Do you have any tattoos of the walking dead Characters?



  • I think you guys should drop this. It's getting out of hand :/
    Pride posted: »

    You called our Lord a psychopath and a murderer. You cursed His name! Killing animals does not make someone a murderer, especially if they're going to be food. What are you, some crazy liberal vegan?!

  • Haha thanks man, don't spit down at me when your living in the sky...
    Pride posted: »

    What good is that fancy car going to be when you're burning in hell? Your body has already been defiled. Have a nice one-way trip.

  • Animals are beneath us. We were created in His image.
    They exist to be subjugated by us. Such is the word of Our Lord!

    They are food. Killing them is not murder.

    Wake up, kid!
    CodPatrol posted: »

    Yes it does, would you like to be eaten by some gigantic fuckin' human? I think not. No, I'm not a vegan. Trying to become one but it ain't

  • So you ARE godless?

    Evil, evil...

    Haha thanks man, don't spit down at me when your living in the sky...

  • eh. im probably going to make the video later, r when I have time and get bored. and I have to get used to this new program and stuff.
    Giraffehat posted: »

    This is off topic, but how's that video goin' for ya?

  • Yes, I think we should. They aren't food. You can easily live of beans or fruit or vegetables so you wake up. Anyway lets drop it. Do you even like TWD? Because starting stuff like this on a TWD tattoo thread is werid.
    TWDFan86 posted: »

    I think you guys should drop this. It's getting out of hand :/

  • Im disappointed because much of it came out good at first but youtube cut me off. :(
    Giraffehat posted: »

    This is off topic, but how's that video goin' for ya?

  • Tattoos are against God. It IS relevant.
    CodPatrol posted: »

    Yes, I think we should. They aren't food. You can easily live of beans or fruit or vegetables so you wake up. Anyway lets drop it. Do you even like TWD? Because starting stuff like this on a TWD tattoo thread is werid.

  • Cool. I could give you some advice when it's done, if you want. Oh, and thanks for making that thread referencing my video. I felt pretty neat afterwards.

    eh. im probably going to make the video later, r when I have time and get bored. and I have to get used to this new program and stuff.

  • No there not. It doesn't say that anywhere.
    Pride posted: »

    Tattoos are against God. It IS relevant.

  • edited May 2014
    You're godless, what would you know?

    I bet you've never picked up the Holy Book in your life. You evil spawn!

    We are the species created in God's image. We are meant to rule all others.
    CodPatrol posted: »

    No there not. It doesn't say that anywhere.

  • I actually have, but I put it away after a few minutes. Because... well... yawn... you're the scum of the Earth. You think God is better than anyone and that humans are better than anything. Be gone with you foul creature of the night.
    Pride posted: »

    You're godless, what would you know? I bet you've never picked up the Holy Book in your life. You evil spawn! We are the species created in God's image. We are meant to rule all others.

  • Dude, don't bother, Pride is either wilfully ignorant/a fucking moron either that or he is fucking with you.
    CodPatrol posted: »

    I actually have, but I put it away after a few minutes. Because... well... yawn... you're the scum of the Earth. You think God is better than anyone and that humans are better than anything. Be gone with you foul creature of the night.

  • edited May 2014
    Hey, dumb-fuck! I happened to notice you didn't have a reply to my comment above, I guess it's because you're too cowardly to face off against a Atheist that studied religion. I know what the bible says, I had to read it for religion class. I asked you a question. If your god hates the defiling of the body, why do you get circumcised? Hmm, I guess since your circumcised (which is defiling of the body), you're going to hell. Hey, I'll meet you down there, I'll keep our drinks nice and cool. We are created in god's image? Bullshit. We fight each other, we kill each other, we rape, steal and do every drug imaginable, and you say we are created in your gods image? Unless your god is secretly a cartel, then we are not created in his image. All you're doing is spouting religious bullshit to the point of annoying people, why don't you go back to your bible study, and try reading it, because by the crazy shit you've been saying, I highly doubt you have ever read it.
    Pride posted: »

    You're godless, what would you know? I bet you've never picked up the Holy Book in your life. You evil spawn! We are the species created in God's image. We are meant to rule all others.

  • edited May 2014
    (High five)

    Oh yeah and god doesn't exist, or at very least there isn't enough evidence to justify the belief in a god. insane ramblings written down by people a couple thousand years ago isn't enough for any thinking person to believe in a god. just thought i'de throw that little caveat in there :)

    Pride is just using his religious views to spew hate filled bullshit.

