I would like to apologise for aplologising about my recent behaviour

edited May 2014 in The Walking Dead


  • What a sad life you must live where you create topics all day long.
  • say what you want, but my likes gone from 280 to 375 since i started this today!

    thats results!

    What a sad life you must live where you create topics all day long.

  • No, that's self-centered and pathetic.

    I gave you the benefit of the doubt.

    U gon pey fo dat.

    say what you want, but my likes gone from 280 to 375 since i started this today! thats results!

  • Just stop, please. Nobody cares! And if you really ARE a troll, which i highly suspect now, you suck at it. Which means it isn't your calling.

    Now, please get your head out of your ass and be a normal user or GTFO.
  • Post your pic
    Azlyn posted: »

    No, that's self-centered and pathetic. I gave you the benefit of the doubt. U gon pey fo dat.

  • I would like you to stop making discussions.
  • CathalOHaraCathalOHara Moderator
    edited May 2014
    I really hope next time you go out and eat some Jaffa Cakes you run out and have to go to the shop to buy some more.

    Post your pic

  • Everyone would.

    I would like you to stop making discussions.

  • are you... a yognaut? YEYEYEYYE
    CathalOHara posted: »

    I really hope next time you go out and eat some Jaffa Cakes you run out and have to go to the shop to buy some more.

This discussion has been closed.