Episode 3 = Short as hell too?[achievement spoilers]

Just like i did with episode 4 of TWAU a while ago i also found some devs or play testers playing episode 3 of TWD and here's how long it took them
Only 20 minutes between "Not in Nottingham" and the end of the episode?
What do you think? I know i'm always trying to instill happy thoughts on people but this kind of worries me.
I wont post any links in order to not invade their privacy.
Only 20 minutes between "Not in Nottingham" and the end of the episode?
What do you think? I know i'm always trying to instill happy thoughts on people but this kind of worries me.
I wont post any links in order to not invade their privacy.
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Kind of concerning everything is going to get shoved into seven and a half hours if it keeps up, though, as compared to season 1's approx. 12 - but they've done well enough so far I guess.
A date calculator says it took them 1 hour 25 minuets to finish the game, there is some gameplay before the first achievement so it could be slightly longer.
The '90 minutes is more cinematic' crap strikes me as just an excuse to release less content in each episode. I don't find it endearing in the least.
Me, personally? I like to receive the same amount of content when I pay the same amount of money, not get less and praise them for it.
That son of a bitch took me nearly 4 hours. :S
God-DAMMIT telltale
We are halfway through so I can also see this being the episode that links the first and second part of the season together and will give us an idea of what is to come in the last 2 episodes with many questions finally being answered and loose ends tied up which have been around since 400 days.
Well it better be.
Probably due to working on other titles, I guess. It's a shame that they disappoint like 50% of their fans only to say they're working on multiple projects. They could've postponed GOT or something, and then the quality would go up.
I think I just snapped.
*Sigh* Let us see what Tuesday (hopefully) brings...
eliminate the ""
Also, I think that TWAU affects it somewhat, plus, it is true that the branching is something to consider.