About Season One's bandits and Jolene....

I think her name is Jolene. The crazy lady you meet in episode 2 of season 1.

The game seems to HEAVILY imply she went insane after something involving rape and her child being taken from her. What a dark undertone. I just thought it was worth pointing out to anyone who didn't pick up on it. I didn't until just now, watching a playthrough of the game on YouTube.

My guess is they took away and raped her child. As dark as that is to say, it's the most logical answer I can think of. Maybe they raped Jolene, but then why would they take her child?

Either way, that situation seems to be what drove Jolene insane. Discuss.


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  • ....Good luck with your endeavors?
  • I don't fuckin' blame Jolene for going insane, in that case.
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  • Because they're sociopaths who do as they please. They were likely crazy before the apocalypse and finally had a chance to express their twistedness.
  • That seems likely. Or they could just be inconsiderate assholes who did what ever they pleased with rules no longer in place.
    Giraffehat posted: »

    Because they're sociopaths who do as they please. They were likely crazy before the apocalypse and finally had a chance to express their twistedness.

  • I don't either. She must have been through some really fucked up shit.
    JakeSt123 posted: »

    I don't fuckin' blame Jolene for going insane, in that case.

  • Shut the fuck up, troll.

    "Jesus, are you fucking kidding me?!"
  • I like her slightly... I think it's because her first name is my middle name. I'm stupid like that :P
  • Your full name is Juice Jolene Box right?
    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    I like her slightly... I think it's because her first name is my middle name. I'm stupid like that :P

  • You just gave the troll what they wanted. Congrats, you lose.
    Kenny1220 posted: »

    Shut the fuck up, troll. "Jesus, are you fucking kidding me?!"

  • edited May 2014
    No, that's fine. Lol.
    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    I like her slightly... I think it's because her first name is my middle name. I'm stupid like that :P

  • There's some unused audio where an early version of Ben recounts what the bandits did to one of his female classmates. He didn't go into details but I believe he said something along the lines of "I don't feel good saying it, but I wish they just killed her." So yeah.
  • I felt pretty bad about killing her once I found her video diary. I think she was important to the story because Lee saw what the loss did to her and didn't want to have to go through anything nearly close to that with Clementine.
  • The whole purpose of Jolene was to foreshadow the stranger in episode 5, showing what the loss of a child can do to a persons mind in an already dark world lacking hope. That being said, it was kinda obvious what they did to her daughter. How many girls kidnapped stories have you heard where that issue never gets brought up. But I also think the bandits may have gave her to the st. johns (sadly after they probably had their way with her) and was fed right back to them.
  • From what I gathered she and her daughter were raped by the bandits then the Saint Johns got their hands on the daughter and turned her into meat. Maybe the bandits even gave the daughter to them and got meat in return or maybe Jolene took her daughter to the farm thinking they would be safe. She must have had something to do with the farm Because unlike the bandits Jolene clearly knew what the food from the dairy was.
  • lmao we basically posted the same thing almost at the same time.

    Respect + 10
    Shadusnox posted: »

    From what I gathered she and her daughter were raped by the bandits then the Saint Johns got their hands on the daughter and turned her into

  • Oh. :<
    DomeWing333 posted: »

    There's some unused audio where an early version of Ben recounts what the bandits did to one of his female classmates. He didn't go into det

  • And I'm going headhunting (loads rifle).
  • No you fool it's human waste.
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