What are your unpopular opinions about the characters/anything in the game?



  • You get a thumbs-up from me on 2, 3 and 5.
    VickH posted: »

    Oh well... 1. Ben is my favorite from S1 2. Nick is my favorite from S2(although I'm pretty sure a lot more agree with me in this

  • Well it was just stupid since it was obviously a dog bit, you can clearly see K9 teeth marks in the wound and human bites usually look like scratches like Lee's bite did and hardly they ever break the skin let alone make an open wound that big
    vctim posted: »

    I created an account to post this: The decision made by the cabin group to put Clementine in the shed was completely justified. From thei

  • Then don't play the game
    Harpadarpa posted: »

    Kenny fucking sucks. Carley fucking sucks. Ben is one of the best characters in the whole game. I don't really care about Clem's fate much anymore.

  • I like the story, and I care about the others. Clem is not the only fucking thing in the game, dude. I got Nick to worry about, I got Luke, I got Christa, and hopefully, by the end of the next episode, I'll have even more people. I don't DISLIKE Clem, by the way, I just don't LIKE her. She's neutral. Like Lee. I didn't give as much of a shit about Lee. The ending was heartbreaking, but only because I loved and cared about Clem so much. I just have a hard time caring about the struggles of the protagonist when I'M the protagonist. I project myself onto them. Not me, but a projection of me that can die and it's whatever. This is reinforced by my choices being the ones that matter, rarely his or hers.
    USMC1786 posted: »

    Then don't play the game

  • I think that she was just having a day, and a day on an apocalypse that has hardened you will make you a bitch.

    Oh, it isn't a theme. If it were a theme, that would totally be lame. But Nick and Luke being together wouldn't make it so. Maybe Clem will question it at first, and Luke will have a sit down with her, but I'd see that sort of scene as more of a reminder that Clem is little. Clem doesn't get everything. Agendas are the same as themes. So you don't like themes? They do have Chick Filay or however it's spelled, and I've never had it. Is it shit?
    Pell3t posted: »

    Yes I have. But as a future mother the last thing you should be thinking is putting other children in danger. It said a lot about what kin

  • Agreed. Kenny is just too flip floppity for me, you either have his back 100% or you aren't getting shit. Not to say I don't enjoy his character, I just don't like him as a person.

    Also he killed Larry. On second thought, fuck him.

    That I dont like Kenny. That's probably the main one Oh and that I like Nick

  • edited May 2014
    Lol. Good topic. Sure to be controversial. I'm going to have to think on this....okay, here's one. I didn't like Walter. I thought he was WAY too naive and overly-friendly, to the point that I didn't trust him. It felt disingenuous. I got the impression that he would probably snap and kill everyone one day. He was too caught up in his optimism that I just knew reality would hit him like a ton of bricks one day. It turns out it did and he instantly changed, not as bad as I thought, but I still felt kind of afraid of him. Matthew seemed alright though, as did everyone else from the ski lodge. Walter was the one I didn't trust. The only other characters I don't like are Rebecca, Nick, and Carlos because they were so adamant about denying Clementine care for her wounds. They could have cleaned it. I've been through a dog attack (on my face) and I had to go to the ER and get stitches and I was on antibiotics and pain meds for a few weeks because infection is a HUGE risk when you're attacked by an animal. Carlos knew this and he threw a 10 year old girl, younger than his daughter in a shed to bleed out and to let her wounds fester. That's just scummy, in my opinion. At least clean it, then quarantine her. I still haven't forgiven him or Rebecca for that. At least Nick is a bit sympathetic, so I've forgiven him a little.

    Edit: Reading through the posts I just realized that you meant the ENTIRE game. I thought we were just talking Season 2. I may have to post again in a little bit. I've got some reminiscing to do about Season 1 now.
  • I agree Sassy Clem isn't the best Clem because I like all versions of her. I do a Sassy and a Kind Clem playthrough. Both show different sides of her and I like both.
    VickH posted: »

    Oh well... 1. Ben is my favorite from S1 2. Nick is my favorite from S2(although I'm pretty sure a lot more agree with me in this

  • Before I start can I just say that if you truly want to read the "unpopular" opinions, find the comments with a mixture of upvotes and downvotes. With that said and done, time to list mine (though I've always been pretty vocal about my opinions of characters)

