Carley and Pete - Similarity

This is just a bit of a random theory/observation, but I just wished to share it with anyone who may love Carley and/or Pete as much as I do - or if anyone is just simply curious.

I feel as if there is a striking similarity between Carley and Pete. To start - both of them have really compelling, standout entrances into the game - with Carley shooting the walker off of Duck and Pete swooping in to help save Clementine by shooter the walker off of her with his crossbow.

Both of them go out on a limb to trust the main character in a moment where many of the other characters were distant and doubtful - with Carley overlooking Lee's criminal past and Pete choosing to believe Clementine's story about her bite.

Although both of their backstories are only briefly touched upon in gameplay, enough is given in order to convey the sense that both are witty, well-rounded, and well-educated individuals. In both of their brief appearances in the game, they help provide compelling insights that add to the story and sometimes even provide a sort of moral compass for which the main character to possibly rely on.

In the eyes of a big Carley and Pete fan such as myself, both of them shine as characters who possess strong-willed and admirable traits - with a lot of potential for development and growth. They are two very original, unique, and unforgettable characters.

Yet all too sadly true to Telltale's nature, the video game's progression both can potentially have their stories cut off entirely before they have time to further manifest. Carley can die in the first episode of Season 1 at the pharmacy, while Pete can die in the first episode of Season 2 at the fishing river.

If they are both saved, the player gets the opportunity to get more of a glimpse into their backstories and characters, yet both of them are ultimately killed in sudden deaths that feel abrupt and spontaneous. For me, Pete's death was all the more upsetting and heart-wrenching - as he can die not too long after he is saved. Carley at least had two more episodes of life and storytime if rescued at the pharmacy.

And that's pretty much all I had to say. I just wish to give a heartfelt discussion and tribute to two very dynamic characters whom I will miss dearly. Carley and Pete - RIP. The Walking Dead lost some two very profoundly memorable individuals who had lives and stories of their own.


  • What about Nick and Doug?
  • Wow,man GREAT POST there almost as similar as Kenny and Nick
  • I stopped reading when I heard you say that Carley was well educated. Batteries. That is all.

    OK, jokes aside I really did read the whole thing. I feel much more strongly about Pete than I do Carley, and while I liked her as well I feel that Pete's exit from the story was much more sad and depressing than hers was. She got to survive up to Episode 3. Pete, if he's lucky, gets to survive about 10 minutes into episode 2. I really do feel that while Pete's death was all but inevitable, being the "kindly old man" much in the way Chuck was in Season 1, they should have let him survive until at least the end of Episode 2. He was a great character, despite his short screentime, and I wish he'd lasted longer.

    RIP Pete. He's bumming cigarettes off of Angels now.
  • I'll live as long as you remember me.
  • Come back, Pete. Nick needs you. I need you...

    I'll live as long as you remember me.

  • edited May 2014
    Haha, you know- you'd be surprised - there are people out there who possess really impressive intelligence, but then don't know about something seemingly simple and easy - such as changing a lightbulb. I have met so many people like this myself! But nonetheless, the joke was appreciated - rest assured!

    Yes, I definitely did notice the uncanny similarity between Chuck and Pete right away - if Pete is saved, then they even die in poignantly similar scenarios. I feel that both of them met their ends way too soon!

    I actually had high hopes for Pete - and Nick. I guess it mainly stemmed from when we follow them along in their ill-fated fishing trip. I felt very fascinated by their interactions and dynamics - and out of all of the cabin survivors, I hoped they would stick around the longest (along with Luke). Yet this did not turn out to be the case, as Pete was killed off not too soon after, and Nick even has the option of meeting his death at the end of episode 2. It's just so sad that the remainder of their broken family could get wiped out so soon. Hopefully, saved-Nick has at least a little bit more screentime before he also is given his final curtain call.

    Loved the sign off! Hopefully, one of the angels will know how to give a kiss that is worth a damn. ;)
    Rock114 posted: »

    I stopped reading when I heard you say that Carley was well educated. Batteries. That is all. OK, jokes aside I really did read the who

  • Trust me, I'm one of those people too. But, as a self proclaimed Deadpan Snarker, I had no choice but to go for the joke. I'm glad you liked it, though.

    I had high hopes for both Pete and Nick as well. They were my favorite characters in All That Remains, even more than Luke. I liked their dynamic as well, and one of the reasons I wished Pete had lived was so that we could see more of it. I went with Pete when he was bitten during my canon playthrough, and I got a little misty eyed at his demise. Like Chuck, he went out a hero who saved Clem. As for Nick, I didn't think he could meet his maker so soon. If anyone deserves a break, it's definitely that kid. Even before the apocalypse he had it rough, and the end of the world certainly isn't pulling its punches with him. Thankfully, I managed to ensure his survival in my canon playthrough as well, and I can only hope he'll simply leave the story without dying at some point in the future. I made Pete a promise, and I don't know what I'll do if I can't keep it.
    queengarnet posted: »

    Haha, you know- you'd be surprised - there are people out there who possess really impressive intelligence, but then don't know about someth

  • edited May 2014
    I agree to an extent, and have been waiting to see a meme made with a caption that reads something like, "Impart wisdom, die undeservedly."