    Hey, dumb-fuck! I happened to notice you didn't have a reply to my comment above, I guess it's because you're too cowardly to face off again

  • edited May 2014
    Exactly. You do these things because you are a sinner. You are godless.
    If you'd accepted our Lord into your life, you wouldn't be damned for eternity.

    You will pay for this in the day of judgement! Then, when you stand before God Himself, will you finally realize the errors of your ways. But it will be too late!

    I'm trying to help you! Alas, I can't help someone who doesn't want to be helped.
    Have fun in hell.

    Hey, dumb-fuck! I happened to notice you didn't have a reply to my comment above, I guess it's because you're too cowardly to face off again

  • You can't threaten someone with something that isn't real, god isn't real, Hell isn't even mentioned in the bible, it was created by your church to frighten small minded people like yourself into obedience. Also it's spelled realise not realize :)
    Pride posted: »

    Exactly. You do these things because you are a sinner. You are godless. If you'd accepted our Lord into your life, you wouldn't be damned

  • In the U.S., it's actually spelled realize. So they're both correct :P
    AusZombie posted: »

    You can't threaten someone with something that isn't real, god isn't real, Hell isn't even mentioned in the bible, it was created by your church to frighten small minded people like yourself into obedience. Also it's spelled realise not realize :)

  • Yeah, I learned English the American way.

    We'll see who has the last laugh in the Day of Judgement, Aus. I hope for you sake that you'll have abandoned your sinful ways by then.
    TWDFan86 posted: »

    In the U.S., it's actually spelled realize. So they're both correct :P

  • Well shit, every day's a school day :P
    TWDFan86 posted: »

    In the U.S., it's actually spelled realize. So they're both correct :P

  • I have noticed you are avoiding my question, so I will ask it again, this time all capitalized. IF YOUR GOD IS SO AGAINST THE DEFILING OF THE BODY, WHY DOES HE HAVE YOU DEFILE YOUR BODY FOR CIRCUMCISION? Hopefully, you will be able to read it this time, I'm am eager for what you have to say. Hey, if your religion actually is somehow real, and Aus and me are going to hell, we'll see you down there, since you're saying that defiling your body is against god's will, you bet your ass we'll see you down there. Religious people seem to use religion as a way of abandoning all logic. Why don't you pick up a biology book? I picked up your holy book and read it, why don't you read a bit of Darwin? You know why, it's because you're scared. Scared that science is more logical then a giant being floating in the sky. Science has bountiful amounts of proof to show that it's real, but what proof does religion have? Old books and scrolls written by men wanting power. So, don't go around, criticizing our way of life, when yours' is crazy as fuck. If you look at who started this argument, it was you. We didn't say you were going to hell first, you said we were sinners and we will go to hell. So fuck you and fuck your illogical ways.
    Pride posted: »

    Yeah, I learned English the American way. We'll see who has the last laugh in the Day of Judgement, Aus. I hope for you sake that you'll have abandoned your sinful ways by then.

  • Indeed. You could learn a thing or two from God, as well.
    AusZombie posted: »

    Well shit, every day's a school day :P

    Pride posted: »

    Indeed. You could learn a thing or two from God, as well.

  • That's only done in certain religions.

    And it's hardly defilement, since sometimes circumcision is necessary for health reasons.

    Tattoos, though? Purely cosmetical. Plain evil, voluntary defilement.
    You don't need a tattoo to live.


  • If your entire argument can be summed up into hell hell hell judgement hell hell hell torture hell hell you have already lost the argument.
    Pride posted: »

    Exactly. You do these things because you are a sinner. You are godless. If you'd accepted our Lord into your life, you wouldn't be damned

  • Indeed, you could learn a thing or two from the flying spaghetti monster and unicorns and fairies and fucking Thor, there all just as make believe as Yahweh.
    Pride posted: »

    Indeed. You could learn a thing or two from God, as well.

  • Says the guy who attempted to bring up faulty grammar as some sort of point. And failed at it!

    You're the one who lost here, sinner. I hope the Lord has mercy on your misguided soul.
    AusZombie posted: »

    If your entire argument can be summed up into hell hell hell judgement hell hell hell torture hell hell you have already lost the argument.

