What where your choices?

edited May 2014 in The Walking Dead
I'm in the minority for everything at the moment lol
I didn't help Sarah with the chores
I didn't tell Bonnie about Luke
I admitted to stealing And got kenny beat up :(
I didn't watch Kenny Kill carver
I didn't Cut of sarita's arm?
What did you choose?


  • How bad was the Kenny beating for admitting to stealing?

    When I played that scene, Clem was about to say, "Maybe you lost it," but Kenny interrupted and got beat for it.

    What happened in your scene?
  • What happens if you don't tell Bonnie about Luke?
  • These are my choices:

    I help Sarah with chores
    I told Bonnie about Luke.
    I admitted to stealing
    I watched Kenny kill Carver
    I cut Sarita's arm off.

    I notices that I am increasingly making Clem do hardened choices during my gameplay. There was this lure and temptation to immersed yourself into the survivor attitude.
  • Clem starts to say that she has it and Kenny interrupts and says that he has it, hands it to Carver, and then gets beaten.
  • I helped Sarah with chores.
    I didn't tell Bonnie about Luke
    I was going to make an excuse for stealing but Kenny interrupted me
    I watched Kenny kill Carver
    I cut Sarita's arm off

    The choices didn't feel so hard in this episode.
  • I helped Sarah with chores.
    I told Bonnie about Luke.
    I admitted to stealing.
    I watched Kenny kill Carver.
    I cut Sarita's arm off.
  • Helped Sarah.
    Told Bonnie about Luke, she probably has a crush on him the way she asked about him.
    Kenny took it from me and showed it himself.
    Watched the glorious rehabilitation.
    Cut her arm off, though I think she'll die either way.

    All in all, 10/10 for me, it had everything I expected and more.
  • edited May 2014
    I didn't help Sarah with the chores

    I told Bonnie about Luke

    I admitted to stealing (or tried to)

    I watched Kenny kill carver

    I cut off Sarita's arm
  • I help Sarah with the chores.
    I didn't tell Bonnie shit.
    I tried to help Kenny out.
    I watched Kenny go beast mode all over Carver.
    I chopped Sarita's arm off.
  • I helped Sarah with the chores.
    I told Bonnie about Luke even though I was a little paranoid about it.
    I stayed silent about the theft.
    I watched Kenny kill Carver (loved Carver's speech too)
    Chopped Sarita's arm off.
  • I helped Sarah with the chores. I didn't want to see her hit again.

    I told Bonnie about Luke. Apparently they had something going on

    I admitted that I stole the walkie talkie

    I watched Kenny kill Carver. I wanted to kick the shit out of him

    I chopped Sarita's arm off. I didn't want Kenny to loose another loved one.
  • I helped Sarah with her chores - Call me a softy, but seeing a kid frozen in fear about making even a little mistake makes me want to help them.

    I did tell Bonnie about Luke - I could see through Bonnie. She clearly cared about Luke and Clementine.

    I admitted to stealing - Anything to protect my friends.

    I did watch Kenny kill Carver - I needed to make sure he WAS dead. Besides, FUCKER DESERVED A BRUTAL DEATH!

    I did cut of Sarita's arm - Lee didn't cut his arm off in time, but Reggie did. It was an obvious choice to me.
  • -Helped Sarah
    -Didn't tell Bonnie anything
    -I said i found the walkie but of course in the choices screen it treated things a little bit differently ("glass him" flashback for me :D)
    -Didn't watch Carver get smacked, although I fully supported the idea of beating him up
    -Didn't cut off Sarita's arm

    As for the last choice - of course I'm perfectly aware that there's no way game choices would go that far but from thinking as if in the "real life situation perspective", chopping the arm off and keeping in mind the fact that everybody is zombie anyway she would just die from the blood loss an infection (running short on DOCTORS (telltale -.-) and bandages now, duh!)
  • Helped Sarah with her chores because she needed help
    I didnt tell Bonnie shit, I dont trust her at all
    I tried to step up and admit I had the radio
    I watched Kenny kill Carver
    I cut off Sarita's arm
  • Helped Sarah,Told Bonnie,tried to admit,went with Sarita,and chopped her arm off :/
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