I do have one on the inside of my forearm, it's of Clem pointing the gun at Lee from the final scene of s1e5. Lee is not in it, it's just Clem. Got it cause it was the first game to ever make me shed a tear, and it was at that moment in the game when I did...
That's why you ask first, Billy. Ask them the simple question, "how old are you" first. Because, if you don't you could end up with a lawsuit, a child, and some horribly large bills to pay.
Nah. I have enough tattoos as is.
I have seen some cool looking ones out there though, and I don't judge, but I'm not quite dedicated enough for that, honestly. :S
I have seen some cool looking ones out there though, and I don't judge, but I'm not quite dedicated enough for that, honestly. :S
I feel creepy now =[
Now she gets banned all the time but she always comes back with a new profile.
Her latest profile is called Cluke4life.