    Of course, I didn't get as attached to Pete as I did to Carley even though they were equally valuable. Maybe it was easy to choose Carley because I got a little jealous when she pointed out how she felt about Doug, who, compared to Lee, didn't seem to compare at all, even if he had a strong knowledge of electronics. But then, I think that's how some male players got roped in to liking her, if only to almost opportunistically prove themselves. It's still too bad that there was nothing you could do to prevent their deaths, though. In defense of Carley, I can only assume she always relied on her cameraman to keep things operating while her focus was on the story, so I can forgive not checking batteries in a radio - but just once.
  • Well said! I liked them both too, especially Carley. I wanted her and Lee to have some kind of relationship. Of course, in TWD, that doesn't happen really.
  • Oh no worries - I am very prone to my clumsy and ditzy moments as well! It happens to the best of us. I always tend to forget about Carley's mishap with the radio batteries. It seems like none of the TWDG fans will let it fly past her!

    Yes, Nick and Pete truly did provide some of the most compelling moments in "All That Remains". I adored Pete's commentaries given before the pivotal scene at the river - "Sometimes, you've got to play a role. Even if it means the people you love hate you for it." And to Nick - "Sooner or later you are going to have to realize a simple truth...That nobody in this world is ever gonna give a goddamn whether you like somethin' or not." - Truly and profoundly powerful.

    At the time, I had thought that it would suggest more character and story development between the two... Sadly, it was not the case...That definitely accounts for some huge missed opportunity right there. They could have provided so much more drama and heart to the story!

    The direction they took with Nick's character in Episode 2 was definitely interesting, and sure offered up a lot of suspense - but I was not a huge fan of the arc with him shooting Matthew. In my playthrough, I am happy to say he survived Walter's trial by fire. But I have seen the scenario where he is killed, and it just felt too unfitting for me to believe it as feasible (yet it definitely does teach the importance of owning up to your mistakes). I felt he deserved more of a chance to reach a point where he could redeem himself and cash in Pete's tokens of wisdom-and not to just die before he can fully have his sense of responsibility and strength recognized. I wish that instead of death, Clementine would have had to save him if Walter hesitated - I mean, she DID have the rifle only a few seconds before his run-in with the lone walker. But I digress.

    Definitely hoping that Nick will be given more character development in his remaining screen time. I don't even want to imagine his second possible determinant death - to be honest! The thought is just too depressing!
    Rock114 posted: »

    Trust me, I'm one of those people too. But, as a self proclaimed Deadpan Snarker, I had no choice but to go for the joke. I'm glad you liked

  • I would most definitely back you up on that meme! It is so true. Especially with Chuck!

    That is very interesting that you felt such a personal and affectionate connection with Carley! I know that in the moment where both she and Doug were simultaneously in distress and in need - many players were more inclined to save Carley, most likely because she had more screen time and ultimately offered a bit more depth to the story with her confiding to Lee about her knowledge of his past. But then again, her good looks probably don't hurt either! ;)

    To present another case of defense for Carley - although she held herself together well, she was probably exhausted from all that had happened. Not to mention - she was a reporter short on a few days of coffee. ;)
    Katalept posted: »

    I agree to an extent, and have been waiting to see a meme made with a caption that reads something like, "Impart wisdom, die undeservedly."

  • If Carley is saved, they do manage to have some tender moments. I actually really love how down-played and simple they were. They weren't drawn out or forced. Sometimes, too many love scenes can get draining - such as the over-zealous scenes of Glenn and Maggie. I would pick Carley and Lee over them any day!

    Well said! I liked them both too, especially Carley. I wanted her and Lee to have some kind of relationship. Of course, in TWD, that doesn't happen really.

  • mah boi pete ;)

    I'll live as long as you remember me.

  • Yeah. If she had lived, maybe they might have taken a lil bit further?
    queengarnet posted: »

    If Carley is saved, they do manage to have some tender moments. I actually really love how down-played and simple they were. They weren't dr

  • edited May 2014
    I think for most audiences it came down to the fact that she's attractive and great with a gun. With that kind fantasy being inevitably lost, I'm sure TTG knew it would hurt. And yes, I hear coffee withdrawal is not pleasant.

    However, I think it was better story-telling to have Carley die because otherwise she may have been thrown into a tropism where strong leading women tend to get reduced or punished for another man's gratification, as if to balance things out (women are "supposed" to be weaker, after all). And then you might have seen a few feminists point out the perceived misogyny and collect another piece of fodder for their beliefs. So, unfortunate as it was to see her go, at least Carley's death made for an amazing narrative climax.

    P.S. On a side note, another meme I've been waiting for is one where Lilly's head is in place of Trinity from the first Matrix movie, and she says, "dodge this" with Carley being blown away like Agent Smith, or just the scene where she gets shot in the face. I know that sounds cruel, but such is the nature ot meme generators.
    queengarnet posted: »

    I would most definitely back you up on that meme! It is so true. Especially with Chuck! That is very interesting that you felt such a

  • ZERO similarity.
    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    What about Nick and Doug?

  • I also liked how Carley's "Don't call me small" moment was quite similar to Faith's "You're not as bad as everyone says you are" in TWAU, even almost down to the animation (though Carley didn't kiss Lee).
    queengarnet posted: »

    If Carley is saved, they do manage to have some tender moments. I actually really love how down-played and simple they were. They weren't dr

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