    - I like Larry. Like a lot. (though other forum members are starting to see the light as well ^^)
    - I don't understand why Kenny is as popular as he is. He's a good character and all, but seriously. I can't be the only one who didn't back him up that one time, and literally got treated like trash by Kenny right? (This also leads to my next point...)
    - Kenny surviving S1E5. I've already made a post about this with my opinions over it, and I'm too lazy to write it again. Basically was cheap, shitty explanation, Kenny's story arc ended wonderfully in Season 1 but now he's back. Sacrifice in vain, cheapens it.
    - Maybe I'm just really weird, but I actually really like most characters. My attitude to characters tend to be one sided, I either hate them or love them. This said, Ben Carlos Alvin are some of my favourite characters amongst those that aren't as well-liked.
    - I literally could give less of a shit what happens to Rebecca. Ik some people started caring about her a bit more after S2E2, but no. Fuck her. The only redeeming quality she has is being married to Alvin, who's a BAMF.
    - Same situation as above with Nick and Pete. Loved Pete (though everyone does) but I absolutely detest Nick, which is ironic considering my love of Ben (though many forumgoers have pointed out differences between the two.)
    - Hating that a lot of characters TellTale introduces are just introduced to fulfill a plot point. (Omid's murderer, Mark, Chuck and probably Sarita. I mean, it's way too obvious that she's there just to die so Kenny will snap, right?)

    That's all I can think of off the top of my head.
  • edited May 2014
    I agree about both points you made. My mom had my brother when I was 15 and my sister when I was 11. There's no way in hell she would ever have thrown a little girl out in a shed to bleed to death or die of infection. My mother has been a teacher for decades and is a mother of 3, so she's very maternal and loving with children. Most women who have a maternal instinct (you don't have to be a mom to have maternal instinct, I'm not a mom yet and I feel such a natural instinct to look out for babies/children/animals) would never throw Clem in the shed like that. There were other more humane alternative approaches to the situation. She's a little girl for crying out loud. It's not that hard to subdue a 10 year old.

    About your second point, I think they handled the gay couple well. It didn't feel forced or anything. If they started having a bunch of gay couples it would make the show very unrealistic because gays are very small percentage of the population. I think they've been proportionally represented in the show thus far (we haven't had THAT many characters yet). It wouldn't bother me if there was another gay person, but I think if they keep doing it it will feel forced and agenda-driven, which detracts from the story and realism. Walter and Matthew were very nonchalantly put into the story, so it worked because there wasn't a big to-do about it. Their introduction to the story was pretty subtle, like how it would be in real life. Telltale handled that well, they didn't get all crazy-PC and turn the game into a lesson in political correctness. They have more respect for their audience's intelligence than that. They know that we don't need to be taught how to tolerate a gay character.
    Pell3t posted: »

    Yes I have. But as a future mother the last thing you should be thinking is putting other children in danger. It said a lot about what kin

  • You know what would have been cool? Is if the key was out of Clementine's reach. She could have still figured it out, but the writers could have given that knowing nod that yes, Clem is still not physically prepared to accomplish certain tasks.

    Her having to call one of the adults over to manually work what she had already figured out would have been perfect for me, while still retaining the sense of accomplishment on Clem's part.
    Mrbman9001 posted: »

    I just had this one big "HOLY FUCK" moment. In S1E1,Clementine told Lee that her dad was an engineer,now a brief Google search has told me,that engineers DO work on wind turbines. So,maybe her dad taught her how they work!!

  • Same, he's never been in my list of favorite characters, but at least the comic does a much better job of exploring the reasons for Carl's darkness, and the pacing on those developments feels much more natural.
    Mikejames posted: »

    I was never a huge fan of Carl either, but I think that Becca's in a more morally grey area than he is.

  • Plot twist: Ben is a timelord.
    BenUseful posted: »

    Ben should come back reincarnated again in Season 3 after Nick(Ben's current reincarnation) dies.

  • I agree except for the point about leaving her alone in the shed. If the group truly thought she was a spy for Carver, then leaving her completely unsupervised was probably an unwise choice for the group.

    Bring Clem inside, but guard her. Maybe even lock her in that closet she ends up entering from under the house. Seems too risky for the group's security to leave her unguarded. Still, I agree with your assessment of the group's overall reaction to a stranger with a suspicious wound.
    vctim posted: »

    I created an account to post this: The decision made by the cabin group to put Clementine in the shed was completely justified. From thei

  • I feel similarly about the Pete scene in the van. My first playthrough, after Pete refused to amputate and Clem investigated the front, I saw the partially destroyed radio with wires hanging out and thought: "cool, maybe Pete or Clem will see this and suggest ripping out the wires to make a tourniquet. Might not have worked well, Pete might have still bled out, but I would have been fine with that.

