Throughout the next 3 episodes.....

Do you think any more characters will return from season 1 or 400 days? Besides Bonnie and Tavia.


  • I want Wyatt to come back. I rather liked him. I'm pretty sure that Eddie is returning though, because of the Amid the Ruins home screen.
  • They will show up, either living or dead..
  • I think there won't be a big focus on them in Episode 3 (if you got them to go) but episode 4 and onwards there will be a bigger focus on them I think.
  • I want Molly or Lilly to come back, they were good characters. Molly especially because Clementine and her would make an awesome team together, and Clementine can save Molly's life in 104 in Crawford :) Lilly should make a return because we didn't see her die, the reason why i was originally thinking she would be at Carver's camp (unlikely)
  • I want Wyatt and Eddie to come back.Vince too
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