Who leads the cabin group?!

KennysucksKennysucks Banned
edited May 2014 in The Walking Dead
is it Carlos or Luke?! i cant find good indications, like it seems like Carlos is the leader but Carver mentioned Luke leading them in the wrong direction?


  • At first I thought it was Pete who lead the group, but since he's gone... I personally think Carlos is the leader, because Carver seems to hate him the most.
  • I feel like Luke is the leader but Carlos was just the head of the first discussion you find them in... only because of how he has "medical knowledge" or some shit, and Luke can't tell a mosquito bite, from a dog bite, from a lurker bite, man ;)
  • Seems to be a tie between Carlos and Luke. Remember the talk they had together?
  • From what I gathered, Luke is the one who led them out, but it's kind of a democracy. Carlos and Pete take up the role of 'elder statesmen' of sorts, in that people respect their judgements bit more than the others.
  • i think there was an option to ask Luke if he lead the group somewhere near the start of meeting the cabin group, like around the time Nick almost shoots you, if someone knows how Luke responds that would be great :)
  • Wait... what? I hope you're right, that'd actually be pretty awesome.
    Kennysucks posted: »

    i think there was an option to ask Luke if he lead the group somewhere near the start of meeting the cabin group, like around the time Nick almost shoots you, if someone knows how Luke responds that would be great :)

  • KennysucksKennysucks Banned
    edited May 2014
    i THINK its when you have to chose someone to appeal to when carlos is inspecting your bite, i think if you chose Luke you can say something like "You lead this group right?!", but i do know for sure that you can ask him if hes the leader at some point early on.
    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    Wait... what? I hope you're right, that'd actually be pretty awesome.

  • Most likely Carlos
  • edited May 2014
    Hmm... i'll try it and tell ya :)
    Kennysucks posted: »

    i THINK its when you have to chose someone to appeal to when carlos is inspecting your bite, i think if you chose Luke you can say something

  • Carlos right? He IS the genius doctor isn't he? That means he got a degree, ain't he the smartest shit in the group?
  • Ok, I tried that and he did the same little "I'm on your side kid, no need for a guilt trip" thing.
    Kennysucks posted: »

    i THINK its when you have to chose someone to appeal to when carlos is inspecting your bite, i think if you chose Luke you can say something

  • dang :/ well i think its safe to say its a Carlos/Luke thing even though it is a democracy its still kinda both of them
    _Juice_Box_ posted: »

    Ok, I tried that and he did the same little "I'm on your side kid, no need for a guilt trip" thing.

  • You can also ask Rebecca a similar question which I thought odd at first. Then I remembered Clem spent all that time traveling with a pregnant woman who was likely the one making all the decisions even before the "bathroom incident" and it all made sense. Though it would be funny if Carver is looking at Carlos/Luke as the main conspirators when in fact the whole plan was Rebecca's all along.
    Kennysucks posted: »

    i think there was an option to ask Luke if he lead the group somewhere near the start of meeting the cabin group, like around the time Nick almost shoots you, if someone knows how Luke responds that would be great :)

  • Doesn't matter who used to lead it. Clem's the HBIC now.
  • I believe that @bubbledncr commented that although it is never explicitly stated in-game, they considered it to be a democracy with Luke, Pete and Carlos almost equally calling the shots.

    Carlos handled the Clem situation without opposition because A) He *is* the doctor (supposedly :P) and B) The bad past experience the group had, and that they don't really want to repeat to the point of locking her in a shed. Oh, and Rebecca fancied some little girl's tears that particular evening, so yeah.
  • I think Luke could be a good leader of the Cabin group. He is smart. He has a plan at the bridge, the others wanna just cross over the bridge without any plan. He is calm, not a hothead etc.
  • I feel Carlos leads the group yet they all have Clem doing the high risked manuevers and saving everyone's ass
  • Seemed like that wasn't a real leader at first, or the role was shared between Pete, Luke and Carlos. But after Pete is gone Luke steps up to take more of a lead I think since he's the one making a lot of the decisions during the group's travels. But Carlos still plays some part in it too where you hear him discussing about leaving the Ski Lodge at dawn.

