Stop Blaming Nick for Matthews Death.

look, although Nick raised his gun first, it was obvious Matthew was still going to shoot even though Luke and Clem said that Nick was with them, Nick regrets not reacting quick enough when the groups former bite victim turned and attacked/killed his mom, as well as when Pete was being devoured by walkers at the river, Nick would most likely have a mental breakdown if he wasn't quick enough to save another person from being killed.
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I agree but people just kind of don't get it. But we have our opinions and they have theirs.I really hope Nick doesn't die in the next episode,and if he does I might just have a panic attack.
It was unlikely Matthew was going to shoot besides that I agree I guess
the only reason i think he would have is because when clem and luke told matthew that nick was not a bad guy he looked back up at nick and aimed down his sights, he also tried to shoot when falling off the bridge but i cant blame him for that.
Matthew didn't do anything, in fact he wanted to help Clem and Luke. He didn't want to kill Nick, it's 100% Nick's fault that Matthew died and you can't deny that obvious fact. We all know that Nick was just trying to help Clem and Luke, but that doesn't make his mistake any less stupid. What's the point of this whole thread?
true, also i pray that Determinant characters don't always have the same fate with being killed off in the following episode
, i think the only ones to bypass this "law" were Carley and Doug
Nick had a huge misunderstanding, he even thought that Luke and Clem gave him a clear shot. and i made this thread so that maybe people would give Nick a break
Matthew told Nick to put it down. Nick didn't put it down.
Nick still shot without knowing what he would do. It could have been resolved much more peacefully.
Nick was obviously trying to help Clem and Luke as i already said and he thought he was doing the right thing. But the simple truth is, he didn't do the right thing. He killed a innocent nice man, that was trying to help them.
Nick couldn't hear them
How was it "obvious" that Matthew was going to shoot? He didn't look aggressive and when Luke told Matthew that Nick was with him,Mathew seemed to listen.
I get why Nick was over-reactive but that doesn't make it not his fault. I understood why Ben gave medicine to the bandits but I still blame him for stealing supplies and making deals behind the group's back.
I still think some people should give him a break though, a lot of people aren't letting go of the fact that people make mistakes, i mean almost everyone gave Ben an incredibly hard time for screwing up a few times
well he looked down his sights again, he would have shot if nick didn't shoot when he did, in my opinion it was just a misunderstanding, not anyones fault, but i do believe that it was Bens fault when doing the bandit trades but people needed to give him a break too
No excuse. He still reacted poorly.
He is justified, but it doesn't make it NOT his fault.
id say he reacted well with the situation from his perspective, he thought they were being held up so he even risked his life to save them
Of course they did. Ben was indirectly responsible for many people's deaths and he left Clementine to die in Savannah. Clem would already be dead by now, if Chuck didn't sacrifice himself to save her life! Yes, that was Ben's fault and many other horrible things aswell.
Nick made a stupid mistake and killed a nice innocent man, it's just logical that people get angry about that and of course they blame him for Matthew's death, because it was in fact his own fault!
I think there's a lot of factors to play into why Nick did what he did--he panicked at the idea of experiencing another loss, and that's a reason I and a lot of other fans can sympathize with. But that isn't an excuse. He pulled the trigger, he hit Matthew, he killed him. It's still his fault it happened.
Leave brit.....I mean Nicky alone!
Nick raised the gun first, but i know he meant well.
Nicks a fucking idiot. Perfect example of shoot first ask questions later.
Of course he looked down his sights again. That's how you use a rifle. It doesn't mean that he was going to pull the trigger. Only that he was readying himself to do so if the need arose.
There was a clearly better way of handling the situation from Nick's perspective. If a guy is holding two members of your group at gunpoint, it's monumentally stupid thing to run up to the guy and fire. He should have approached calming while holding the guy at gunpoint to make sure he doesn't do anything. Instead, he charged ahead and shot without any warning. Not even a "drop the gun." It was his fault.
" Kennysucks "
Luke (and Nick) fanboy detected!
