Before We Watch Clementine Be Awesome Again Tomorrow...

edited May 2014 in The Walking Dead
...shouldn't we contribute some of her success and survival to her parents? There seems to be numerous dialog options in Season1 that hint that Clementine's parents raised an outstanding daughter before the days of the zombie apocalypse (I believe there is an option where Clem asks for Lee to be direct with her just like her father was with her). It just seems like in the game that if Lee had come across any other 8 or 9 year old child, they would not have last as long with Lee did and/or they would not have survived on their own for so long after Lee died like Clem has. I also have a feeling that Clementine's family might have had a good chance of surviving together if they were at home when the apocalypse started. I guess we'll never know. As usual, if this has been mentioned before, I apologize. But think about it. Clementine's parents may has raised up a daughter that is smarter and stronger than they imagined. Too bad they didn't get to see her grow into the young girl she is now.


  • Yes, it's always been said that she's a brilliant young girl, wise beyond her years. I guess some of that comes from having sucessful parents.
    They were a doctor and a dentist, I believe. Don't really remember.

    I mean, just compare her to Duck ;P
  • Her father (Ed) was an engineer, and her mother (Diana) was a doctor :P
    Pride posted: »

    Yes, it's always been said that she's a brilliant young girl, wise beyond her years. I guess some of that comes from having sucessful parent

  • Well she wasn't poor, that's for sure =)
    Dragonleaf posted: »

    Her father (Ed) was an engineer, and her mother (Diana) was a doctor :P

  • A moment of silence for the fallen.
  • edited May 2014
    Honestly I think it is strange Clem survived being younger and not as strong why her parent's died, on the phone Diana said Clem's dad got infected, He must of got infected quickly as Diana did not seem worrried her husband being bitten and did not panick until the 2nd and 3rd messege
    Clem manage to tell the diffrence between a walker and a person when it attack Clem's babysitter which is why she hid in the treehouse before Lee came along
  • " I mean, just compare her to Duck ;P "

    Duck had a brilliant father (and mother) as well, it's not their fault that he's an idiot! :D
    Pride posted: »

    Yes, it's always been said that she's a brilliant young girl, wise beyond her years. I guess some of that comes from having sucessful parent

  • Duck helped Lee find the missing supplies in episode 3! Duck was also smart, but was more immature.
    Pride posted: »

    Yes, it's always been said that she's a brilliant young girl, wise beyond her years. I guess some of that comes from having sucessful parent

  • True! She was blessed with a happy, middle class upbringing. We should all be so lucky.
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