Your Top 10 Favourite Scenes In Both Season One and Season Two (and why...)

So yeah, name your ten favourite scenes that include both Season One and Two and why you like them. You can update your list as the rest of Season Two comes along. Here are mine:

10: Ben Confesses (Around Every Corner)

Ben could not have picked a worse time to tell Kenny that he unintentionally got his family killed (even though Katjaa took out her own life...), but yet I'm glad he did, because this scene was very well acted and I liked how it revealed the true natures of both Kenny and Christa. Ben does fuck up a lot, but I just pitied the poor kid when even Christa voted to leave him for dead...until she changes her mind once you let Clementine get a vote.

9: One Of Them Is Bitten...! (A New Day)

I liked how instead of having Lee and Kenny casually come across a new group of people and they get along and trust each other instantly, they put them into a situation where Duck is attacked and two newcomers risk their safety to save them, much to leader's frustration. New people and a new location and there's already conflict, and I love it when stories take a different turn like this.

Not to mention the tension going on between Larry and Kenny. Even though Larry was acting like a prick, I still loved him in this scene. Going from one problem to another: Is the boy bitten? If so, then what do we do? Do we kill him or do we take the mother's word for it?

8: Vince's Story (400 Days)

I'm kind of cheating putting a whole chapter in this list, but come on. The whole story takes place in a bus; no other location. It's practically one big scene. But does that make this chapter boring. The obvious answer is absolutely NO.

The writers succeeded in flushing out both Justin and Danny's character within the span of about three minutes; not only that, the writing and the dialogue is superb. The whole scene puts Vince from one bad situation into another and I just loved the tension that was building up. From being sent to prison, to getting stuck in traffic, to dealing with Justin and Danny's bitching, to Crabtree strangling Jerry to death, to Clyde being a fucking idiot, to Jerry killing that fucking idiot, to using the fucking idiot's gun to kill Jerry, to walkers getting in the bus, and finally to choose who to leave for dead. THIS CHAPTER IS GOLD.

7: Russell and Nate in the Truck (400 Days)

Nate scares the fuck out of me. There, I said it. But does that mean I hate him? No. I think he's horrible as a person, but he's very interesting as a character. He's developed this complicated psyche that makes you wonder if he really has gone completely insane or if he's a genuinely nice guy who's taking advantage of the apocalypse to act like a crazy asshole.

This creates some very interesting conversation with Russell. You have your "awkward talk between protagonist and stranger," but for some reason I felt like I was watching it for the first time in this scene. You can tell that Russell is uncomfortable yet grateful for Nate giving him a ride (for the most part), and you can tell that Nate is genuinely trying to develop a good relationship with Russell. This is some great character development that most filmmakers fail to do.

6: Eddie and Wyatt (400 Days)

It's genuine, it's funny, it flushes out both characters, and of course, the writing is fucking amazing. What's not to like? They've managed to tell you how strong Wyatt's relationship to Eddie is in a way that's so subtle and so clever, even after the story begins with a rough start. There's really nothing else I can say about this scene. It's just so good and so fun to watch. Oh, and it's funny as hell too.

5: The Meat Locker (Starved For Help)

In my opinion, the best scene in the episode, and this episode had so many great moments. It's bad enough that they were locked in a meat locker, but with Larry dead, you are forced to decided to help Lilly save him or help Kenny keep him from coming back and kill them. They both have very justifiable reasons for their decisions, so it all depends on what you choose to do.

I chose to save Larry. Too bad no matter what you do, Lilly still ends up having a pretty shitty day.

4: I Always Liked This Knife (A House Divided)

Walter was such a great character: He's kind (maybe a bit too much for his own good), he's wise, he has a special bond with Matthew, and he's even a bit full of himself with his cooking (he even admits it).

All of that changes to hostility and aggression once Walter finds Matthew's knife in Clementine's backpack. And what happens next is a really damn good scene. The music was perfect, the shots and camera angles were cleverly used, the dialogue from Walter was intimidating, and the facial expressions were spot on.

3: Duck's Demise (Long Road Ahead)

Well, this was just depressing. I'd say the biggest accomplishment in this scene was really getting into Kenny's character. When my mom was watching me play through this scene, she scolded Kenny for asking Katjaa what if Duck doesn't die. I get it, but if anyone was put into this situation, I really wouldn't blame them for hopelessly thinking like this. If my son was on the verge of death, I'd find it extremely difficult to except that I was going to lose him for good.