    TTG could have kept their "Pete's death contributes to Nick's mental instability" arc, while making Pete's death feel more in line with his character (I figured he was the type to fight a bit more for even a slim chance to live). Like Katjaa's death, I feel Pete's death did more to advance the plot but at the expense of character development. Katjaa never seemed like the type to give up either.
    Dark_Star posted: »

    * I never hated Larry. I even gave him food in the episode 2. * I know everyone is gonna give me a lot of downvotes for this but I'm still

  • He really is; Doug's chatter with Ben as they leave Lee after arriving during the storm in ep2 tickles me every time.
    BenUseful posted: »

    Also, Doug is fucking hilarious. Shame he didn't get much screen time.

  • edited May 2014
    1. Besides Clem, Sarah is probably my favourite character so far in S2. She just seems really kind, which is rare in the world they live in. I also kind of connect with her because she seems to have an anxiety disorder and I also have a feeling that she might be on the autism spectrum which helps me to relate. I can't wait to see how she develops as a character during In Harm's Way.

    2. Omid's death was actually done well in my opinion. It helped to reinforce the idea that the world of the Walking Dead is a harsh one.

    3. I don't really like Kenny, to be honest. He was only helpful and nice if you agreed with him 100% of the time and only really seemed to have his family's interests in mind, while Lilly tried her hardest to take care of the entire group despite having an elderly father to worry about.

    4. I really don't trust Luke; he tries way too hard to connect with Clementine and I think he might take on a more antagonistic role in the coming episodes (which would be amazing).

    5. I really liked Walter/Matthew and was really glad that Telltale finally included a same-sex couple, but I don't think they should have been killed so early.
  • edited May 2014
    Id rather let the little girl flip the one switch that turns off the turbine while the adults shoot the walkers. She didn't do anything complicated like rewire the whole turbine, she just flipped a switch.
    Viva-La-Lee posted: »

    Alright, if there were a bomb ticking away would they have let her disarm it? Even if she asked real nice like? I doubt it. It's just silly

  • I like Kenny a shit ton but he is obviously a bad person and didn't give a fuck about Larry dying. Although that's a reason I like him, he's bad but good at the same time and his accent is amazing.
    Viner16 posted: »

    Agreed. Kenny is just too flip floppity for me, you either have his back 100% or you aren't getting shit. Not to say I don't enjoy his character, I just don't like him as a person. Also he killed Larry. On second thought, fuck him.

  • I have no beef with Troy. Let the hate commence.

    Also Season Two is inferior to Season One in terms of gameplay. Two is a guided railroading experience, One at least gave you exploration hubs and moments of silence and peace. In Two everything just keeps moving and moving and moving and you get almost no moment to just chill with characters (aside from the ski lodge).

    Luke is a boring generic nice guy with a pretty face. He's like Bigby if he were stripped of his dominant personality and inner turmoil, and shaved more often. Seriously, man, Luke is lame.

    Kenny is and forever will be my nigga, but damn, he's starting to show some cracks in his psyche.
  • Agreed on point 5. They killed Matthew and Walter far too early.

    1. Besides Clem, Sarah is probably my favourite character so far in S2. She just seems really kind, which is rare in the world they live in.

  • edited May 2014
    1. I never hated Ben like most people, and by the end of season 1 I didn't realize how much I did for him; I voted for him to come on the boat, stood up for him in Crawford, pulled him up, etc .

    2. Nick is one of my favourite characters.

    3. I've always liked Larry and Lilly. Call me crazy but I've never had a problem with them. I tried to save Larry in the meat locker and I even let Lilly back on the RV.
  • I love Rebecca
  • This, this is the point I was trying to make about the agendas. ^ Thanks Lola_the_Guin The game handled it as well as the show did. They don't throw it in your face. They nonchalantly establish that, that's who they are and move on.

