Don't_look_back, just don't look back :'(..... there's No Time Left nor No Going Back anymore. we just have to keep going forward and keep are heads up for ep 3 alright!?!?1 there's a Long Road Ahead though.....But something we do know is that Episode 3 is Around Every Corner alright... Everyday is A New Day for hot big news like trailers and release dates ;)
May 13th.Seriously? The Season One wait between episodes,and then not being able to download them without jumping thru hoops was bad enough. Now we're again waiting a month or more past the implied release date,with ZERO communication from Telltale. I do believe it's time for a rebate, I have lost the desire to play this,hell,I'm not really sure where the story was at,since it ended MONTHS ago.
May 13th.Seriously? The Season One wait between episodes,and then not being able to download them without jumping thru hoops was bad enough.… more Now we're again waiting a month or more past the implied release date,with ZERO communication from Telltale. I do believe it's time for a rebate, I have lost the desire to play this,hell,I'm not really sure where the story was at,since it ended MONTHS ago.
May 13th.Seriously? The Season One wait between episodes,and then not being able to download them without jumping thru hoops was bad enough.… more Now we're again waiting a month or more past the implied release date,with ZERO communication from Telltale. I do believe it's time for a rebate, I have lost the desire to play this,hell,I'm not really sure where the story was at,since it ended MONTHS ago.
Yah and he's sayin he forgot where it left off.Pfft does he fuckin go braindead after every episode,jesus he forgot how a game like this ends he must bang his head on concrete on a daily basis
That sort of makes sense if you play it once but still...
My dad likes the story and I swear his memory is so bad (much like this guy) that my dad was once like "You play as Lee in season one?". I'm not even shitting you.
Yah and he's sayin he forgot where it left off.Pfft does he fuckin go braindead after every episode,jesus he forgot how a game like this ends he must bang his head on concrete on a daily basis
Ok, time to stop. :3 lol
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Telltale, please!
My dad likes the story and I swear his memory is so bad (much like this guy) that my dad was once like "You play as Lee in season one?". I'm not even shitting you.