gimmeseason2 posted: »What a sad life you must live where you create topics all day long.
What a sad life you must live where you create topics all day long.
oOo-BillyYoder-oOo posted: »say what you want, but my likes gone from 280 to 375 since i started this today! thats results!
say what you want, but my likes gone from 280 to 375 since i started this today! thats results!
Azlyn posted: »No, that's self-centered and pathetic. I gave you the benefit of the doubt. U gon pey fo dat.
No, that's self-centered and pathetic. I gave you the benefit of the doubt. U gon pey fo dat.
oOo-BillyYoder-oOo posted: »Post your pic
Post your pic
Thewalkingcommenter posted: »I would like you to stop making discussions.
I would like you to stop making discussions.
CathalOHara posted: »I really hope next time you go out and eat some Jaffa Cakes you run out and have to go to the shop to buy some more.
I really hope next time you go out and eat some Jaffa Cakes you run out and have to go to the shop to buy some more.
thats results!
I gave you the benefit of the doubt.
U gon pey fo dat.
Now, please get your head out of your ass and be a normal user or GTFO.