Telltale should do a Breaking Bad game

That be freeking sweet!
Dave fenoys voice could be the bad guy
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That be freeking sweet!
Dave fenoys voice could be the bad guy
I was watching the episode where Jane died and I thought that would make a really good choice for a game like telltale make!
he is Bluebeard, the bad guy in TWAU. Trust me im billy yoder
I know people would like this, but from what I can tell TTG creates stories within a property's canon. It would not make sense to recreate a story in which we know how it goes. And there is almost no story that can be told outside of Walt White's perspective.
(slam's Q repeatedly to cook meth)
only if we can play as Jesse after the end of the series. I don't want no prequels or alternate stories and I most of all don't need more Skylar or Walter Junior.
This would have been the perfect moment to post my Jesse gif, but...
Jesse is love, Jesse is life.
Fun fact: Jesse originally wasn't supposed to remain a main character. However, Gilligan liked his performance so much that he rewrote the script to make room for Jesse. The best decision in his life, if you asked me.
It's time to cook.
... Breakfast to walter jr.
Episode 1: a New breakfast
Episode 2: Starved for breakfast
Episode 3: Long breakfast ahead
Episode 4: Around every breakfast
Episode 5: No breakfasts left
B. You Ain't Seeing the Basement, Bitch!
X. You want a wire? Speak into the mic, bitch!
Y. Bitch!
It could work out just fine.