AC3 had a bad story and 4 was a little bit better but the problem with AC3 everything was so slow and not important conversations... AC4 was better in that but I didn't enjoy it much I hope the movie is gonna be great!
AC can become a great movie if you only write it good and direct it good. Michael never played this game! ooh lord help us... I hope they don't make a movie of Altair seriously Ezio and all the others oke but not Altair he sucks
Actually, Revelations has the most possibility for a Movie. It's a fairly short game that contains lots of Character development and plot twists and the like.
AC can become a great movie if you only write it good and direct it good. Michael never played this game! ooh lord help us... I hope they don't make a movie of Altair seriously Ezio and all the others oke but not Altair he sucks
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* What is your fav TWD character?
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* Luke, always Luke
* Cluke = sick, nuke? Yeah I don't see it
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* Gay
* :p