  • You're an idiot. You don't need circumcision to live. Plain evil, voluntary defilement? So, let me get this straight, your god forces you to cut off part of your penis? In my opinion, that guy sounds like an asshole. No shit it's only done in certain religions, not everyone wants to cut off part of their dicks. It is defilement, and guess what? Since you said defilement was against religious law, I'll see you in hell! And why the fuck is being cosmetic somehow evil? Since you have a nice pair of shoes, does that make you evil? There are so many flaws in your argument. But, thank you, it took you long enough, but you finally thought up an answer for my question. In truthfulness, your argument is stupid, childish and actually is threatening by saying we'll go to hell. You say we are going to hell, does this make you god? Because, somehow you've condemned us to hell, even though it's your god that makes this decision, not you. Also, to let you know, your holy book has been screwed with so much, and rewritten dozens of times over, that I'm pretty sure none of you are going to your heaven (if that really exists).
    Pride posted: »

    That's only done in certain religions. And it's hardly defilement, since sometimes circumcision is necessary for health reasons. Tattoos, though? Purely cosmetical. Plain evil, voluntary defilement. You don't need a tattoo to live.

  • No haha, you can't do that here.
    Regi_ posted: »


  • High five, dude.

    :p im 14 btw billy yoder

  • What, it's a troll?

    No mod has banned him, yet? Dafuq?

  • Respect.

    That's why you ask first, Billy. Ask them the simple question, "how old are you" first. Because, if you don't you could end up with a lawsuit, a child, and some horribly large bills to pay.

  • BenPaulBenPaul Banned
    I don't want another tattoo after they failed my first one :(
  • Save it for Sunday, preacher. You know why? Because we don't give a single shit about your hope. Your ways of arguing are unintelligent, illogical and downright primitive, all you do is repeat the same thing over and over again. I hope you know, all you are doing by making your stupid argument is making me dislike your god even more. YOUR RELIGION HAS NO EVIDENCE, SCIENCE DOES. Notice, when one man has an imaginary friend, he's crazy, but when a group of people have an imaginary friend, it's a religion.
    Pride posted: »

    Says the guy who attempted to bring up faulty grammar as some sort of point. And failed at it! You're the one who lost here, sinner. I hope the Lord has mercy on your misguided soul.

  • Circumcision is never necessary, you say?

    Gimme a break. Ever heard of phimosis, kid?

    I've never heard of any condition where having a tattoo is necessary. It's evil, and that's that.

    You're an idiot. You don't need circumcision to live. Plain evil, voluntary defilement? So, let me get this straight, your god forces you to

  • And what point are you making, aside from petty insults? You know you're wrong.

    I pity your soul.

    Save it for Sunday, preacher. You know why? Because we don't give a single shit about your hope. Your ways of arguing are unintelligent, ill

  • edited May 2014
    Kid? Ha, due to your insane declarations of piety, I'd say you're the child in this conversation. Why don't you go worship a rock or something? And if you read my reply it actually said, "You don't need circumcision to live." When you incorrectly replied, "Circumcision is never necessary". I never, at one point, said it was never necessary, you're just pulling the old religious trick of putting words into my mouth, thus proving that you're an illiterate jackass. Just like before, you have a habit of trying to avoid my questions when I answer all of yours, proving, once again, that you are the child in this situation. It's because of people like you this world is fucked up.
    Pride posted: »

    Circumcision is never necessary, you say? Gimme a break. Ever heard of phimosis, kid? I've never heard of any condition where having a tattoo is necessary. It's evil, and that's that.

  • What are you even saying?

    People with that condition don't need the procedure to live well? Oh please.

    Call me when some disease called Tattooitis shows up, and then we'll talk.
    Go back to worshipping Satan, or something.

    Kid? Ha, due to your insane declarations of piety, I'd say you're the child in this conversation. Why don't you go worship a rock or somethi

  • Pointing out a misspelling is not a point, besides i'm done arguing with you, it is clear your only purpose here is to annoy us and i'm done humoring you.
    Pride posted: »

    Says the guy who attempted to bring up faulty grammar as some sort of point. And failed at it! You're the one who lost here, sinner. I hope the Lord has mercy on your misguided soul.

  • Sure it is, you thought it would somehow make me look inferior, and you failed.

    You poor thing.
    AusZombie posted: »

    Pointing out a misspelling is not a point, besides i'm done arguing with you, it is clear your only purpose here is to annoy us and i'm done humoring you.

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