I would like to apologise for my recent behaviour




    someone in the real world is gunna grow me up?....Yeah coz thats....logical.

  • Hey, hey! What have we told you? No screaming out feelings in public...it's not the Soviet way. Stalin fucked up everyones views on Communism. Fuck Stalin.

    Since I'm really into Russian culture and history... YES!!!!! I LOVE TORTURING MY ENEMIES!

  • Capitalist, either join us, or stay out of our way! The Grammar Soviets will be tolerant...as long as the Fascist swine that created this thread improves his grammar! CornPopper420, you don't understand the gravity of this situation!

    HAHA what the hell have I started.

  • Yes, the human race is known to be inferior. I pity you all for not being potatoes.
    Kittydub posted: »

    I'm laughing because of the last sentence, nobody knows. The ignorant fools.

  • XD

    Yes, that works too.

    But only if you don't wanna be cool. The Chuck Norris Style is cool.

    How about I send the whole entire series merchandise of One Direction to his front door? XD

  • Not as "logical" as your failure as a part of the human race! You said "bake a sweater", bake is only used when talking about pastries and light food cooking, a sweater doesn't fall into that category. I also find your increased sexist remarks disturbing and it's affecting others, as well as myself.

    someone in the real world is gunna grow me up?....Yeah coz thats....logical.

  • edited May 2014
    You are a pig, a sick fucking pig.

    post your pic! i wanna see what your face looks like =]

  • omg you just got all official on me

    Not as "logical" as your failure as a part of the human race! You said "bake a sweater", bake is only used when talking about pastries and l

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