What would be your limit ?

Since there are a lot of "Who would you be" threads, why don't I continue.

If there was some kind of Z.A, what would be your limit ?
We ALL imagine ourselves in a Z.A being a badass, a villain like Lee etc. But we all have something that block your imagination state.

You know, THAT/THESE thing/s that you won't ever be able to do, even if it was required to survive (or not).

Me ? That would be any kind of sexual aggression.
Know what I'm saying ?


  • I would probably not be able to cut my arm/leg if I get bit.

  • I wouldn't be able to deal with the fact that the Internet was gone for good.

  • I wouldn't be able to do parkour moves or climb stuff :/

  • You would finally go outside :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

    Rock114 posted: »

    I wouldn't be able to deal with the fact that the Internet was gone for good.

  • I'll give you a boost, buddy.

    Rafoli posted: »

    I wouldn't be able to do parkour moves or climb stuff

  • edited April 2014

    Yeah, and once I closed the door to my house behind me, I would "Cease to Function."

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    You would finally go outside

  • Alt text

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    I'll give you a boost, buddy.

  • I'm unsure if whether I would be able to kill a unarmed man/cold blood. Or possibly leave another for bait.

  • I'm really fat and unhealthy so I probably couldn't outrun walkers.

  • edited April 2014

    I'm a control freak. Which is why I could sympathize with Lilly going over the edge when she started losing control of the group, along with the grief of losing her father. I'd probably take losing someone close like she did, too. I don't think I'd be able to handle that.

    So...same limit as Lilly, probably. Wouldn't be long before something broke me. :S

  • I'll protect you, buddy!

    I'm really fat and unhealthy so I probably couldn't outrun walkers.

  • I will run far far away from you in a Z.A.

    I'm a control freak. Which is why I could sympathize with Lilly going over the edge when she started losing control of the group, along with

  • edited April 2014

    Well, you may want to keep any trashtalking friends away from me, anywho. :S

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    I will run far far away from you in a Z.A.

  • What?

    Well, you may want to keep any trashtalking friends away from me, anywho. :S

  • edited April 2014

    You know, lest I get angry enough to open a new nosehole in their brainpan. Like Lilly did Carley.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »


  • You are the one who wants to throw out a teenager!

    You know, lest I get angry enough to open a new nosehole in their brainpan. Like Lilly did Carley.

  • edited April 2014

    Hey now, I wouldn't have done that.

    I'd have just made sure Ben knew not to make the mistake of going behind the group's back ever again. :S

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    You are the one who wants to throw out a teenager!

  • My limit? I'm.. not fit. I have a low lung capacity and I get tired really fast. I'd probably get stronger over time though, but at first it would definitely be an issue for me.

    Second to that, I panic easily and I don't handle stress well. Stress doesn't go away for me, it only builds, and as I get more stressed out I become on-edge, highly irritable, and aggressive. Basically not like my normal self at all.

  • All you have to do is just jog, or even walk. You'd be fine. Until the Hunters get ya.

    I'm really fat and unhealthy so I probably couldn't outrun walkers.

  • I can roll. Does that count?

    Harpadarpa posted: »

    All you have to do is just jog, or even walk. You'd be fine. Until the Hunters get ya.

  • If you can do it like Homer simpson does it in the simpsons game, then that works/

    I can roll. Does that count?

  • I'm not sure. I haven't been put to the test yet so I can't say, hopefully a ZA comes around soon.

  • edited April 2014
    • Kill a child or leave a child in danger
    • Shoot a family relative in the head before they turn into a walker
    • Sexual thing is a given never
    • Being bitten and thinking about last moments before you turn what to do and the reflection
    • Leaving someone to die even if it's suicide to save them I'll try being eaten by horde of zombies
  • Being bit. Something about wasting away is the worst thing possible.


  • edited April 2014

    I wouldn't be able to shoot someone, or as someone said before, cut my arm/leg. I couldn't handle just seeing Lee getting his arm cut, let alone cutting my own.

  • If I was desperate, I'd rather starve then go as far as to off an innocent to gain their supplies. Hell, I'd have a problem killing someone trying to kill me, although I think I could do it.

    Another problem! In UK, not much access to guns, although there are hunting shops nearby and an army base... My main crux is living in England :P

  • Duck, you're 9, stop.

    WhatTheDuck posted: »


    1. Cut one of my limbs off

    2. Shoot a family member before they turn. I just couldn't handle it.

  • If anything I'd try my best to avoid getting into situations that would create those consequences. I'd tend to place most of my ability in talking people out of doing bad things, so my limit might be calling an adversary's bluff. I could see myself backing down in order to not get hurt, though hopefully not at the expense of someone else.

  • id pretty much do anything to survive, but id be hesitant to cut off my own arm if i was bit, unless there was medical supplies around and a mitre saw or something that would be quick

  • Man i know but Clementine playin hard to get.

    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Duck, you're 9, stop.

  • edited April 2014

    I'd probably be like Nick and be unstable if I lost my family.
    My other limit is that I would cease to function if I was in a new group like Clementine, I don't like talking to new people especially if there by me 24/7, I can get annoyed by anyone if there with me to long.

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