    As for Rebecca I'm a guy and I have better maternal instincts than Rebecca. I don't care if you were attacked by a group of 11 year olds that want you dead. You don't do that to a child! Its not like an 11 year old walker would be a big deal anyway if she was bit. You would just have to put the palm of your hand over her forehead to keep it away. Thus why I name Rebecca Queen of the Bitches. Only character I think I hate worst than her is the CUNT (yes I said the C word) who killed Omid. She could've just took the backpack and gun and got the hell out of their. Would have been the smart thing to do since it appeared she was alone.

    I agree about both points you made. My mom had my brother when I was 15 and my sister when I was 11. There's no way in hell she would ever h

  • After Season 1 of The Walking Dead, I became very Machiavellian when playing. I didn't trust anyone, except for Clementine and now, when I play as Clementine I still don't trust anybody. The only person that I came close to trusting was Pete, but they killed him off. But everyone else, I don't trust them at all. Kenny is bound to snap, there's something off about Luke, Nick is losing it and I barely know anyone else.
  • I still like Troy even though he hit Clem in the face. Guy's got guts.
  • edited May 2014
    Finally, someone else who hasn't procured rabies over what Troy did in the trailer.
    ViralType posted: »

    I have no beef with Troy. Let the hate commence. Also Season Two is inferior to Season One in terms of gameplay. Two is a guided railr

  • Your absolutly right. Kenny treated me like shit wheen i played season 1. I gave him a high five in his face XD But in the end we where cool
    Viner16 posted: »

    Before I start can I just say that if you truly want to read the "unpopular" opinions, find the comments with a mixture of upvotes and downv

  • I love s2 group more than s1 group and I wouldn't hesitate to save Luke over Kenny. I love Luke and I still believe that he's a good guy.
  • Guts? Hitting an eleven year old takes guts?
    JakeSt123 posted: »

    I still like Troy even though he hit Clem in the face. Guy's got guts.

  • I want an love affair with nate. i think we would be a cute couple!
  • edited May 2014
    Nate: "Hey mate, what's your name?"

    gd3232: "Uh... Chris"

    Nate: "So, Chris. Hop in."

    Xemnes: "Should we just kill him and take all his stuff?"

    gd3232: ಠ_ಠ
    Xemnes posted: »

    I want an love affair with nate. i think we would be a cute couple!

  • I didn't even have any thoughts on it when I first watched it. I was like ''Oh, the Charles Bronson-ish dude buttstroked Clem, OK''. I had no idea of the context, I just saw something happen. Yes, it could be malevolent, but since we know nothing of Troy or how the others (aside from Bonny and maybe Regi) look upon Carver we can't really judge the situation.

    Yes, hitting a kid is bad, but really, it's been two years in universe. People are used to the Other group being psycho or backstabbing. So I reserve my judgements of the character until I know the story.
    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Finally, someone else who hasn't procured rabies over what Troy did in the trailer.

  • Exactly! we would have a lot of fun chris!
    gd3232 posted: »

    Nate: "Hey mate, what's your name?" gd3232: "Uh... Chris" Nate: "So, Chris. Hop in." Xemnes: "Should we just kill him and take all his stuff?" gd3232: ಠ_ಠ

  • * Kenny is a annoying person and I dislike him.
    * Clem in season 2 is bitchy
    * Carlos is alright
    * Ben and Vernon is the most realistic character in walking dead.
    * I like Lily
    * I liked Duck
    * Carley is useless (Yes she can shoot, apart from that what can she do?)
    * I didn't feel much towards Omids death (I like him but didn't feel much).
    * Russel is annoying
    * I like Bonnie
    * I like Carver

    Some of the things I think.
  • How could you not like Russel? He was like second best in 400 Days. Vince and Wyatt and Eddie are fighting over first.

    * Kenny is a annoying person and I dislike him. * Clem in season 2 is bitchy * Carlos is alright * Ben and Vernon is the most realisti

  • I liked Ben last season, I somewhat dislike Kenny this season (I am glad hes back but i dont like how he was randomly an asshole to Luke and Nick at dinner), I like Nick, I dont mind Sarah, I like Bonnie, and the list goes on and on
  • I never said i didn't like him. It just said he is annoying at times.
    ViralType posted: »

    How could you not like Russel? He was like second best in 400 Days. Vince and Wyatt and Eddie are fighting over first.

  • Only when he's not player controlled. Otherwise he's cool.

    I never said i didn't like him. It just said he is annoying at times.

  • There is nothing wrong with hating people that assault children.
    JakeSt123 posted: »

    Finally, someone else who hasn't procured rabies over what Troy did in the trailer.

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