing but funny

  • Tmartn2 was my original one then I looked at Zakscottgames and pewdiepie to see different reactions and choices.

  • ._.

    Echopapa posted: »

    Yes! Someone with a matured sense of humour! Pewdiepie is just hilariously unfunny. Screaming at a monitor for the cheap laughs of kids and teenagers isn't humour or wit. But that's the majority of people using YouTube, hence why he is so popular.

  • Omg. I love YogscastHannah's Playthroughs too. :3

    Symbolz posted: »

    I like watching Hannah from the Yogscast Hannah Plays! videos. Her Walking Dead videos are entertaining to me. Half the time she's goes, 'Oh, hello...' and spam speaking the word Q as she panics and tries to do the interactive parts.

  • [removed]

    ItsGabee posted: »

    Omg. I love YogscastHannah's Playthroughs too.

  • Have another one from a poodiepie fan :3

    Echopapa posted: »

    Thank you kind sir. You're a gentleman and a scholar.

  • I loved Nova's LP, but Pewdiepie's reaction to the end was priceless!

  • I watch Yogscast2 aka Yogscast Hannah, also I noticed how some users said "<YTuber's name> usually picks the wrong choice", lemme remind you that there is no wrong or right choices.

  • MrLeeMrLee Banned

    TheGirlFromAus is funny, I don't watch her channel but she is crying everytime when somebody dies! it is so funny!

  • UberHaxorNova

  • I think he's alright but does he deserve 25 MILLION Subscribers? Hurhurhur, nope.

    TGP95 posted: »

    I didn't tell him to shut up or something ...

  • Wait what? Someone can dislike him but not share their opinion on why they feel that way? That makes no sense whatsoever.

    Oh btw. Pewdiepie is annoying as hell.

    TGP95 posted: »

    You're free to like/dislike anyone you want but Don't call them annoying or irritating because that's only what you think of them , You can say -I " like " or " dislike " them- and that should be enough , or at least that's what I have been taught ..

  • I remember wanting to check out Hard Rain so I searched a playthrough and basically clicked on the first one. It ended up being pewdiepie and I couldn't get to the 5 minute mark. He is so damn annoying.

    I like Spider from NGTZombies though.

  • edited April 2014

    ChristopherOdd, Zemalf and Phallll.

  • The first one I saw was Tobuscus, then Pewdiepie, then Cry. However, I have to say I preferred Cry's playthrough out of all of them. Tobuscus and Pewdiepie are most funny to me when they're playing rage games and not so much story games where I want to pay attention to the storyline and characters because they'll talk over it and make it hard to focus on the story. Cryaotic is now my go-to Youtuber for good story games.

  • Of course he does ..

    CodPatrol posted: »

    I think he's alright but does he deserve 25 MILLION Subscribers? Hurhurhur, nope.

  • Forget that I said so ..

    jaybreezy posted: »

    Wait what? Someone can dislike him but not share their opinion on why they feel that way? That makes no sense whatsoever. Oh btw. Pewdiepie is annoying as hell.

  • Alt text

    AWESOMEO posted: »

    Toby, he freaks out every time he has to make a choice it's hilarious.

  • None. I hate let's plays.

  • He's a good person. Sometimes he can be pretty annoying. but he's a good guy.

    Harpadarpa posted: »

    Yeah. Didn't he raise like thousands of dollars for charity? That automatically buys him good person status. But good people can be fucking annoying.

  • edited April 2014

    Not sure if it was already brought up, but I recommend SGBlikestoplay. Basically, the commentary group consists out of two brothers and one of their friend, two of which are Walking Dead fanatics. They're haven't done all the episodes yet (it's still in progress, uploads every Tuesday and Thursday) and it's not taken too seriously, but I thought it was pretty funny. There's a lot of Lee Everett impersonations, unintentional jokes and even more unintentional, terrible choices (YOU SIDED WITH LARRY?!) so what's not to like?

    Also, they're the only let's players I tolerate. Sue me.

  • TheRadBrad (mostly)

    PewDiePie (barely)

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