Although I understand why Katjaa killed herself, I still think she was really selfish for leaving Kenny like that. Oh, AND she offs herself before her son, INFRONT of her son! COME ON, KAT! WHY?!

2: Lee and the Stranger (No Time Left)

No music. At all. Look up the word suspense and you'll see that there are no words; just a screenshot of the scene.

The reveal of who this man really is was done amazingly. It makes sense for him to be the man who owned the station wagon, because he has motivation to go after Lee's group. His backstory is so sad that you actually feel a bit sorry for him. But does that excuse him for taking your little girl from you and scolding you for your mistakes? Hahaha...NO. Fuck you, Stranger.

Again, great acting, great dialogue, and great atmosphere.


His name was Lee (All That Remains)

A nice genuine discussion between Clementine and Luke.

Stuck with Pete/Nick (A House Divided)

I liked Pete's scene better, but Nick's was still enjoyable to watch.

Clementine meets Carver (A House Divided)

Carver looks like he kill you without even hesitating, yet Clementine just stands there and glares at him. Seriously, man...THE BALLS ON THIS KID.

1: Goodbye (No Time Left)

Kind of predictable, but I don't care. I love and hate this scene at the same time. I love it, because it shows just how much Clementine trusted and loved Lee and how she showed she's capable of looking after herself thanks to him. Her dialogue was just sad to listen to after she killed that walker. The sombre piano and the violins just made this all the more powerful and depressing.

I hate this scene, because it's the last we see of Lee. That, and this scene made me cry like a damn baby.

I had her shoot Lee, but in my second play through I had her leave him and I cried even harder. She walks backwards to the door just watching him die, and everytime she looked back I just shouted "Just keep going and stop looking back! It's just making the pain worse for you!"


  • What about.......... "Still...Not....Bitten"
  • edited May 2014
    I agree almost completely with your list, except I would replace 4 or 5 with seeing Kenny again in S2. So much goddamn happiness.

    Also, not really a scene, but Nick doing the Carlos impression always gets me.
  • my favorite scene is when Ben died from falling of the roof and got impaled (poor him). Then Kenny acted as a hero to save him no matter what happened before ;'( very very sad scene
  • 10. Mansion Defense
    -Just a sweet fight all around.

    9. Fivel (The Boy In the Attic)
    -Just a completely sad scene.

    8. The Horde
    -Episode 3 when the horde is coming to the bridge. Immediate "god-damnit" feeling.

    7. Just Like Everybody Else
    -The "interrogation" scene with Walter about Nick was absolutely tense. It messed with my head, man.

    6. I Give You My Word
    -I didn't expect to see all the 400 Days people together at the end. And when I did, I was amazed in the "it's all coming together!" sort of way.

    5. Who Is This?
    -End of Episode 4. Clementine's gone, Lee is bitten, a Stranger is nowhere to be found, and a horde approaches outside.

    4. It's People
    -Episode 2. When every was making sense. Just too much to handle at once.

    3. Nick Aftermath
    -I saved Nick. This was when I was with him in the shed in the beginning of Episode 2. What I loved was that he wanted you to leave him, and you had multiple chances to do so.

    2. Vince's Story
    -400 Days was awesome. It was full of hype and anticipation for me, and Vince's Story was the first one I played. And it was amazing.

    1. Bell Tower
    -Ben is still my favorite character from the Walking Dead. This scene was completely raw and intense was one of the scenes that defined who you were.
  • edited May 2014
    Ok, I do one too.


    10. Demise of the St. John's (Starved for Help)

    This scene was pretty good. With Kenny just killing Larry and Carley and Ben just showing up shit was going down. And that moment where you want to kill the brothers with every muscle in your body, but you just can't pull yourself together to do so because Clementine was watching was great.


    9. Call the Police. That's 911.... (A New Day)

    This one was great for obvious reasons. It was Lee and Clem's first time seeing each other! It was great and it really left you feeling like you needed to keep her safe and do whatever you can to save her. This was the start of an unbreakable bond.


    8. Chuck's Speech (Long Road Ahead)

    This was Chuck's inspirational talk with Lee telling him that Clementine may not make it on her own if Lee happened to turn. She needed to be dependent on herself and not others.

    "I don't know much 'bout you folks, but y'all keep goin' like this and that girl ain't gon' make it. You gotta consider her a living person, that's it! You're either living or you're not. You ain't little, you ain't a girl, you ain't a boy, you ain't strong or smart, you're alive."
    —Charles to Lee about Clementine's survival.


