How do I download ep 3???

edited May 2014 in The Walking Dead
Hi, I bought a season pass for TWD on xbox 360 and have played eps 1 and 2. Ep 3 has just been released and I can't download it. When I go to download the episode via the market place, or use the menus in the game itself, it doesn't allow me how else do get hold of it???


  • it hasnr been released yet
  • edited May 2014
    you have to wait until its release date and time then that red bar thing will be removed, it'll probably be next week.
  • so why when I open the game it says 'new' next to play in the menu and an option to download when I'm directed to the download content area??
  • I dunno it just does that for some reason, misleading I know.
    reignsfp posted: »

    so why when I open the game it says 'new' next to play in the menu and an option to download when I'm directed to the download content area??

  • Same thing happened for EP. 2. Just wait until the final release date and the red icon should go away.

    However, DONT LOSE HOPE! This means that the episode is incredibly close now! Just about four more days!
  • Step 1:You wait till next week
    Step 2: When it's released you go to the main menu and then go to the episode in harm's way then it should say available
    Step 3: Then you should be able to download episode 3
  • You wait until it's released or you go build a time machine.
  • I used a time machine and I'm still waiting for it to come out!

    You wait until it's released or you go build a time machine.

  • Its not released yet
  • Step 4: Play the game and have a great time.
    nickybello posted: »

    Step 1:You wait till next week Step 2: When it's released you go to the main menu and then go to the episode in harm's way then it should say available Step 3: Then you should be able to download episode 3

  • step 5: wait for the next episode :(
    TWD_1992 posted: »

    Step 4: Play the game and have a great time.

  • As others have said, it's seemingly just a false alarm for now.
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