Reggie. Could this happen ?

SaltLick305SaltLick305 Banned
edited May 2014 in The Walking Dead
Yeah, I'm guessing by now most of you know a One-Armed badass will make his first appearance under the name Reggie next episode. I've thought about this for a while, WHAT IF he turns out to be Pete's cousin ? The one he mentioned in Ep.1. Pete's cousin supposedly survived an amputation so he's missing an arm as well. My guess is if you saved Nick he'll offer his help to the group upon seeing his nephew, and if Nick died, Clem will end up telling him how she met the Cabin Group and how Pete saved and trusted her so he will help her out for his cousin's memory. After trying to help the group by stealing supplies, he gets caught by the guards which will explain why he is in the Witnessed a murder achievement, Whether Carver kills him or he kills one of the guards I'm not sure.

On a sidenote, I'm well aware Pete mentioned his cousin lives somewhere else but Kenny and Clem reunited, They went from Savannah to Virginia so you never know.


  • I thought they mentioned it was a leg he lost,does anyone know if that's right?
  • ComingSoonComingSoon Banned
    edited May 2014
    I actually thought that a split second after I saw he was one-armed. I'm not exactly sure what to think. Anything's possible, maybe TellTale gave him one arm to see if we were paying attention. I think he'll definitely play a pretty large part in the episode, at least.
  • Hmm, interesting. I do think he might help Clem get the walkie-talkies though. He probably get's caught and Carver goes insane.
  • He lost an arm because Pete was trying to convince the group to take Clem's arm off in ep 1
    Saoralba131 posted: »

    I thought they mentioned it was a leg he lost,does anyone know if that's right?

  • This actually makes a lot of sense. Let's sed if Telltale makes it happen
  • If you're thinking about the screenshot where Carver is beating the crap out of someone, I think the person is wearing a hat. But screenshots are not always accurate, so maybe Carver goes extra insane and kills him because he really trusted Reggie.

    Hmm, interesting. I do think he might help Clem get the walkie-talkies though. He probably get's caught and Carver goes insane.

  • Pete and Reggie don't seem related at all. Vince and Matthew was more believable.
  • edited May 2014
    Doesn't matter I checked and it isn't mentioned which limb was amputated,I could of sworn it was mentioned somewhere though.

    He lost an arm because Pete was trying to convince the group to take Clem's arm off in ep 1

  • I thought that too and it would be intersting if that true, my listening is good but for some reason words seems different when i listen to them on tv or videos so i didn't hear why he lost his arm, was it because of a bite?
  • I usually don't come up with these conclusions based on race or physical appearance, This theory is way beyond that. From what we've heard and seen so far this makes all the sense in the world.
    JonGon posted: »

    Pete and Reggie don't seem related at all. Vince and Matthew was more believable.

  • I can understand that. But Pete said "a cousin", not directing it at anyone. Maybe because he's Nicks uncle, Regi could be a relative on Nick's side of the family.
    JonGon posted: »

    Pete and Reggie don't seem related at all. Vince and Matthew was more believable.

  • edited May 2014
    Nah, the achievement titled "Witnessed a murder" has a guy that looks like Reggie. Yeah, usually the screenshots aren't always accurate to avoid any spoilers. Honestly, we just have to wait and see though. I wouldn't be surprised if they brought in a new character and killed him off in the same episode, it's the way they do it that will shock me.
    ComingSoon posted: »

    If you're thinking about the screenshot where Carver is beating the crap out of someone, I think the person is wearing a hat. But screenshots are not always accurate, so maybe Carver goes extra insane and kills him because he really trusted Reggie.

  • Yeah, and If we're gonna do this going by physical appearance you could make the argument Reggie is related Nick. I think they even have the same skin color, Correct me if I'm wrong.
    ComingSoon posted: »

    I can understand that. But Pete said "a cousin", not directing it at anyone. Maybe because he's Nicks uncle, Regi could be a relative on Nick's side of the family.

  • Pete didn't say that they cut his cousin's arm off. He was talking about Clem's arm. Pete never told us which limb they cut off.
  • Yeah, I agree. I let my guard down sometimes, but it wouldn't be an extreme shock if he dies in EP3.

    Nah, the achievement titled "Witnessed a murder" has a guy that looks like Reggie. Yeah, usually the screenshots aren't always accurate to a

  • Heh, I know, man. It's like you know it's coming but yet you still get surprised. That's the beauty of TTG.
    ComingSoon posted: »

    Yeah, I agree. I let my guard down sometimes, but it wouldn't be an extreme shock if he dies in EP3.

  • "We could take her arm off. I know that worked for a cousin down in _______ we could try that."

    Sorry, But the most logical thing is to assume he's talking about an arm. Even if not, He never says it wasn't his arm either.
    TDMshadowCP posted: »

    Pete didn't say that they cut his cousin's arm off. He was talking about Clem's arm. Pete never told us which limb they cut off.

  • Nick's might be a tad bit darker, but they're similar nonetheless. On the Playing Dead episode, when they showed a few clips, I think I saw Nick in the background. I just can't remember.
    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Yeah, and If we're gonna do this going by physical appearance you could make the argument Reggie is related Nick. I think they even have the same skin color, Correct me if I'm wrong.

  • Absolutely. Like in the bathroom scene, I knew something was going to go wrong, but I was still surprised when Omid was shot.

    Heh, I know, man. It's like you know it's coming but yet you still get surprised. That's the beauty of TTG.

