Walking Dead Character Elimination Game! [WINNER:LUKE]



  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator
    Ya, you have a good point, because when you think of the protagonist, you think of yourself, and when you're being pit against other people, who would you choose?

    The OP was angry when Lee got voted out and wanted it to be a vote your least favorite character out. The thing is, it's not fair to pit NPCs against protagonists. That's like saying "who do you like more, Joel or Tommy?"

  • It seems that now it isn't easy to know who's going to win.

    I'm voting for Clementine since I agree with dojo32161. Luke-6 Clementine-4 Edit: **REMEMBER... FINAL TWO MEANS 10 VOTES FOR A CHARACTER TO BE ELIMINATED**

  • Luke
  • edited May 2014
    Especially if people can dictate their character's actions (Lee and Clementine) and construct them to whatever character they want. That's why Lee and Clementine are favorites to almost everyone, because people have the ability to mold them to fit their ideal character.
    dojo32161 posted: »

    Ya, you have a good point, because when you think of the protagonist, you think of yourself, and when you're being pit against other people, who would you choose?

  • edited May 2014

    This is actually a close one. I'm honestly surprised that it's neck and neck.

  • I vote for Clem
  • edited May 2014
    Clemmy I'm sorry Clem. ;_;
  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator
    Luke- 7

    This got really intense
  • Clementine.
  • As much as I love Luke, I love Clementine more so my vote is Luke. Sorry Luke.
  • My vote is Clem. Not that I don't love her because that's the opposite. She's my favorite character in TWD. I just think that Luke deserves to win since he beat out every character fair and square (except Lee and Clementine, but who could blame him).
  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator
    Clementine- 10.... she's been eliminated.... the winner of the walking dead character elimination game is.... Luke.
  • Wait, Luke won?!
    dojo32161 posted: »

    Clementine- 10.... she's been eliminated.... the winner of the walking dead character elimination game is.... Luke.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator
    I did not see that coming. It was a 10-8 vote for Clementine.

    Wait, Luke won?!

  • What the actual fuck?




    Jesus Christ.

    Luke wins the game -_- (bullshitz)

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator
    edited May 2014
    I'll be here... Trying to get rid of Kenny. It was fun.
    TinyCarlos posted: »

    What the actual fuck? LUKE!? LUKE!?!?!? OUT OF ALL THE CHARACTERS, LUKE!?!? Jesus Christ. Luke wins the game -_- (

  • edited May 2014
    Guy's I honestly think this is bullshit like Carlos said.

    You COMPLETELY forgot the rules. You VOTE for the person that is YOUR least favorite. Not the person you think will win so you can give others a chance, you vote for the least favorite. But now everybody's just like "LEL LEE MIGHT WIN SO LET'S MAKE HIM NOT LEL" and to be honest it's quite shitty. Sorry Carlos that many people sadly didn't follow the game.
  • LUKE WON! Jii! Zu'u los Ful Unaz!
  • Hopefully I can make the rules more clear for the next one.

    Guy's I honestly think this is bullshit like Carlos said. You COMPLETELY forgot the rules. You VOTE for the person that is YOUR least f

  • OR people actually like Luke...

    Say, is that a possibility?

    Guy's I honestly think this is bullshit like Carlos said. You COMPLETELY forgot the rules. You VOTE for the person that is YOUR least f

  • Hello Poked...just ran into an old comment by you on YouTube 10 months ago: O

    LUKE WON! Jii! Zu'u los Ful Unaz!

  • Sorry but I find it hard to believe that people would prefer a character that has only been in 2 episodes of Season 2 over the main protagonist of Season 2, and the main character besides Lee in Season 1.

    Yeah, can't process that thought.

    OR people actually like Luke... Say, is that a possibility?

