Would you tell your BIGGEST secret for episode 4?



  • You must really love your sister also she sounds adorable

    I actually tried to hang myself once, my sister saved my life without even knowing. I had the rope tied around my neck, and I was standing i

  • Me too. D:
    ps3gamer095 posted: »

    i was afraid of the spiderbaby from Toy Story when i was little

  • ...

    . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

  • I would never tell anyone that I am a Serial Killer....... Oops too late
  • I thought that claustrophobia was the fear of Santa clause.
  • I cant speak for him but when I am out trying new things that I actually like it still feels like something is missing. And I cant enjoy myself because of this void that I don't know what to do with.

    I have to agree with you. After an injury I had to stop dancing and that was the most miserable year of my life. I really don't know how I'd be now if I hadn't decided to come back. It really does help a lot.

  • Wow. Huh well I learned something new today. So I guess San Fran is like your Dallas/San Antonio/Austin or Corpus Christi then lol

    Well if its a small city with tons of traffic that make it seem huge it would be yalls Austin. (The only Texas stereotype about us being a bunch of rednecks that's true is that we use the word yall :) )
    Harpadarpa posted: »

    San Francisco is tiny. San Jose is our biggest city.

  • San Fran has a shit ton of tourists, don't get me wrong, but the city is like 7 square miles or something like that.
    Pell3t posted: »

    Wow. Huh well I learned something new today. So I guess San Fran is like your Dallas/San Antonio/Austin or Corpus Christi then lol We

  • Oh hahaha this one's the best haha

    I mean, hohoho

    I thought that claustrophobia was the fear of Santa clause.

  • Yeah that's the impression I get from San Fran from what ive seen on TV. I just thought it was a huge city.
    Harpadarpa posted: »

    San Fran has a shit ton of tourists, don't get me wrong, but the city is like 7 square miles or something like that.

  • Nope. Not at all. It's fucking tiny. Some people also think that it extends beyond the Golden Gate. Heh. Nope. It ENDS at the Golden Gate. Everything notable in the city is within walking distance from any other point.
    Pell3t posted: »

    Yeah that's the impression I get from San Fran from what ive seen on TV. I just thought it was a huge city.

  • Well if its like a city inside of a city, or with cities all around it, some might argue that its just part of San Fran.

    We have here in Houston lots of these. Pasadena, South Houston, Conroe, Woodlands (not twau) League City, Rosenberg, and Kemah to list a few. Most just go ahead and call that part of Houston though they technically are not.
    Harpadarpa posted: »

    Nope. Not at all. It's fucking tiny. Some people also think that it extends beyond the Golden Gate. Heh. Nope. It ENDS at the Golden Gate. Everything notable in the city is within walking distance from any other point.

  • How can you hate yourself, man? What is the reason?
    TWDFan86 posted: »

    I hate myself more than I hate anyone else in my life.

  • Nah, San Francisco is pretty clearly San Francisco. At least to my knowledge. I live a few hours away. I know the south end of the peninsula better than the north.
    Pell3t posted: »

    Well if its like a city inside of a city, or with cities all around it, some might argue that its just part of San Fran. We have here

  • Everythiiing! I know. It seems silly, but it's true, lol.

    How can you hate yourself, man? What is the reason?

  • Lol, yes very silly indeed. You should learn to love yourself, imperfections and all. We're all unique, and I'm sure a lot of people think you're awesome. No need to beat yourself up, man.
    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Everythiiing! I know. It seems silly, but it's true, lol.

  • Me neither. I know when I find something that I can enjoy doing though nothing is going to keep me away from it. I want something in my life that's fun that doesn't feel like a total waste of time, and money.
  • I need to go to California one day. I've been to all the southernmost states except for Cali. From Florida to Arizona but never California.
    Harpadarpa posted: »

    Nah, San Francisco is pretty clearly San Francisco. At least to my knowledge. I live a few hours away. I know the south end of the peninsula better than the north.

  • The air is nice here. Everywhere else I go, I always notice the same thing. It always feels super fucking stuffy.
    Pell3t posted: »

    I need to go to California one day. I've been to all the southernmost states except for Cali. From Florida to Arizona but never California.

  • Loving yourself is overrated.. heh, I'm kidding. Only thing I like about myself is that I'm a nice guy.

    Lol, yes very silly indeed. You should learn to love yourself, imperfections and all. We're all unique, and I'm sure a lot of people think you're awesome. No need to beat yourself up, man.

  • Heh, I'm sure there's more things you like about yourself. Think of some of them and you'll see that you probably don't hate yourself as much as you thought.
    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Loving yourself is overrated.. heh, I'm kidding. Only thing I like about myself is that I'm a nice guy.

  • You're still a cool Goose, and we enjoy your vids! Glad to have you here on the forums, man.
    Giraffehat posted: »

    I may seem like a light-hearted fellow with all those videos and stuff, but I'm actually a pretty miserable bastard in real life.

  • D: It's been like 15 minutes and I can't think of one! In fact, I've got the nation's top psychologists working 24/7 trying to figure out wtf I like about myself.

    ...okay, maybe I was exaggerating a little bit about the nation's psychologists part :c

    Heh, I'm sure there's more things you like about yourself. Think of some of them and you'll see that you probably don't hate yourself as much as you thought.