  • If Reggie actually is related to Pete, he becomes one of my favorite characters in Season 2. He'd give us some more sorely needed backstory about him.
  • I agree. Maybe he'll tell us more about Nick too. If this happens to be true, I want to see what difference/Impact Nick being alive or dead will have on Reggie. Maybe even your decision at the end of Ep.1 could have an impact.
    Rock114 posted: »

    If Reggie actually is related to Pete, he becomes one of my favorite characters in Season 2. He'd give us some more sorely needed backstory about him.

  • God, man. I didn't want to believe it. I was in denial for so long hoping that he might come back later on. Fun fact, Omid means hope so when he got shot all hope was gone.
    ComingSoon posted: »

    Absolutely. Like in the bathroom scene, I knew something was going to go wrong, but I was still surprised when Omid was shot.

  • Everything is just off. Race, physical appearance, accent. Pete comes from a family of hunters and those types of families stick close together. Hell he can be Kenny's cousin if we go down that route as he is wearing a fishing jacket and Kenny is a fisherman.
    SaltLick305 posted: »

    I usually don't come up with these conclusions based on race or physical appearance, This theory is way beyond that. From what we've heard and seen so far this makes all the sense in the world.

  • Yeah in episode 1. Pete says something along the lines of ''We could take her arm off, I know that it worked for a cousin down in Ainsworth...''
    Saoralba131 posted: »

    Doesn't matter I checked and it isn't mentioned which limb was amputated,I could of sworn it was mentioned somewhere though.

  • SaltLick305SaltLick305 Banned
    edited May 2014
    Yeah, you can see Nick in the trailer a few times. You don't see Carlos and Alvin though.
    ComingSoon posted: »

    Nick's might be a tad bit darker, but they're similar nonetheless. On the Playing Dead episode, when they showed a few clips, I think I saw Nick in the background. I just can't remember.

  • Yeah, I was just in shock. I sat there, just not saying anything. I replayed to see if he could be saved. Sadly, no :(

    Maybe we could name Rebecca's baby. Omid Jr. anyone? Maybe?

    God, man. I didn't want to believe it. I was in denial for so long hoping that he might come back later on. Fun fact, Omid means hope so when he got shot all hope was gone.

  • That's two of us Rock !
    Rock114 posted: »

    That would be awesome. Here's hoping this theory is true.

  • That would be awesome. Here's hoping this theory is true.
    SaltLick305 posted: »

    I agree. Maybe he'll tell us more about Nick too. If this happens to be true, I want to see what difference/Impact Nick being alive or dead will have on Reggie. Maybe even your decision at the end of Ep.1 could have an impact.

  • Carver probably has his own plans for Alvin. Carlos' fingers may be getting fixed, or he may be getting "special treatment" as well.
    SaltLick305 posted: »

    Yeah, you can see Nick in the trailer a few times. You don't see Carlos and Alvin though.

  • Same here! Yeah, I wouldn't mind this as long as the baby lives though.
    ComingSoon posted: »

    Yeah, I was just in shock. I sat there, just not saying anything. I replayed to see if he could be saved. Sadly, no :( Maybe we could name Rebecca's baby. Omid Jr. anyone? Maybe?

  • I think in one of the achievements for Episode 4, we see what looks to be a baby bundled up in a blanket. I think it might be Rebecca's baby.

    Same here! Yeah, I wouldn't mind this as long as the baby lives though.

  • Yeah it still could be a leg but it is more likely an arm and I though they outright mentioned it was their leg.

    Yeah in episode 1. Pete says something along the lines of ''We could take her arm off, I know that it worked for a cousin down in Ainsworth...''

  • Huh really nice theory just dosen't stick,but it's a good one.
  • I disagree.

    Like I said, race, physical appearance, accent, clothes, Those are all good ways to tell when some people are related, but they don't always work.

    As stated below, Reggie could easily be related to Nick from the other part of his family. Since we're basing so much on their aspect, Nick and Reggie could easily be related.
    JonGon posted: »

    Everything is just off. Race, physical appearance, accent. Pete comes from a family of hunters and those types of families stick close toget

  • I actually thought this too. It would be pretty awesome, but I think Pete's comment may have just been foreshadowing for Reggie's appearance rather than a reference to him.

    I say this because it seems like Reggie recognizes the rest of the group, meaning he was probably at Carver's camp when they left. If he and Pete and Nick were family, why wouldn't he have gone with them? And why would Pete refer to him as "a cousin down in Ainsworth" rather than a cousin back at Carver's camp?
  • Yeah I saw that too. It has to be hers! I'm hoping Christa at least returns later on so she could help.
  • edited May 2014
    Seems a bit far-fetched. Not saying that it's not possible, but why would Pete say his cousin is in Ainsworth if he was at Carver's camp the entire time? Besides I'm sure Pete's cousin isn't the only survivor that had a successful arm amputation.
  • I'm hoping too. I guess all we CAN do is hope.

    Yeah I saw that too. It has to be hers! I'm hoping Christa at least returns later on so she could help.

  • I don't think anyone here has said he is the only one out there to survive an amputation.

    He could be Pete's cousin, and he could easily be not. Its an Idea.
    Mr_Eeuss posted: »

    Seems a bit far-fetched. Not saying that it's not possible, but why would Pete say his cousin is in Ainsworth if he was at Carver's camp the entire time? Besides I'm sure Pete's cousin isn't the only survivor that had a successful arm amputation.

  • This is a theory after all, but what we have seen from Reggie, which is close to nothing (sadly), It's hard to make a family connection other than the amputation. And judging from the walker trying to cut his arm off in episode 1, it's safe to bet that amputation is a known deterrent to the disease.
    SaltLick305 posted: »

    I disagree. Like I said, race, physical appearance, accent, clothes, Those are all good ways to tell when some people are related, but

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