Ah. Your run in with TKA. The reason we allowed him to have that is because everybody who was there already knew of the spoiler in his thing. I forgot to make a point about that before I left.
Ah. Your run in with TKA. The reason we allowed him to have that is because everybody who was there already knew of the spoiler in his thing. I forgot to make a point about that before I left.
You had a big fight with TKA over his spoilery avatar, and then you came back on a different account, and then on a guest account titled BT, and then you claimed it all to be done by somebody else. Except for the yelling on your first account.
You had a big fight with TKA over his spoilery avatar, and then you came back on a different account, and then on a guest account titled BT, and then you claimed it all to be done by somebody else. Except for the yelling on your first account.
You had a big fight with TKA over his spoilery avatar, and then you came back on a different account, and then on a guest account titled BT, and then you claimed it all to be done by somebody else. Except for the yelling on your first account.
Just go onto othertwdforum . freeforums . net
Without the spaces of course.
"Harp sent me to prove that I'm not the troll. Look at my guest info. See if it's different than hers."