Yeah me too, I love the whole brotp so much with them, but this video really does stand for why i can't stand people shipping love between a grown man with a young girl. Love for a sibling/family fine, but THAT kinda love? Just, nooooo! >_<
That said, this video had me laughing way too much! XD I swear, my dog came in and sat on my lap because she was worried I was in distress or something lol.
Excluding the weirdness of this video, it'd be kinda cool since Gavin Hammon voices both Kenny and Beast, while Melissa Hutchison voices both Clem and Beauty.
Excluding the weirdness of this video, it'd be kinda cool since Gavin Hammon voices both Kenny and Beast, while Melissa Hutchison voices both Clem and Beauty.
I hope Clementine doesn't want to date Luke... I mean it'd be 40% adorable if she has a crush on him like a lot of girls do for attractive men but I can't have them actually being in a relationship!
"No honey I don't care if you're in college! You can't date that man he's twice your age! Now go your room!"
"This is my room!"
"Oh, then I'll just go make some waffles..."
Hey guys I just thought of something, you realize now that if Kenny and Luke DO wind up having some really dramatic punch up over something in a future episode, where it's all intense and music is playing to it, while you as poor little Clementine can do nothing but try to break them up with words alone...yep, we won't be taking any of that shit seriously now because of this god damn video! XD
When everybody else out there is playing that TWDG episode all like "Oh god, Kenny's gonna kill him! CLEM DO SOMETHING!" we'll just be rolling on the floor, choking on air and tears of laughter.
I'm kinda indecisive on it a little bit. I think because I have thought of writing a fic set in the future where she's grown up and everything, but even then I just can't see them as a thing. A crush sure, but not a thing.
It's sort of why I stay away from Cluke fanfics where Clem's older, because I'm scared of them coming on too strongly and it all ending in me chucking myself out a window. Those two work really well as a family, but anything more than that and my mind just has a system error and crashes.
I hope Clementine doesn't want to date Luke... I mean it'd be 40% adorable if she has a crush on him like a lot of girls do for attractive men but I can't have them actually being in a relationship!
Anyway, this is pretty....weird.
Where's that Vince gif when you need it?
That said, this video had me laughing way too much! XD I swear, my dog came in and sat on my lap because she was worried I was in distress or something lol.
Clayton: "Dafuq is this?!"
Kenny: "She's my fucking wife!"
That line would become even more pedo-ish...
"This is my room!"
"Oh, then I'll just go make some waffles..."
When everybody else out there is playing that TWDG episode all like "Oh god, Kenny's gonna kill him! CLEM DO SOMETHING!" we'll just be rolling on the floor, choking on air and tears of laughter.
It's sort of why I stay away from Cluke fanfics where Clem's older, because I'm scared of them coming on too strongly and it all ending in me chucking myself out a window. Those two work really well as a family, but anything more than that and my mind just has a system error and crashes.