Pебят подскажите че делать если в игре после того как укажешь свой логин и пароль идет просто заставка и все если кто знает напишите пожалуйста for you too, nice gentlleman.
according to Google translate: "Problem Pebyat prompt Th do if the game after you indicate your username and password is simply saver and all if anyone knows please write!" wow, I knew Google translate sucked but, wow.
according to Google translate: "Problem Pebyat prompt Th do if the game after you indicate your username and password is simply saver and all if anyone knows please write!" wow, I knew Google translate sucked but, wow.
"We're Russian dancing men, oh yes, we're Russian dancing men,
I'm dancing with a purple hen,
I've also got this ballpoint pen.
… more
We're Russian dancing men,
We're only dancing now and then.
We started off at half past ten,
Soon we'll be going home again.
We're Russian dancing men,
Our favorite pepper is Cayenne,
We're dancing right next to Big Ben,
Come on and see us bogling!
'Cause we're Russian and we're dancing,
And we always keep spare pants in case of accidents while boogieing,
'Cause Russians love to boogie!"
Ot vreme na vreme. Maykata na bratovchedki mi e ot Plovdiv i sushto imam priyateli ot Batak. Been out of practice with the language for a long while though.
That's nice. Bulgarian language is one of the most difficult languages in my opinion, so I haven't seen a lot of people to study or practise it. Ходил ли си в столицата - София ?
Ot vreme na vreme. Maykata na bratovchedki mi e ot Plovdiv i sushto imam priyateli ot Batak. Been out of practice with the language for a long while though.
Swedish :3
2. I guess they are improving. You couldn't swing a dead cat without hitting some ridiculousness.
3. You look kinda... white.
(dunno if it shows the letters, but i will just leave this here.)
I'm dancing with a purple hen,
I've also got this ballpoint pen.
We're Russian dancing men,
We're only dancing now and then.
We started off at half past ten,
Soon we'll be going home again.
We're Russian dancing men,
Our favorite pepper is Cayenne,
We're dancing right next to Big Ben,
Come on and see us bogling!
'Cause we're Russian and we're dancing,
And we always keep spare pants in case of accidents while boogieing,
'Cause Russians love to boogie!"
Sorry I'm not fluent in any other languages although this was quite amusing!