So Carver will beat up Clementine?
It's without a doubt Clementine. Damn, Telltale is brave for doing this. Based on the achievements she stole the Walkie Talkie, so I guess Carver finds out and goes crazy on her, showing further that he is a psycho not to be fvcked with. I believe it's Clementine also since it shows him grabbing a long strand of hair. Later based on the achievement "Gave what you got" means that Clem got revenge on him when she got the opportunity. Anyways, just like Season 1, episode 3 will be a mixture of mindfucks compiled into a shitstorm.
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Nah, I don't think so.
I'm afraid that this is true but... we'll see when episode 3 will be released. We can still be surprised by Telltale.
Doesn't Clem keep her hair short for the sole reason of no one being able to grab it? So Carver shouldn't be able to hold onto her hair.
Telltale is known for those surprises. Season 1 episode 3 comes to mind.
I'd actually like that..don't get me wrong i hate seeing Clem getting beaten up but if he does that then it really builds up his psycho profile and shows that you should be scared of him...of course that won't matter when you chop his head off..
She has pig tails on either side.
Are you MENTAL ? Do you see the amount of blood here ? That poor person's head/skull is destroyed. It's probably "witnessed a murder".
Yeah. They are but in positive and negative meaning.
Nah it can't be since it fits exactly in line with the achievement when you see Carver with a walkie talkie. That achievement is the "Got beaten down".
Evidence to support:
If you look closely it's DEFINITELY Carver with the walkie talkie.
No. She keeps her hair short so that walkers can't grab her. It dosen't mean that the living people can't grab her hair too.
The blood could be his or someone else's...
For an amount of blood that big, if clementine got beaten up like that, then that would be: Gud byuhe clementine! because none kid can survive that hit from carver.
Look at the talkie walkie. Just look at it. It's utterly destroyed. That person is DEAD.
Clem is already too strong for 11 y. old girl. Surviving such beating would be even more ridiculous.
If it is Clementine getting beaten, then Lee will come down from heaven and unleash his spiritual awesome powers on Carver, and bash his skull in with his bare hands
Nobody can survive this. Not even an adult, look at the talkie walkie he has in the hand. It's destroyed.
Maybe it's actually a red herring and he's killing a walker.
Another theory is that someone else gets beaten down, and she tries to intervene, and Carver pulls her by the hair and threatens to kill her. Anything can happen, but we will see in due time though. It would be good to be right, but I don't want to be in this case,it's just that everything points to Clem being beaten indeed....
Sarah or Kenny.
Yes, it is more likely.
I do believe it is Clem. Based on the leaked achievements, it does seem like a match. Also, the angle of this screenshot makes it look like almost a 1st person Po V, with the player, as Clem, gets beaten up.Carver already hit Clem in ep 2, so I can see this happening. :-(
No way we are going to see Clementine getting her face beaten in no matter how "brave" it is.
Stupid Carver...he gonna regret this. Kenny's SaltLick is confirmed for Season2! (No joke, it really is!)
I remember Lee mentioning how Danny or Andy grabbed onto her hair.
Either way it seems that Carver will be violent towards some of our companions (or Clementine). He'll regret this!
I posted them comment on another thread but i will also post it here as it's relevant.
It could be Clementine in the pic with Carver but I don't think the blood belongs her, maybe he killed someone and then goes to attack Clem. Hopefully someone stops him before he hurts her.
Although this would be insane and I think it's unlikely... I do have to admit, it looks like he's grabbing hair that looks similar to hers...
You know first I thought that person who gets beat up by Carver is Kenny. But his cap is brown right? That persons cap is blue. Maybe Telltale changed some things in the game?
Kenny,because the hair coming out the thing(that hole in a cap thing)
It's pretty vague, though, so I guess he'll have to clarify it if he cares to.