Who would you pick for YOUR cohesive unit?
To use Ageofthegamer/Tyrannicon lingo, imagine if Telltale allowed you to pick your own cohesive unit. Who would be on your team, anyone alive or dead from season one, the DLC and season two?
Assume Lee and Clem are already there, and you can have only six more people. Who would you choose?
Me personally, I'd go with Carley, Luke, Carlos, Omid, Christa and Shel. I just feel like we'd be the dream team BD
Assume Lee and Clem are already there, and you can have only six more people. Who would you choose?
Me personally, I'd go with Carley, Luke, Carlos, Omid, Christa and Shel. I just feel like we'd be the dream team BD
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They're the most good-hearted and moralled people I can think of.
Just put me with Eddie and Wyatt and let the antics ensue. Doug can come too - Now that would be a cohesive team, because of all the 'sticky.'
Vince (Cool relaxed guy and also handy with a gun)
Luke (Nice guy and good in melee)
Mark (We don't know him that well but he seems like a okay nice dude and also a good marksman)
Pete (Really a good guy, reminds me of my father)
Carlos (It is always handy to bring a doctor along)
Omid (Comedic Relief)
Christa (Speaks her mind)
Chuck (Willing to sacrifice himself)
Kenny (Godlike Beard)
Molly (She knows her way around)
OT: I choose Pete,Carley,Kenny,Carlos,Chuck and Molly(Or Christa, can't decide). I was at first tempted to pick a group with characters that aren't exactly....friendly, but I changed my mind. I think this group can definitely hold it's own and chances of internal conflict are very slim.
Luke- He seems like a good guy so far and I trust him. He also seems okay at dealing with walkers.
Carlos- Always good to have a doctor on hand. He doesn't seem too bad, either, now that episode 2 has rolled around.
Sarah- As a motivation for Carlos not to do anything "not nice" as Luke says (as apparently he might if Sarah wasn't around to judge him.) Also a friend for Clem.
Pete- He seems like a genuine, kind man, and could take up the leadership position well alongside Lee. Also help to resolve any disputes.
Carley- While I prefer Doug character-wise, you can't dispute how good Carley is with a gun, batteries or no batteries. Plus, she seemed like a good person from what we did see of her.
Yes, we've kinda seen by now that internal conflict in the groups is worse than the walkers. Good choice of cohesive unit :D
Omid (kept her on after Lee died)
Sarita (Cool)
Kenny (Clems friend)
Rebecca (has a baby)
Sarah (shes young)
Carley and Lee would fall in love.
Lee and Clem are like Family.
Duck and Clem are the same age.
Luke is Clem's "brother".
Shell is a nice person.
Christa and Omid (Omid is the funny guy, Christa is a real survivor)
Luke - Seems loyal and good-hearted so far
Omid - Always need him to lighten the tone
Kenny - Can always count on him to watch your back
Carley - Brave and trustworthy, and good with a gun
Shel - She was my favourite character in 400 days
1. Uncle Pete (you all saw this one coming)
2. Luke
3. Carley
4. Christa
5. Doug
6. Carlos
Lilly, Larry, Doug, Mark, Glenn and Molly
Still, thanks to this thread I found out about his other channel, age of the gamer. I'll definitely check that walking dead playthrough very soon.