    7. Stop the Train (Long Road Ahead)

    This scene was great. I was debating on Duck or Carly's death scene, but I went for Duck's because it was more emotional and not as much shock. You could see how broken this made Kenny afterwards. Katjaa committing suicide didn't make anything better for Kenny. It was sad and a lot of grief and that's why it beat out Carley.


    6. Those Damn Batteries (A New Day)

    I really liked the hub spot in the drugstore. It gave great character development and made me grow more attached to them as something bad happened. It even gave some insight about the character you play as too. Even though those energy bars did little to nothing, I felt that I needed to choose wisely on who to give them too. That place made little things like that and the radio feel important.


    5. Decisions, Decisions (A House Divided)

    This one not so much as a scene, but as a choice. Picking Luke or Kenny's table was the most agonizing choice Telltale has ever thrown out there. I waited like 10 minutes deciding before I finally chose Luke because I felt something about Kenny was different and that his group wouldn't last long. Which for the most part I was right. And I'm not sure if this is the same scene but seeing Bonnie was great up until the point you found out she was with Carver the whole time.


    4. At Least You Had Them to Lose.

    When Ben started yelling back at Kenny was one of my favorites by far. I've always liked Ben and felt bad for him. This brought him to an even playing field against Kenny. I don't even have much else to say about this scene other than the fact it was one of my favorites.

    "FUCK YOU, KENNY! I am so, so, SO sorry about Katjaa and Duck, I AM. And I know I fucked up, but STOP, pushing me around and STOP wishing I was dead. NO! You know how they died. You've said GOODBYE, I never got to see my family, my parents, my little you get that? Your family is gone but at least you had them to lose. I never made it home. They could be alive or dead or walkers or WORSE and I DON'T KNOW. SO GIVE ME A FUCKING BREAK!"
    —Ben snapping at Kenny. (Determinant)


    3. Familiar Faces

    Kenny returned... I'm done with reasons why.


    2. The Death of Ben Paul

    This actually came really close to getting 1st but just wasn't there. This scene is legendary in my book. It was so sad and meaningful. It was sad when Kenny used his last bullet to save Ben and was miraculous how he escaped, but this scene was just amazing.


    1. Final Goodbye (No Time Left)

    The saddest, tear jerking scene in the whole game. The main character dies and leaves a small little girl left to defend on her own. But somehow, Telltale manages to make this work. It was incredibly sad and a good job to ell tale for your amazing work.


    Honorable Mentions

    Omid's Death

    Carver's Raid

    Carley's Death

    The Meat Locker

    Bandit Raid
  • I really can't name anyone, because you have already named all my favorites. :)
  • So im the only one who feels that Still...Not...Bitten was awesome? Anyone? No one? Ok
  • 10. Pete's argument with Nick, Season 2, Episode 1.

    9. Meeting Omid for the first time with Clementine, Season 1, Episode 3.

    8. Eddie and Wyatt joking in the car, 400 Days.

    7. Lee's goes Rambo, Season 1, Episode 5.

    6. When we got the train to work, Season 1, Episode 3.

    5. Getting the fuck out of Crawford, Season 1, Episode 4.

    4. Saving Clementine, Season 1, Episode 5.

    3. Reunited with Kenny, Season 2, Episode 2.

    2. Moving the desk with Clem/fixing her cut, Season 1, Episode 1.

    And lastly...
    1. Cutting Clementine's hair (This is so freaking cute), Season 1, Episode 3.
  • I'll add some scenes as well. While trying to give a little summary to each of them:

    10. Carley's/Doug death (Long Road Ahead)

    I think I speak for a lot of people when I say this scene caught me off guard. Moments after you escape the motel you are being forced in a way to pick who is to blame, or rather who is to blame. The build up is fantastic and the end result is even better.

    9. Ben stands up to Kenny (No Time Left)

    It's definitely the moment that changes my whole view towards Ben and makes me sympathize with him more than ever. And the scene that follows in the alley makes this scene even more powerful.

    8.Eddie and Wyatt (400 days)

    Aside from the hilarious banter between those two which can be seen as quite refreshing. One of the things I liked most about this chapter was the atmosphere. Right from the beginning you are being chased by this guy and when you finally lose him, you find yourself watching two guys driving a car in the woods, with the lights off, going at pretty fast speed, nothing bad is gonna happen,right? Wrong! Then you have the little "Rock,papers,scissors" match which again, it was quite refreshing to find out which one is gonna go and check the body. Either way, the whole chapter is very good and the ending, especially if you sit in the car when you look through your left and see Nate's truck makes it even better.

