I just zoomed in on the person......

It is definetely not Becca. The person has a spikes haircut and either blonde or brown hair. I can't tell if it's a boy or a girl. I thought it could be. Justin, but unless Justin lost about 600 pounds, it's not him. The person is definetely not Leland. Anna Correnna.....doubtful but maybe. But I'm going with a completely new character.


  • KunnyKunny Banned
    So you zoomed in... you were able to see the haircut... but not the big breasts...jeez.

    Totally Transex. Justin.
  • Who the hell are you talking about???
  • The person glaring at Clementine in the new clip.
    CornPopper posted: »

    Who the hell are you talking about???

  • Where may I find this "new clip"

    The person glaring at Clementine in the new clip.

  • The offical release date forum has the link,it's in the playing dead episode played in the background sometimes.
    CornPopper posted: »

    Where may I find this "new clip"

  • Thanks!
    Saoralba131 posted: »

    The offical release date forum has the link,it's in the playing dead episode played in the background sometimes.

  • No problem!
    CornPopper posted: »


  • edited May 2014
    New playing dead episode.

    Everyone are talking about it here.

    Where have you been, under a rock?
    CornPopper posted: »

    Where may I find this "new clip"

  • I was off in the land of the funky town..

    New playing dead episode. Everyone are talking about it here. Where have you been, under a rock?

  • edited May 2014
    I also zoomed in and the hair isn't spiked, it looks like that but I screenshoted it and kept zooming and focusing. And it's definitely a girl. Her hair might not even be that short she could be wearing a ponytail to the side we can't see but it was pretty blurry. There was something on the side of her face that looks like she was just cut there (or maybe it was a hair strand) but if it was a cut somebody in the camp probably attacked her. It seems like Becca to me because she's about 2 years older now so she looks a lot different and her personality, just sitting there staring at Clem trying to intimidate her just seems like Becca.
  • Cool, I guess it's better than under a rock :D
    CornPopper posted: »

    I was off in the land of the funky town..

  • You need to zoom and enhance.
  • What about the two new women that are introduced in Episode 3? Remember when someone posted files about two women named Annie and Laura?
  • Yeah, I'm guessing Becca'd be about 15-16 years old, considering she was about 13ish-14 years old in the DLC and it's roughly two years later.
    TWD_25 posted: »

    I also zoomed in and the hair isn't spiked, it looks like that but I screenshoted it and kept zooming and focusing. And it's definitely a gi

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