I have a cheap nokia phone I'm not on instagram but I love the idea so felt I needed to comment and thumb the thread but when I a get proper phone I'll join just such great idea well done deceptio thanks for share
You're gay right ? You can hit on Saltlick lol You'll like him he's a cutie ! Or maybe Deceptio or GOUSTTTT are your type haha Those are the only peole I've seen. No one is ugly
You're gay right ? You can hit on Saltlick lol You'll like him he's a cutie ! Or maybe Deceptio or GOUSTTTT are your type haha Those are the only peole I've seen. No one is ugly
You are still one you slutburger
Though I must say I expected you to be more... Urban?
You guys aren't even chatting..
Funniest answer you could have given, I applaud you for not making me say what the duck again.
You shall never know how i look!
We will not let it die !! Even if that means we have to talk about the Troll disliking comments lol
We must keep this thread alive!
Yeah we keep the thread alive and its more work the troll has to do Greattt lol
Yeah lol you got a skype? I was just chatting with GOUSTTTT but I gotta do stuff right now
Thanks bro
Nah I don't have skype ? You were talking to each other ? Nice !! I'll see If I can Facetime with Salty one of these days again
Well I wanted to talk to you lol you got oovoo? I wanna chat with everyone
LOL, I knew something was up haha
I'd like to participate, but my phone is terrible and I don't like to take pictures.
I got Skype, btw.
Really? We should all talk sometime, I just finished talking with goustttt
yep, so far I just have one friend there. Screen name is josephnyy86
Its exclusive for Iphones
I have none of that lol
Get one lol
Cool, mine is LegitUnderdog. Send me a contact request
I can't because I don't know how to on Windows 8 skype lol
I'll fcuk you later
too ugly for the public
I don't think you've ever replied to me without sayin that.XD
Yah so what if that's true?Like my uncle says,everbody is beautiful from the back.Don't beat yourself up about it.
Your uncle is great
You're gay right ? You can hit on Saltlick lol You'll like him he's a cutie ! Or maybe Deceptio or GOUSTTTT are your type haha
Those are the only peole I've seen. No one is ugly
YAH I KNOW RIGHT,still don't know why he's in jail tho.
I will only follow friends from here .-.
Oohh This Thread.
I would participate but I have pictures of me in my high school basketball jersey sooooo...... I will pass. It sounds like a fun thing to do though.
soflyyy_randyyy? Wat
I will join if that's okay...so do i need a webcam or how does this work? I don't quite understand it!
All white people look the same anyways.
finna hit up some hunnies
you just upload pictures of yourslef
Oh yeah baby let's do that haha !