  • The people here just missed the point after Lee got eliminated. The contest went spiraling downhill after that... the voters didn't vote the way they should have had. I'm looking forward to the second season of this, hopefully the people vote the way they are supposed to. Yeah, we all know Lee and Clem will be the final 2, but we can see the forum's favorite and least favorite characters this way. After all, it IS the point of the game. Also, you should ask the mods to keep this contest in TWD section so more people can see it and vote, I mean, it IS related to TWD.
  • Where? It wasn't in a foot fetish video, was it?



    Just kiddin'. Seriously, where?
    Deceptio posted: »

    Hello Poked...just ran into an old comment by you on YouTube 10 months ago: O

  • Maybe because Luke is love, Luke is life?
    TinyCarlos posted: »

    Sorry but I find it hard to believe that people would prefer a character that has only been in 2 episodes of Season 2 over the main protagonist of Season 2, and the main character besides Lee in Season 1. Yeah, can't process that thought.

  • On a walking dead video :P

    Where? It wasn't in a foot fetish video, was it? DON'T TELL A SOUL! ... Just kiddin'. Seriously, where?

  • Yep, well at least it isn't as bad as back in July or so 2013 when I did this and someone made alt accounts and voted out Clem in like the early stages.

    It's similar, but not as bad as that.
    Deceptio posted: »

    On a walking dead video :P

  • We already know who's the favorite out of the two protagonists. Clementine is with Lee a close second. Other than Lee and Clem, everyone voted for their favorite character to win. Luke just so happened to win.
    Deceptio posted: »

    The people here just missed the point after Lee got eliminated. The contest went spiraling downhill after that... the voters didn't vote the

  • True buts its kinda annoying, next thread people will hopefully vote for their least fav character
  • Wat. WHAAAAAAT?! I get that people didn't like the end result. Clem lost, Luke won. I was a part of the reason, and here's how I feel about this game. "I vote Kenny because I prefer the others" "YOU'RE PLAYING THE GAME WRONG DUDE, YOU TROLL, OBVIOUSLY IF A POPULAR CHARACTER IS ELIMINATED, EVERYONE WHO VOTED FOR THEM IS A TROLL DICKFACE!!!!!" I mean have an opinion, I respect opinions, and if you disagree with me, fine! No 2 people can agree on anything! But don't attack people because they dislike and eliminate a character you like! It made the game hard to play, because I'd come to vote, and I'd see conversations with people insulting everyone who voted their favorite character off! My 2nd favorite character is Ben, and he was eliminated 12/58! I didn't insult anyone who voted Ben, because they dislike Ben, that's their opinion, and I respect it! I don't want to act all high and mighty, or be preachy, I just wanted to say how annoying it was to see people indirectly insult me for my opinion!
  • Didnt call everybody a troll, just some. So lol no.
    maxbear29 posted: »

    Wat. WHAAAAAAT?! I get that people didn't like the end result. Clem lost, Luke won. I was a part of the reason, and here's how I feel about

  • edited May 2014
    You're implying that some people who voted Lee or Clem out HAD to be trolls and not people with differentiating opinions.

    Didnt call everybody a troll, just some. So lol no.

  • I WOULD post a cheers gif/image here, but you know :(


  • wot
    dojo32161 posted: »

    Clementine- 10.... she's been eliminated.... the winner of the walking dead character elimination game is.... Luke.

  • edited May 2014
    Also I will be there to support you :)
    dojo32161 posted: »

    I'll be here... Trying to get rid of Kenny. It was fun.

  • dojo32161dojo32161 Moderator
    Thanks man
    Chronos1234 posted: »

    Also I will be there to support you :)

  • edited May 2014
    I just support Luke because I like his character.

    My top 5 characters are: Lee, Clem, Carley, Luke and Pete, but I vote to eliminate Clem instead Luke because I like both and I think that Clem could have more support...

    Didnt call everybody a troll, just some. So lol no.

  • Nope, im implying that I heavily doubtt people like luke more than clem

    You're implying that some people who voted Lee or Clem out HAD to be trolls and not people with differentiating opinions.

  • No, I mean, WHO? Who's video? Where? What video?

    Deceptio posted: »

    I WOULD post a cheers gif/image here, but you know :(

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