I sympathize with Nick, and I understand what he did. But...there really is nobody to blame here but him. He messed up and he'll have to live with it.
Just because he dislikes Kenny automatically makes him a Luke fanboy?
Oh, it is totally Nick's fault. I know he was just trying to help, but it was his actions and his actions alone that resulted in Matthew's death. Luke told him to stay back, but instead he decided to run up to them and completely disregard Luke's instructions. Then HE drew on MATTHEW. Matthew just raised his gun because Nick was aiming at him. Despite both Clem and Luke yelling at Nick not to shoot, he takes the shot anyway. Everything was perfectly fine until Nick entered the picture.
I'm not saying I hate him for it, though. He genuinely wanted to help his friends, but him going off like that got Matthew killed, no ifs, ands, or asses about it.
you are right it doesn't make me a "fanboy" just cause i dislike Kenny, although i do love Luke and Nick
Clem: Shut up, Nick.
Nick was Republican Space Ranger. "Shoot first; ask questions NEVER!".
As much as I love Nick, it was his fault. Maybe the communication between him, Luke and Clem could have been better(He said something about Luke waving his arms and giving him a clear shot but eh) but he was the one who didn't wait, he drew on Matthew and he pulled the trigger. I understand why he did it, but it doesn't make it any less his fault.
He wanted to help? Yeah. You know who else wanted to help? Ben. Does that make their actions any less their fault? Nope. And they still are my favorites. A character can be your favorite and you can still recognize they fucked up.
He will die in the next episode. In this case he will since he can die in Episode 2. Sucks though, but he will probably go out heroically.
Errr....It was far from obvious. He clearly didn't want to shoot. Matthew raised his gun in defense and simply told Nick to lower his gun. Someone requesting the other person to lower their own weapon isn't about to shoot. He only decided to try and shoot Nick after he was shot in the damn neck. That's the point, Nick made a mistake. But it was indeed his fault.
In my eyes Nick is to blame by both action and words.
Nick ran up and immediately aimed at Matthew, who, at that time, had his weapon pointed down. That's a pretty universal sign of being nonthreatening. Nick shot Matthew because he was either to far away to see that Matthew wasn't being threatening; or he was close enough and just didn't care, likely because he was tired of being cut out of the group's decisions from earlier, and quite possibly for the entire time they were on the run for the last five days.
His words are even more damning. When Luke pointed out that he could have hit either him or Clementine, Nick was quick to retort, "Yeah, well I didn't." That screams to me that he has no regard for the consequences of his actions. Then later he deflects even further saying that if Alvin was in front of him he would have taken the shot. Alvin is in almost all the scenes he's in is calm, reasonable, and generally a peacekeeper. Alvin would only take a shot if there was no other option. Nick didn't even think about a peaceful option, he didn't even think about the people between him and the person he was aiming at. He just shot.
Now I can still give Nick the benefit of the doubt that it all happened very fast, and that there were other factors: their situation of being chased, low on food, and likely little to no rest to make rational decisions. However I can't absolve Nick of his actions, whether it was accidental or intentional, Nick still shot Matthew.
Dude, I love Nick, but it was nothing but Nick's fault that Matthew is dead.
I don't completely throw Nick under the bus for this or anything, but what he did was definitely his own fault. He drew on Matthew first.
People said GTA IV had the worst radio content but it is by far my favorite. Judge Grady, Republican Space Rangers, and just the commercials in general. The only thing better in GTA V is Chakra Attack.
This thread is ridiculous. Nick is my favorite character this season, but it was obviously his fault. Irregardless of his actions he still shot Matthew. I agree with his intentions but that doesn't acquit him of them.
I think the "My Little Slut" was my favorite commercial.
I love all of them, but Dragon Brain has to be top 5 for me. That and Electrolytes Extreme Sports Drink.
If they keep him alive long, the story branches too much making telltale take even longer when making these episodes
I don't remember those two. I never listened to the radio much in GTAIV. When are those two? And also, I forgot about babies overnight. That one was great.
They're all time stamped in the video description so I'd suggest opening it in a new tab. It'll just be easiest.