    7. The whole Crawford chapter (Around Every Corner)

    Again, I pick this one mainly because of the atmosphere, which was again spot on. Wondering through the halls of Crawford along with the action scenes and Ben's screw up is top notch. And the music playing during that segment is one of the reasons I want TT to release an official soundtrack.

    6. Clementine stitching herself (All That Remains)

    And I thought this game can make you emotional during dialogues only, I was wrong. Without getting too much into details, Clementine's pretty much famous "Still. Not. Bitten" line makes the whole scene worth all the trouble.

    5. The meat locker ( Starved For Help)

    One of the moments I really looked forward too after finishing episode 1, getting some payback on Larry. Needless to say, I had doubts about what should I do and how should I shape Lee as a character. The scene after with St Johns brothers adds to that as well. Overall it's definitely one of the most memorable moments in the game.

    4. Carver arrives at the ski lodge ( A House Divided)

    What's there to talk about? In my opinion it's probably the scene where it shows best what TWD is all about, which is how people react during the ZA. Add to that my excitement of having a constant antagonist besides the walkers is what makes this scene an easy pick for me.

    3. Kenny's return (A House Divided)

    Do I really need to get into details...?? Let's just say the S1 music in the background after Kenny appears is more than enough for me:).

    2. The beginning of the game( A New Day)

    Yes, I know this sounds very weird. But from the beginning until you and Clementine leave the house is one of my favorite beginnings in video games. It starts out as you are going to jail, while also getting to know Lee and question his actions right from the start. That, and the little glimpses of police cars followed by the scenes after got me hooked into TWD. I guess nostalgia also plays a part here....

    1. The last scene with Clem and Lee ( No Time Left)

    Yes,yes,yes.... I know, it wasn't much of a surprise but it is truly the best moment so far for me. I don't really want to go into details (Feels, you know?) but I can't remember a game leaving me almost teary eyed after playing it. After that all I did was to praise TT for making such a good game.
  • edited May 2014
    Got this to! random order!

    10. Lee spares Andy's life

    For me it was pretty amazing moment. The most people chose to kill Andy, buy when I had to decide what to do and when I looked at my group I was like "daaamn, look at them, brb, they are so tired of this shit, let's just go away". And also, Andy's reaction was really touching for me. He was a bad guy, but i felt sorry for him.
    9. Kenny decides to save Benny

    Well... now, when I know that Kenny survived, this scene lost a little magic in it, but I still think that was one of the best moment ever.
    8. Salt lick

    Damn, that was hard! It was one from this moments when you just sitting with open mouth and you can't say a word. And when you think that if Kenny would wait for a five seconds and Larry could be alive... Daamn....
    7. The boy in the attic

    Sad, sad and once again: bloody sad. I let Kenny to kill the kid, cause he couldn't do this with Duck and... I don't know... it was really touching, I mean... really shame to see Kenny like this.
    6. Killing Sam

    One of the best, cause one of the hardest to watch. Nothing more to say... write*, sorry
    5. Walter finds out the truth

    And decides to forgive Nick. He was a good, good man and DAMN YOU, TELLTALE, why he had to die? :"(
    4. Ending of 101

    When lights turn out! I was like: "daamn, what now?! Wait... no way, you can't end the episode like this! C'MON!" I really had chills, u know.
    3. Meeting Kenny

    I expected this, but I was happy when this happen. This guy survived, met Clem after 12 months... Damn, that was SO powerfull...
    2. Clem finds out that Lee is bitten

    "No, no, that's not true!" Breaking my heart every time. Poor, poor girl...
    1. Bonnie's story.

    When she accidentaly killed Dee, escaped with Leland... I don't know why, but I liked this.
  • 10. Killing Sam - It was so painful to watch!

    9. Stop. The. Train. - Wow. Kenny has to stop the train to watch his son die, and you have to make him stop the train. That was great and sad.

    8. Meat Locker - The moment when you know that you're going to be DINNER, it's so terrifying. Larry's death was shocking. (Yay! He's dead!)

    7. The Lights -> Carver at the Ski Resort - When I saw the lights at the bridge, I couldn't keep my mind out of it. I was actually scared. The chapter turns out to be pretty dark in the end, when Carver arrives (as predicted) and starts wrecking things up.

    6. Walter finds out - That moment when the music plays, and Walter says ''I always liked this knife'', it's so intense! Got me shivering.

