_Juice_Box_ posted: »I think he looks more like Roman than anything o.o
I think he looks more like Roman than anything o.o
danthedude1218 posted: »thats because telltale are lazy when it comes to character models
thats because telltale are lazy when it comes to character models
danthedude1218 posted: »oooooor roman really faked his own death at the river and now goes by the name of regi.
oooooor roman really faked his own death at the river and now goes by the name of regi.
Harpadarpa posted: »He doesn't really look like Aziz. You're just racist :3
He doesn't really look like Aziz. You're just racist :3
danthedude1218 posted: »woah woah woahwoah
woah woah woahwoah
danthedude1218 posted: »no
Mr_Eeuss posted: »And Roman looks like Andy St. John :O
And Roman looks like Andy St. John :O
Clayton_Boylan posted: »That seems just a tad bit racist.
That seems just a tad bit racist.
'Not In Nottingham' is where Carver beats someone up. 'Long Way Down' is presumably when Reggie is killed by someone in secret.
because i thought 2 people look a little similar
that doesn't make me a racist