    So yeah, Luke and Carlos looked like they were the ones calling the shots.
  • CathalOHaraCathalOHara Moderator
    edited May 2014
    I think it's Carlos. Primarily since he's the one who done the member meeting. Plus when he said Clem went in the shed. His word was final. I thought it was pretty obvious he was the leader. I saw Pete as the secondary leader though. Kinda how Lee and Kenny led their group in the first Season.
  • I'm pretty sure Luke is the leader. So far he has been the one making ALL of the non-medical decisions and even with medical decisions, Carlos is horrible at making decisions("I can't tell a dog bite from a human bite, let's lock you in a shed to die").

    Luke is also being portrayed as more of a main character than Carlos, with a closer attachment to the main character, Clementine.
  • It doesn't really seem like anyone is the leader, seems like a democracy. But if anyone was the leader I'd think it's Carlos.
  • I'd say Luke, if you plead to him in All That Remains, there's an option that says "You're in charge here right?"
  • edited May 2014
    Now that's Pete is gone it's Luke and Carlos

    Pete was the good one
    Carlo's made a harsh one with Clem with the shed so he is the (Harsh one)
    And luke is the (Understanding one)
  • His word was final because he was the only one with medical expertise to make a decision like that(and did quite poorly at it in my opinion) and half of the group sided with him.
    CathalOHara posted: »

    I think it's Carlos. Primarily since he's the one who done the member meeting. Plus when he said Clem went in the shed. His word was final.

  • I think it's like a democracy.
  • I think Carlos leads, while Luke and Pete are the planners, while Alvin and Rebecca are just the two whiners nobody listens to when it comes to group decisions.
  • Luke. It was mentioned by Carver.
  • Enlighten me please; what does HBIC stand for?
    skoothz posted: »

    Doesn't matter who used to lead it. Clem's the HBIC now.

  • Pete was the leader of the cabin group, now that he is gone it's a power strugle between Carlos and Luke.
  • Head bitch in charge?
    skoothz posted: »

    Doesn't matter who used to lead it. Clem's the HBIC now.

  • What TheGoodTheBadTheDead said. Head Bitch in Charge.
    BigBlindMax posted: »

    Enlighten me please; what does HBIC stand for?

  • I think it's a democracy, but power shifts from Luke to Carlos and Pete to take big decisions. I think they're the Lees of this group, looked to for answers but not exactly in charge.
  • I think it's a democracy, but not a very good one. The characters all imply that they make decisions together, and a big reason for this being because Carver was a dictatorial leader, so they want to stay away from that. But in the world they're living in, I think it's pretty instinctive to rally behind one person, and it's difficult to run a democracy if you don't have the people with the experience to do so.

    They are very indecisive and disagree with each other a lot. Carlos and Luke especially seem to be in a power struggle, although it isn't (yet) a hostile one. They disagree on what they think is best for the group or what action to take in certain situations, and the rest of group doesn't consistently take sides. For example, Alvin could side with Carlos in one instance or Luke in another. No one in the group seems to have any specific loyalty in this sense to Carlos or Luke. The only exception (besides Sarah, but I'm not counting her because she's not involved in the major decision making) is possibly Nick, but I feel like his loyalty to Luke is due to Luke pressuring him to his side. And we've seen him stand up to Luke a few times too.

    Along those same lines, I think Luke WANTS to step up as leader of their group, but the group shoots him down. Like when Clem tells Rebecca that Luke invited her to stay, and Rebecca says something like "Well that's great, but that's not how we do things." Especially now that Pete is gone, I think Luke is trying to fills his shoes, since Pete seemed to be the glue that held the group together. Now whether Luke is doing that for the glory and power, or out of moral obligation to Nick and his friends, is up for debate.
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