    5. Kenny's Return - I was spoiled. Yeah, it doesn't feel good, but this scene has power in it. C'mon, Kenny is back! Hooray!

    4. Duck's and Katjaa's death - Katjaa goes to shoot her own son, and then she makes a suicide, so Lee/Kenny has to shoot Duck. Kenny's reaction is so heartbreaking.

    3. Teaching Clem to shoot / cutting her hair - That was so cute! :3 I'm always looking forward to that scene while replaying Season 1.

    2. Lee's Last Stand - Oh god, what an awesome moment! You're saving Clem, it's now or never, you're alone, and the music plays... Oh god, I can't
    describe it!

    1. Goodbye - Pretty obvious, as always. It's so heartbreaking to see Lee leave Clementine, I can't keep myself together while watching the scene.
  • 10. Finding legless Mark in the hidden room
    Mark's death is predictable, but never thought he would go out like that.
    9. Saving Glenn's girl
    Comic relief, killing zombies, moral choice.
    8. Meat locker scene
    Saltlick, baby.
    7. Talking with Clementine inside Lee's parents' room
    Conversation feels natural and moving.
    6. Prison bus
    Choose the coward liar or the rapist? Hardest choice ever.
    5. Murder of Doug/Carley by Lily
    Unexpected and I would never forgive Lily for murdering a kind and useful group member.
    4. Lee getting bitten
    I kept yelling, "No, Lee! No!"
    3. Dog scene
    Liked the dog more than the entire cabin group despite seeing the former for couple minutes and the latter two episodes.
    2. Kenny's family gone
    I always had mixed feeling towards Kenny since episode one, but at that moment I just couldn't hold my tears.
    1. Goodbye
    Can this be the best scene ever in video game history?
  • 1. Kenny and Clementine reunite

    2. Lee's Goodbye

    3. Pete's final moments

    4. Confronting Walter

    5. Don't Call me Small

    6. Wyatt's Story

    7. Vince's Story

    8. The Meat Locker

    9. Ben dies

    10. Tie between Duck and Kats death and The Gauntlet
  • In no particular order, because doing it like that would drive me mad:

    10. The shootout at Gil's Pitstop with Nate and Russell pinned down by the sniper. I knew Nate was a crazy fuck, but for some reason, when he offered me the gun so we could cover each other (for real this time) something told me to trust him. Considering I was ready to bolt less than a minute earlier, that was pretty impressive.

    9. The choice between Pete and Nick at the end of All That Remains. One of the hardest choices in the entire series for me. I ended up going with Pete when the timer had about a second or two left because of the way he stuck up for me when everyone thought I was bitten.

    8. The meat locker. Possibly the only choice for me that was harder than Pete or Nick, the entire scene was tense and frightening. I ended up helping Kenny (but like with the Pete or Nick choice, I chose at the very last second).

    7. Episode 5, the Gauntlet. Nothing but Badass Lee, a meat cleaver, and a shard of glass against an entire horde of walkers. They didn't stand a chance.

    6. Kenny's "Sacrifice." I got the Christa version, and seeing Kenny jump into that hole just hit me with so many feels. There were tears shed.

    5. Kenny's return in AHD. Much like his sacrifice, I was nearly brought to tears, but settled for dancing the dance of joy instead. Powerful scene for me.

    4. Duck's death. Tears were shed here, but not manly ones. This scene completely broke me. Kenny's entire family gone, just like that. Duck was a kid, and to have to put him out of his misery like that was difficult. I have no idea how long it took me to actually shoot him, but I was standing there for a good while.

    3. Lee's death. He managed to save Clem, but in the end he ran out of time. Seeing Clem break down like that did me in when she realized Lee was dying, even though I'd come to accept it. I had her shoot him, because after everything he'd done by that point, Lee had earned a rest. He deserved better.

    2. Pete's death in AHD. Pete swiftly became my favorite of the cabin crew due to his kind attitude. He stood up for Clem when no one else would, and saved her life even before that. He seemed so tough, that I thought he'd be able to hack off his leg, sling Clem over his shoulder, and hop all the way back to the cabin just in time to scold Nick for his faulty trigger discipline again. I teared up when he told me he was afraid, and I promised to watch out for Nick as soon as he asked. Uncle Pete didn't get a lot of screen time, but he ended his stint in TWD as one of ym favorite S2 characters.

