Of course, this is for the Walking Dead/Post-apocalyptic type death scene. Which is fine, but my other favorite type of stories are sort of neo-noir crime drams or things similar to that. So if I were to die in a story like that, well, then I'd have a song more like this play:
No depressing stuff. I need something to make people glad I lived, not sad I died.
Fuck yeah. I hope life's camera man does a slow pan-out of my smiling body or something.
I wouldn't want this song to play when I died, but to be kind of what my death is represented by.
"Say tomorrow, I can't follow you there. Just close your eyes, and sing for me,"
"Goodbye"- TWD. Pre-Deat- Armed With Death
Hopefully this:
Fade Away-Infamous 2
I'd play the saddest shit ever so that my enemies feel terrible when they kill me.
Death is the road to awe
Alone by Yasmine Maddour
No depressing stuff. I need something to make people glad I lived, not sad I died.
Fuck yeah. I hope life's camera man does a slow pan-out of my smiling body or something.
Of course, this is for the Walking Dead/Post-apocalyptic type death scene. Which is fine, but my other favorite type of stories are sort of neo-noir crime drams or things similar to that. So if I were to die in a story like that, well, then I'd have a song more like this play:
I'm really digging the slow pan out. That would be pretty sweet.
It just sounds like a heroic death. Especially the very end.
Infamous: Second Son Double Crossed. Just the first minute.
This one kind of sounds like "The ending of the apocalypse song" lol.
Have you played Second Son?
Yep platinumed it in 3 days.
I would go out running butt naked into a board with a stereo on my shoulder blasting "fuck you" by cee lo green
Add me on ps4. It's my username in this forum
Maybe I'd be a villain then lol.
Fuck yes.
Wait, nevermind, I found it.
I wouldn't want this song to play when I died, but to be kind of what my death is represented by.
"Say tomorrow, I can't follow you there. Just close your eyes, and sing for me,"
Click here
I did.
I guess this should play.
Man, the fucking feels. THE FEELS FROM THIS SONG, MAN!
Man...these songs...depressing the shit out of me. Now, I'm going to have to make sure I save your life so this song doesn't play.
This song. This song depresses the shit out of me. I normally don't like this kind of music, but this is to sad and good.Take Us Back
Because i'm going to go down fighting.
But in all seriousness...
Or any acoustic and depressing song.