  • Heh, I'm sure there's definitely more things, just stay positive, man. You'll figure it out.
    TWDFan86 posted: »

    D: It's been like 15 minutes and I can't think of one! In fact, I've got the nation's top psychologists working 24/7 trying to figure out wt

  • I hate it here in Texas from May to November cause I sweat when its barely 85 degrees. Since all the good jobs are outdoors this has effected me in a major way, cause I don't want to have a heat stroke just to make an extra dollar. Luckily my parents own their own business but its hard to live and work with your parents without causing drama eventually here and there.
    Harpadarpa posted: »

    The air is nice here. Everywhere else I go, I always notice the same thing. It always feels super fucking stuffy.

  • Thanks, man. Sorry for being such a pessimistic scumbag. I just grew up that way :/

    Heh, I'm sure there's definitely more things, just stay positive, man. You'll figure it out.

  • yes, but you make these video by yourself in real life. And real people find you awesome for that
    Giraffehat posted: »

    I may seem like a light-hearted fellow with all those videos and stuff, but I'm actually a pretty miserable bastard in real life.

  • Move to Cali. Everything is indoors, and even if it wasn't, the air is nice enough that you won't BE sweating. Only problem is the bill. But the apartments in San Francisco, though not big, are pretty nice. I lived in a couple here and there with my father.
    Pell3t posted: »

    I hate it here in Texas from May to November cause I sweat when its barely 85 degrees. Since all the good jobs are outdoors this has effect

  • Lol, nah it's cool, bro. I have no problems with it, you're still part of the community and we wouldn't have it any other way.
    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Thanks, man. Sorry for being such a pessimistic scumbag. I just grew up that way :/

  • Yeah, this community's awesome :)

    Lol, nah it's cool, bro. I have no problems with it, you're still part of the community and we wouldn't have it any other way.

  • It sure is! We're a family here and YOU make it an awesome place as much as everyone else does.
    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Yeah, this community's awesome :)

  • Even the trolls? Nah, I know xD

    It sure is! We're a family here and YOU make it an awesome place as much as everyone else does.

  • Lol, weeeellll... BOOMBOX CHEETOS isn't too bad, but the others are garbage, you know which ones I'm talking about... But yeah, heh.
    TWDFan86 posted: »

    Even the trolls? Nah, I know xD

  • I should get back into MMA but the school I was taking raised its price and cut its hours. That's not how it works -__- Plus I was doing it for me and they didn't want to train anybody who didn't want to compete. which makes me beg to ask why would they cut their hours and raise their price. I can proudly say I know 5 different ways to break somebodies arm if they were dumb enough to f*ck with me. I hate to punch somebody in the face, too messy. So I'd rather give them the option to quit or snap. You should go for it. It gives you a sense of self pride.
  • I'm single and don't plan on changing that anytime soon and I practically live in my room anyway so size aint an issue. Some how I talked my parents into letting me have the master bedroom so why go to any other room right? I might consider this, the air here is either too humid too dry or too full of allergens. My friend put a picture on facebook showing near Denver full of snow TODAY so now I kind of want to move up there in the mountains. The west is so beautiful and that's not a word I throw around out of fear of sounding girly lol.
    Harpadarpa posted: »

    Move to Cali. Everything is indoors, and even if it wasn't, the air is nice enough that you won't BE sweating. Only problem is the bill. But

  • edited May 2014
    Dude, move to Frisco. It's great here. The worst thing that happens in San Francisco is the fog until like 10, due to it being on the Ocean. The air here has some allergens in the spring, but I never really see people having allergies, other than one of my brothers, who has abnormal allergies. I've never been too far east of California, though, so I don't know if Denver has good air, but San Francisco certainly does. Though I heard that Denver has a few other problems. All you need to know in Cali is to never, EVER flash your brights at someone. EVER. Gangs do dumb shit to get people to do that as part of their initiation. Once they get suckered into flashing their brights, they get shot. My aunt almost got killed over that.
    Pell3t posted: »

    I'm single and don't plan on changing that anytime soon and I practically live in my room anyway so size aint an issue. Some how I talked m

  • I don't get their logic, hence why I quit going. I like the grappling since im not necessarily all that fast and I have trouble judging my own strength so I usually hit too soft or too hard when sparring. Plus I don't really want to get punched in the head for a living so why would I want to go competitive? I can safely say I learned enough to get by but its one of those things that was short lived that I wish I could've done more with.
  • Oh wow. Thanks for the heads up in case I ever visit. I usually flash my brights at somebody when they are driving with theirs to let them know they are blinding me and they are an asshole for it.

    Mountain air is usually thin and can make you lose your breath fast, but when you get used to it you get in excellent shape. Plus I've always liked mountains and secluded areas like that.
    Harpadarpa posted: »

    Dude, move to Frisco. It's great here. The worst thing that happens in San Francisco is the fog until like 10, due to it being on the Ocean.

  • Yeah. We just have clear air.
    Pell3t posted: »

    Oh wow. Thanks for the heads up in case I ever visit. I usually flash my brights at somebody when they are driving with theirs to let them

  • Heh, well with that accent of yours, I would too. B]
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