    1. Lee's bite. Not the bite itself, but the scene after, where everyone decides if they want to go with him or not. I only had Kenny, Christa, and Omid with me (Ben..."slipped" in Crawford, honest) and I was feeling pretty low. But then Christa and Omid came with me, and they wouldn't take no for an answer. Kenny said that I'd always had his back, and that he'd be with me until the end. At one of the lowest points of the game, those three characters managed to raise my mood in the most spectacular way possible. I always love that scene.
  • Man, that last scene's so fucking depressing. Take my like, good sir/lady.

    I'll add some scenes as well. While trying to give a little summary to each of them: 10. Carley's/Doug death (Long Road Ahead) I t

  • edited May 2014
    10. Stealing from the strangers car.
    That's when you realise how much power Clem has over you.

    9. Glenn, Carley and Lee to save Irene
    It's a huge punch in the face for your morals and you really realise what this ZA is.

    8. Fighting the St Johns
    The pitchfork in the hay, Lee's infamous 'PUT THE GUN DOWN, BITCH.' and fighting the last brother down. There was many goosebumps.

    Lee was proud that day.

    6. Episode Three Season One.
    I honestly feel like it was a masterpiece. It was woven together so well. It's always so hard to watch again, but it was done SO WELL.

    5. 'Don't lick the Saltlick, it's gross.'
    And Lee's all like 'Did you lick it?' and we get that adorable '....Maybe' XD

    4. Shel's Story
    I'm really into the human psychology in the ZA and I think Shel's story is such an interesting moral dilemma.

    3. 'I'VE got the big one'.
    When Clem and Luke are about to take the walkers before the bridge, and she actually takes the big one, then Luke tries to high five her and she doesn't know what to do, which is so adorable, and then he's all like don't do that again, and we get that evil look XD

    2. 'And I'll catch you if you fall. Probably'.
    Clem's FACE after Luke says that has to be the funniest thing ever XD After Clem stumbles on the ladder climbing up, if you get her to look down, she says to Luke 'You look like an idiot', and he's genuinely offended XD

    1. 'Kennyyyyyyyyy!!!!!'
    When she hugs Kenny in 202.. It's the cutest thing ever.

    But my absolute favourite has GOT to be in 105 when Lee literally HACKS through the zombies to the badass music to get to Clem in the Marsh House!
  • 10. End of episode 3- Before the radio call, Kenny and Lee muse upon how shitty things have gotten. It was surprising to see Kenny say that he would still rather be fighting with Lilly over the motel. This scene also had Clementine's second theme playing, in my opinion Jared's best work to date. They could've omitted the radio call with the stranger and ended the series right here, and I wouldn't have a problem with it.

    9. Lee and Clem talking in the drugstore office- The writing here was fantastic. Looking back on it, it was nice to see that the relationship between the two started developing at this moment.

    8. The gauntlet- How I loved this scene. In a way, it felt like Lee was getting revenge for everyone who died.

    7. Carley's death- On par with Lee's bite as the most surprising moment of the season. After the meat locker, I completely switched sides from Kenny to Lilly. I agreed with her on staying at the motel and was one of two people (the other being Katjaa) who I told my past to. I trusted her, and she betrayed all of us by getting pissed off and shooting Carley on principle. Felt more angry than when Kenny dropped a salt lick on Larry.

    6. "Fun? How is this fun?"- Amidst my only playthrough of keeping Clem relatively innocent in S2 as opposed to as a 'badass', this scene was great. Telling Luke that killing walkers was hardly fun at all made me realize that the old Clem is still in there.

    5. Carver nearly killing Carlos- This scene was gut-wrenching from beginning to end. The whole time I thought my favorite character was going to die in front of his daughter. But it also gave me a lot insight into how much of a good man Carlos really is. He was willing to get his throat slit and die in front of his daughter he's trying to keep relatively innocent over not giving out Rebecca's location. What a warrior.

    4. Duck and Katjaa's deaths- Emotional. This was the point where I decided to put all my differences away with Kenny and forget about what went down in the meat locker.

    3. The shed- Finding the boat in the shed was a really powerful scene. Seeing Lee, Clem, and Kenny smile at it brought a tear of joy to my eye. Arguably the most joyful scene in the game.

    2. Meat Locker- I think this was the point in the game where I felt like I stopped playing 'as' Lee and 'was' Lee in a sense. Was tense until the end of the episode.

    1. Lee's death- Yeah, this tore me up emotionally. Felt depressed for the rest of the week.
  • Season 1 = Andy St Johns Breakdown in episode 2

    Season 2 = Kennys return ( so far, still 3 episodes top go )
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